From b1aa927be964db4fa6a3eb7cf6c04640951d7dbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2019 15:58:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update on challenges

 server/models/Challenge.js  | 136 +++++++++++++-----------------------
 server/routes/challenges.js |  35 +++-------
 2 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)

diff --git a/server/models/Challenge.js b/server/models/Challenge.js
index 602531f4..3f713203 100644
--- a/server/models/Challenge.js
+++ b/server/models/Challenge.js
@@ -13,103 +13,65 @@ var db = require("../utils/database");
 const ChallengeModel =
-	checkChallenge: function(c)
-	{
+  checkChallenge: function(c)
+  {
     if (!c.vid.match(/^[0-9]+$/))
-			return "Wrong variant ID";
+      return "Wrong variant ID";
     if (!c.timeControl.match(/^[0-9dhms +]+$/))
       return "Wrong characters in time control";
-		if (!c.fen.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9, /-]+$/))
-			return "Bad FEN string";
-	},
+    if (!c.fen.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9, /-]+$/))
+      return "Bad FEN string";
+  },
-	// fen cannot be undefined
-	create: function(c, cb)
-	{
-		db.serialize(function() {
-			let query =
-				"INSERT INTO Challenges " +
-				"(added, uid, " + (!! ? "target, " : "") +
+  // fen cannot be undefined
+  create: function(c, cb)
+  {
+    db.serialize(function() {
+      let query =
+        "INSERT INTO Challenges " +
+        "(added, uid, " + (!! ? "target, " : "") +
           "vid, fen, timeControl) VALUES " +
-				"(" + + "," + c.uid + "," + (!! ? + "," : "") +
+        "(" + + "," + c.uid + "," + (!! ? + "," : "") +
           c.vid + ",'" + c.fen + "','" + c.timeControl + "')";
-, err => {
-				if (!!err)
-					return cb(err);
-				db.get("SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS rowid", (err2,lastId) => {
-			    return cb(err2, lastId);
-        });
+, err => {
+        return cb(err);
-		});
-	},
+    });
+  },
-	getOne: function(id, cb)
-	{
-		db.serialize(function() {
-			let query =
-				"SELECT * " +
-				"FROM Challenges " +
-				"WHERE id = " + id;
-			db.get(query, (err,challengeInfo) => {
-				if (!!err)
-					return cb(err);
-        let condition = "";
-        if (!!
-          condition = "IN (" + challengeInfo.uid + "," + + ")";
-        else
-          condition = "= " + challengeInfo.uid;
-				query =
-					"SELECT id, name " +
-					"FROM Users " +
-					"WHERE id " + condition;
-, (err2,players) => {
-					if (!!err2)
-						return cb(err2);
-					const challenge = {
-						id: id,
-						uid: challengeInfo.uid, //sender (but we don't know who ask)
-						vid: challengeInfo.vid,
-						added: challengeInfo.added,
-						players: players, //sender + potential receiver
-						fen: challengeInfo.fen,
-						timeControl: challengeInfo.timeControl,
-					};
-					return cb(null, challenge);
-				});
-			});
-		});
-	},
+  getOne: function(id, cb)
+  {
+    db.serialize(function() {
+      let query =
+        "SELECT * " +
+        "FROM Challenges " +
+        "WHERE id = " + id;
+      db.get(query, (err,challenge) => {
+        return cb(err, challenge);
+      });
+    });
+  },
-	getByUser: function(uid, cb)
-	{
-		db.serialize(function() {
-			const query =
-				"SELECT cid " +
-				"FROM WillPlay " +
-				"WHERE uid = " + uid;
-, (err,challIds) => {
-				if (!!err)
-					return cb(err);
-        challIds = challIds || [];
-				let challenges = [];
-				challIds.forEach(cidRow => {
-					ChallengeModel.getOne(cidRow["cid"], (err2,chall) => {
-						if (!!err2)
-							return cb(err2);
-						challenges.push(chall);
-					});
-				});
-				return cb(null, challenges);
-			});
-		});
-	},
+  // all challenges except where target is defined and not me
+  getByUser: function(uid, cb)
+  {
+    db.serialize(function() {
+      const query =
+        "SELECT * " +
+        "FROM Challenges " +
+        "WHERE target IS NULL OR target = " + uid;
+, (err,challenges) => {
+        return cb(err, challenges);
+      });
+    });
+  },
-	remove: function(id, uid)
-	{
-		db.serialize(function() {
-			let query =
+  remove: function(id, uid)
+  {
+    db.serialize(function() {
+      let query =
         "SELECT 1 " +
         "FROM Challenges " +
         "WHERE id = " + id + " AND uid = " + uid;
@@ -121,8 +83,8 @@ const ChallengeModel =
           "WHERE id = " + id;;
-		});
-	},
+    });
+  },
 module.exports = ChallengeModel;
diff --git a/server/routes/challenges.js b/server/routes/challenges.js
index 03fc1500..76756899 100644
--- a/server/routes/challenges.js
+++ b/server/routes/challenges.js
@@ -42,37 +42,20 @@"/challenges", access.logged, access.ajax, (req,res) => {
-function launchGame(cid, uid)
+// "Challenge update" --> someone accepted a challenge
+router.put("/challenges", access.logged, access.ajax, (req,res) => {
+  // launchGame(cid, uid)
   // TODO: gather challenge infos
-  // Then create game, and remove challenge
-//// index
-//router.get("/challenges", access.logged, access.ajax, (req,res) => {
-//  if (req.query["uid"] != req.user._id)
-//    return res.json({errmsg: "Not your challenges"});
-//  let uid = ObjectID(req.query["uid"]);
-//  ChallengeModel.getByPlayer(uid, (err, challengeArray) => {
-//    res.json(err || {challenges: challengeArray});
-//  });
-//function createChallenge(vid, from, to, res)
-//  ChallengeModel.create(vid, from, to, (err, chall) => {
-//    res.json(err || {
-//      // A challenge can be sent using only name, thus 'to' is returned
-//      to:,
-//      cid: chall._id
-//    });
-//  });
+  // Then create game, and remove challenge:
+  ChallengeModel.remove(cid, req.userId, err => {
+    res.json(err || {});
+  });
 router.delete("/challenges", access.logged, access.ajax, (req,res) => {
   const cid =;
   ChallengeModel.remove(cid, req.userId, err => {
-    res.json(err || {});
+    res.json(err || {}); //TODO: just "return err" because is empty if no errors