Edit the file defaults.php with
* A global title to your website; this title can later be mixed with a more specific page-based title, or be replaced.
-* A list of references to CSS style sheets and pre-rendering javascripts, like `<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cran.r-project.org/R.css"/>`.
- We will see later how to refer to local style sheets (under a/css).
+* A list of references to CSS stylesheets and pre-rendering javascripts, like `<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cran.r-project.org/R.css"/>`.
+ We will see later how to refer to local stylesheets (under a/css).
* Some javascript code which will be loaded by default after every page loads (e.g. [jQuery](http://jquery.com/).
Each variable name is prepended with "b\_" to avoid potential conflicts with your own variables.
### site/home.php
The welcome page. You can choose a title ($s\_title) or use the default one
-(by not specifying anything). Style sheets and javascripts can be customized, ...etc.
+(by not specifying anything). Stylesheets and javascripts can be customized, ...etc.
Any default variable can be used to define a specific variable (prepended with "s\_").
### site/404.php