From: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@somewhere>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2021 22:07:31 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Now using 2 spaces instead of tabs. Fix copyright years. Improve documentation

Now using 2 spaces instead of tabs. Fix copyright years. Improve documentation

diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 7fdc5ec..437f530 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ISC license
-Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Benjamin Auder
+Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Benjamin Auder
 Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
 purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
diff --git a/ b/
index 342d2d6..c7cd81d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ Various data structures, from stack to tree, which can contain any data type.
 ## Installation
-	make [src]
-	make install
+  make [src]
+  make install
 'src' is Makefile default target.
 ## Example
-	Vector* v = vector_new(int);
-	vector_push(v, 32);
-	vector_push(v, 42);
-	int a; vector_get(v, 1, a); //a now contains 42
-	vector_set(v, 0, 0); //v[0] now contains 0
-	vector_destroy(v);
+    Vector* v = vector_new(int);
+    vector_push(v, 32);
+    vector_push(v, 42);
+    int a; vector_get(v, 1, a); //a now contains 42
+    vector_set(v, 0, 0); //v[0] now contains 0
+    vector_destroy(v);
 More examples in the unit tests under test/ folder.
diff --git a/doc/Doxyfile b/doc/Doxyfile
index 645ae27..fd67451 100644
--- a/doc/Doxyfile
+++ b/doc/Doxyfile
@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ DOXYFILE_ENCODING      = UTF-8
 # identify the project. Note that if you do not use Doxywizard you need
 # to put quotes around the project name if it contains spaces.
-PROJECT_NAME           = "cds"
+PROJECT_NAME           = "cgds"
 # The PROJECT_NUMBER tag can be used to enter a project or revision number.
 # This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or
 # if some version control system is used.
-PROJECT_NUMBER         = 0.1.0
+PROJECT_NUMBER         = 1.0.0
 # Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description
 # for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer
 # a quick idea about the purpose of the project. Keep the description short.
-PROJECT_BRIEF          = "Generic data structures library in C"
+PROJECT_BRIEF          = "C Generic Data Structures library"
 # With the PROJECT_LOGO tag one can specify an logo or icon that is
 # included in the documentation. The maximum height of the logo should not
diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
index 6612691..5a28aec 100644
--- a/doc/Makefile
+++ b/doc/Makefile
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-all: latex/refman.pdf
+all: html latex
 	doxygen Doxyfile
+latex: html
 	cd latex && pdflatex refman.tex && pdflatex refman.tex && cd ..
 	rm -rf html latex
-.PHONY: latex/refman.pdf clean
+.PHONY: latex html clean
diff --git a/src/BufferTop.c b/src/BufferTop.c
index 1ead6b8..4f1ac49 100644
--- a/src/BufferTop.c
+++ b/src/BufferTop.c
@@ -8,89 +8,89 @@
 BufferTop* _buffertop_new(size_t dataSize, UInt capacity, OrderType bType, UInt arity)
-	BufferTop* bufferTop = (BufferTop*) safe_malloc(sizeof (BufferTop));
-	bufferTop->capacity = capacity;
-	bufferTop->bType = bType; //redondant, but facilitate understanding
-	// WARNING: heap must have opposite type: "smallest" element first
-	bufferTop->heap = _heap_new(dataSize, (bType == MAX_T ? MIN_T : MAX_T), arity);
-	return bufferTop;
+  BufferTop* bufferTop = (BufferTop*) safe_malloc(sizeof (BufferTop));
+  bufferTop->capacity = capacity;
+  bufferTop->bType = bType; //redondant, but facilitate understanding
+  // WARNING: heap must have opposite type: "smallest" element first
+  bufferTop->heap = _heap_new(dataSize, (bType == MAX_T ? MIN_T : MAX_T), arity);
+  return bufferTop;
 BufferTop* buffertop_copy(BufferTop* bufferTop)
-	BufferTop* bufferTopCopy = _buffertop_new(
-		bufferTop->heap->dataSize, bufferTop->capacity,
-		bufferTop->heap->hType, bufferTop->heap->arity);
-	heap_destroy(bufferTopCopy->heap); //TODO: bad style...
-	bufferTopCopy->heap = heap_copy(bufferTop->heap);
-	return bufferTopCopy;
+  BufferTop* bufferTopCopy = _buffertop_new(
+    bufferTop->heap->dataSize, bufferTop->capacity,
+    bufferTop->heap->hType, bufferTop->heap->arity);
+  heap_destroy(bufferTopCopy->heap); //TODO: bad style...
+  bufferTopCopy->heap = heap_copy(bufferTop->heap);
+  return bufferTopCopy;
 List* buffertop_2list(BufferTop* bufferTop)
-	// Copy the buffer, and then use the copy to build the list
-	BufferTop* bufferTopCopy = buffertop_copy(bufferTop);
-	List* bufferInList = _list_new(bufferTop->heap->array->dataSize);
-	while (!buffertop_empty(bufferTopCopy))
-	{
-		void* topItem = buffertop_first_raw(bufferTopCopy)->item;
-		// NOTE: list_insert_front(), to reverse (wrong) items order
-		// ==> in the returned list, top element is at head.
-		_list_insert_front(bufferInList, topItem);
-		buffertop_pop(bufferTopCopy);
-	}
-	buffertop_destroy(bufferTopCopy);
-	return bufferInList;
+  // Copy the buffer, and then use the copy to build the list
+  BufferTop* bufferTopCopy = buffertop_copy(bufferTop);
+  List* bufferInList = _list_new(bufferTop->heap->array->dataSize);
+  while (!buffertop_empty(bufferTopCopy))
+  {
+    void* topItem = buffertop_first_raw(bufferTopCopy)->item;
+    // NOTE: list_insert_front(), to reverse (wrong) items order
+    // ==> in the returned list, top element is at head.
+    _list_insert_front(bufferInList, topItem);
+    buffertop_pop(bufferTopCopy);
+  }
+  buffertop_destroy(bufferTopCopy);
+  return bufferInList;
 bool buffertop_empty(BufferTop* bufferTop)
-	return (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) == 0);
+  return (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) == 0);
 UInt buffertop_size(BufferTop* bufferTop)
-	return heap_size(bufferTop->heap);
+  return heap_size(bufferTop->heap);
 void _buffertop_tryadd(BufferTop* bufferTop, void* item, Real value)
-	if (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) >= bufferTop->capacity &&
-		((bufferTop->bType == MIN_T &&
-		value >= ((ItemValue*) (bufferTop->heap->array->datas[0]))->value)
-		||
-		(bufferTop->bType == MAX_T &&
-		value <= ((ItemValue*) (bufferTop->heap->array->datas[0]))->value)))
-	{
-		// shortcut : if value "worse" than top->value and buffer is full, skip
-		return;
-	}
+  if (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) >= bufferTop->capacity &&
+    ((bufferTop->bType == MIN_T &&
+    value >= ((ItemValue*) (bufferTop->heap->array->datas[0]))->value)
+    ||
+    (bufferTop->bType == MAX_T &&
+    value <= ((ItemValue*) (bufferTop->heap->array->datas[0]))->value)))
+  {
+    // shortcut : if value "worse" than top->value and buffer is full, skip
+    return;
+  }
-	// insertion somewhere in the item-values heap
-	_heap_insert(bufferTop->heap, item, value);
+  // insertion somewhere in the item-values heap
+  _heap_insert(bufferTop->heap, item, value);
-	if (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) > bufferTop->capacity)
-		// we must remove current root
-		heap_pop(bufferTop->heap);
+  if (heap_size(bufferTop->heap) > bufferTop->capacity)
+    // we must remove current root
+    heap_pop(bufferTop->heap);
 ItemValue* buffertop_first_raw(BufferTop* bufferTop)
-	return heap_top_raw(bufferTop->heap);
+  return heap_top_raw(bufferTop->heap);
 void buffertop_pop(BufferTop* bufferTop)
-	heap_pop(bufferTop->heap);
+  heap_pop(bufferTop->heap);
 void buffertop_clear(BufferTop* bufferTop)
-	heap_clear(bufferTop->heap);
+  heap_clear(bufferTop->heap);
 void buffertop_destroy(BufferTop* bufferTop)
-	heap_destroy(bufferTop->heap);
-	safe_free(bufferTop);
+  heap_destroy(bufferTop->heap);
+  safe_free(bufferTop);
diff --git a/src/BufferTop.h b/src/BufferTop.h
index 96af769..f399bc2 100644
--- a/src/BufferTop.h
+++ b/src/BufferTop.h
@@ -16,19 +16,19 @@
  * @brief Data structure to store top (MAX or MIN) elements in a buffer.
 typedef struct BufferTop {
-	UInt capacity; ///< Buffer capacity (in items count).
-	OrderType bType; ///< Type of buffer: keep max or min items (MAX_T or MIN_T).
-	Heap* heap; ///< Item-ValueS are internally organized into a heap.
+  UInt capacity; ///< Buffer capacity (in items count).
+  OrderType bType; ///< Type of buffer: keep max or min items (MAX_T or MIN_T).
+  Heap* heap; ///< Item-ValueS are internally organized into a heap.
 } BufferTop;
  * @brief Return an allocated and initialized buffer.
 BufferTop* _buffertop_new(
-	size_t dataSize, ///< Size in bytes of a buffer element.
-	UInt capacity, ///< Maximum number of elements that the buffer can contain.
-	OrderType bType, ///< Type of buffer: keep max or min items (MAX_T or MIN_T).
-	UInt arity ///< Arity of the wrapped heap: any integer >=2.
+  size_t dataSize, ///< Size in bytes of a buffer element.
+  UInt capacity, ///< Maximum number of elements that the buffer can contain.
+  OrderType bType, ///< Type of buffer: keep max or min items (MAX_T or MIN_T).
+  UInt arity ///< Arity of the wrapped heap: any integer >=2.
@@ -38,47 +38,48 @@ BufferTop* _buffertop_new(
  * @param bType type of buffer: keep max or min items (MAX_T or MIN_T).
  * @param arity Arity of the wrapped heap: any integer >=2.
- * Usage: BufferTop* buffertop_new(\
- *   <Type> type, UInt capacity, OrderTypebType, UInt arity)
+ * Usage: BufferTop* buffertop_new(<Type> type, UInt capacity, OrderTypebType, UInt arity)
 #define buffertop_new(type, capacity, bType, arity) \
-	_buffertop_new(sizeof(type), capacity, bType, arity)
+{ \
+  _buffertop_new(sizeof(type), capacity, bType, arity); \
  * @brief Copy constructor (shallow copy, ok for basic types).
 BufferTop* buffertop_copy(
-	BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
+  BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Turn the buffer into a list to scan its content linearly.
 List* buffertop_2list(
-	BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
+  BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Check if the buffer is empty.
 bool buffertop_empty(
-	BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
+  BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Return the size of current buffer (<= capacity).
 UInt buffertop_size(
-	BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
+  BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief (Try to) add an item-value in the buffer.
 void _buffertop_tryadd(
-	BufferTop* bufferTop, ///< "this" pointer.
-	void* item, ///< Pointer to an item of type as defined in the constructor.
-	Real value ///< Value associated with the item.
+  BufferTop* bufferTop, ///< "this" pointer.
+  void* item, ///< Pointer to an item of type as defined in the constructor.
+  Real value ///< Value associated with the item.
@@ -91,15 +92,15 @@ void _buffertop_tryadd(
 #define buffertop_tryadd(bufferTop, item, value) \
 { \
-	typeof((item)) tmp = item; \
-	_buffertop_tryadd(bufferTop, &tmp, value); \
+  typeof((item)) tmp = item; \
+  _buffertop_tryadd(bufferTop, &tmp, value); \
  * @brief Return the top ("worst among best") ItemValue inside current buffer.
 ItemValue* buffertop_first_raw(
-	BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
+  BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -111,29 +112,29 @@ ItemValue* buffertop_first_raw(
 #define buffertop_first(bufferTop, item_) \
 { \
-	void* pItem = buffertop_first_raw(bufferTop)->item; \
-	item_ = *((typeof(&item_))pItem); \
+  void* pItem = buffertop_first_raw(bufferTop)->item; \
+  item_ = *((typeof(&item_))pItem); \
  * @brief Remove the top ("worst among best") item-value inside the buffer.
 void buffertop_pop(
-	BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
+  BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Clear the entire buffer.
 void buffertop_clear(
-	BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
+  BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Destroy the buffer: clear it, and free 'bufferTop' pointer.
 void buffertop_destroy(
-	BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
+  BufferTop* bufferTop ///< "this" pointer.
diff --git a/src/HashTable.c b/src/HashTable.c
index 7bd310c..9e818b0 100644
--- a/src/HashTable.c
+++ b/src/HashTable.c
@@ -6,28 +6,28 @@
 void _hashtable_init(HashTable* hashTable, size_t dataSize, size_t hashSize)
-	hashTable->hashSize = hashSize;
+  hashTable->hashSize = hashSize;
   hashTable->dataSize = dataSize;
-	hashTable->head = safe_malloc(hashSize * sizeof(HashCell*));
-	for (UInt i = 0; i < hashSize; i++)
+  hashTable->head = safe_malloc(hashSize * sizeof(HashCell*));
+  for (UInt i = 0; i < hashSize; i++)
     hashTable->head[i] = NULL;
   hashTable->size = 0;
 HashTable* _hashtable_new(size_t dataSize, size_t hashSize)
-	HashTable* hashTable = (HashTable*) safe_malloc(sizeof (HashTable));
-	_hashtable_init(hashTable, dataSize, hashSize);
-	return hashTable;
+  HashTable* hashTable = (HashTable*) safe_malloc(sizeof (HashTable));
+  _hashtable_init(hashTable, dataSize, hashSize);
+  return hashTable;
 HashTable* hashtable_copy(HashTable* hashTable)
-	HashTable* hashTableCopy =
+  HashTable* hashTableCopy =
     _hashtable_new(hashTable->dataSize, hashTable->hashSize);
-	hashTableCopy->size = hashTable->size;
+  hashTableCopy->size = hashTable->size;
   for (UInt i = 0; i < hashTable->hashSize; i++)
-	{
+  {
     HashCell *cell = hashTable->head[i],
              *cellCopy = hashTableCopy->head[i],
              *prev = NULL;
@@ -35,28 +35,28 @@ HashTable* hashtable_copy(HashTable* hashTable)
       // cellCopy == NULL (from empty list)
       cellCopy = (HashCell*) safe_malloc(sizeof(HashCell*));
-		  cellCopy->key = (char*) safe_malloc(strlen(cell->key) + 1);
+      cellCopy->key = (char*) safe_malloc(strlen(cell->key) + 1);
       strcpy(cellCopy->key, cell->key);
-		  cellCopy->data = safe_malloc(hashTable->dataSize);
-		  memcpy(cellCopy->data, cell->data, hashTable->dataSize);
+      cellCopy->data = safe_malloc(hashTable->dataSize);
+      memcpy(cellCopy->data, cell->data, hashTable->dataSize);
       if (prev == NULL) hashTableCopy->head[i] = cellCopy;
       else prev->next = cellCopy;
       prev = cellCopy;
       cell = cell->next;
     if (cellCopy != NULL) cellCopy->next = NULL;
-	}
-	return hashTableCopy;
+  }
+  return hashTableCopy;
 bool hashtable_empty(HashTable* hashTable)
-	return (hashTable->size == 0);
+  return (hashTable->size == 0);
 UInt hashtable_size(HashTable* hashTable)
-	return hashTable->size;
+  return hashTable->size;
 // Function (string) key --> (integer) hash [internal usage]
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ void hashtable_delete(HashTable* hashTable, char* key)
 void hashtable_clear(HashTable* hashTable)
-	for (UInt i = 0; i < hashTable->hashSize; i++)
+  for (UInt i = 0; i < hashTable->hashSize; i++)
     HashCell* cell = hashTable->head[i];
     while (cell != NULL)
@@ -152,12 +152,12 @@ void hashtable_clear(HashTable* hashTable)
     hashTable->head[i] = NULL;
-	hashTable->size = 0;
+  hashTable->size = 0;
 void hashtable_destroy(HashTable* hashTable)
-	hashtable_clear(hashTable);
-	safe_free(hashTable->head);
+  hashtable_clear(hashTable);
+  safe_free(hashTable->head);
diff --git a/src/HashTable.h b/src/HashTable.h
index 7014de3..2d5659f 100644
--- a/src/HashTable.h
+++ b/src/HashTable.h
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
  * @brief Cell of a dictionary.
 typedef struct HashCell {
-	char* key; ///< Key (as a string).
+  char* key; ///< Key (as a string).
   void* data; ///< Generic data contained in this cell.
-	struct HashCell* next; ///< Pointer to next cell in the list.
+  struct HashCell* next; ///< Pointer to next cell in the list.
 } HashCell;
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ typedef struct HashCell {
 typedef struct HashTable {
   UInt size; ///< Count elements in the dictionary.
-	size_t dataSize; ///< Size of a dict cell element in bytes.
+  size_t dataSize; ///< Size of a dict cell element in bytes.
   size_t hashSize; ///< (Maximum) Number of stored hash keys.
-	HashCell** head; ///< Pointers to the first cell in a list.
+  HashCell** head; ///< Pointers to the first cell in a list.
 } HashTable;
  * @brief Initialize an empty dictionary.
 void _hashtable_init(
-	HashTable* hashTable, ///< "this" pointer.
-	size_t dataSize, ///< Size in bytes of a dictionary element.
+  HashTable* hashTable, ///< "this" pointer.
+  size_t dataSize, ///< Size in bytes of a dictionary element.
   size_t hashSize ///< (Maximum) Number of stored hash keys.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void _hashtable_init(
  * @brief Return an allocated and initialized dictionary.
 HashTable* _hashtable_new(
-	size_t dataSize, ///< Size in bytes of a dictionary element.
+  size_t dataSize, ///< Size in bytes of a dictionary element.
   size_t hashSize ///< (Maximum) Number of stored hash keys.
@@ -54,35 +54,37 @@ HashTable* _hashtable_new(
  * Usage: HashTable* hashtable_new(<Type> type, UInt hash_size)
 #define hashtable_new(type, hsize) \
-	_hashtable_new(sizeof(type), hsize)
+{ \
+  _hashtable_new(sizeof(type), hsize); \
  * @brief Copy constructor (shallow copy, ok for basic types).
 HashTable* hashtable_copy(
-	HashTable* hashTable ///< "this" pointer.
+  HashTable* hashTable ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Check if the dictionary is empty.
 bool hashtable_empty(
-	HashTable* hastTable ///< "this" pointer.
+  HashTable* hastTable ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Return current size.
 UInt hashtable_size(
-	HashTable* hastTable ///< "this" pointer.
+  HashTable* hastTable ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Lookup element of given key.
 void* _hashtable_get(
-	HashTable* hashTable, ///< "this" pointer.
-	char* key ///< Key of the element to retrieve.
+  HashTable* hashTable, ///< "this" pointer.
+  char* key ///< Key of the element to retrieve.
@@ -95,17 +97,17 @@ void* _hashtable_get(
 #define hashtable_get(hashTable, key, data) \
 { \
-	void* pData = _hashtable_get(hashTable, key); \
-	data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
+  void* pData = _hashtable_get(hashTable, key); \
+  data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
  * @brief Add the entry (key, value) to dictionary.
 void _hashtable_set(
-	HashTable* hashTable, ///< "this" pointer.
-	char* key, ///< Key of the element to add or modify.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to new data at given key.
+  HashTable* hashTable, ///< "this" pointer.
+  char* key, ///< Key of the element to add or modify.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to new data at given key.
@@ -118,15 +120,15 @@ void _hashtable_set(
 #define hashtable_set(hashTable, key, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_hashtable_set(hashTable, key, &tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _hashtable_set(hashTable, key, &tmp); \
  * @brief Remove the given key (+ associated value).
 void hashtable_delete(
-	HashTable* hashTable, ///< "this" pointer.
+  HashTable* hashTable, ///< "this" pointer.
   char* key ///< Key of the element to delete.
@@ -134,14 +136,14 @@ void hashtable_delete(
  * @brief Clear the entire dictionary.
 void hashtable_clear(
-	HashTable* hashTable ///< "this" pointer.
+  HashTable* hashTable ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Destroy the dictionary: clear it, and free hashes array.
 void hashtable_destroy(
-	HashTable* hashTable ///< "this" pointer.
+  HashTable* hashTable ///< "this" pointer.
diff --git a/src/Heap.c b/src/Heap.c
index fd41a09..e1cb8ce 100644
--- a/src/Heap.c
+++ b/src/Heap.c
@@ -8,46 +8,46 @@
 Heap* _heap_new(size_t dataSize, OrderType hType, UInt arity)
-	Heap* heap = (Heap*)safe_malloc(sizeof(Heap));
-	heap->arity = arity;
-	heap->hType = hType;
-	heap->dataSize = dataSize;
-	heap->array = _vector_new(sizeof(ItemValue));
-	return heap;
+  Heap* heap = (Heap*)safe_malloc(sizeof(Heap));
+  heap->arity = arity;
+  heap->hType = hType;
+  heap->dataSize = dataSize;
+  heap->array = _vector_new(sizeof(ItemValue));
+  return heap;
 Heap* heap_copy(Heap* heap)
-	Heap* heapCopy = _heap_new(heap->dataSize, heap->hType, heap->arity);
-	// HACK: vector_copy is not enough,
+  Heap* heapCopy = _heap_new(heap->dataSize, heap->hType, heap->arity);
+  // HACK: vector_copy is not enough,
   // since we also have to allocate ItemValue(->item)
-	heapCopy->array->size = heap->array->size;
-	heapCopy->array->capacity = heap->array->capacity;
-	heapCopy->array->datas =
+  heapCopy->array->size = heap->array->size;
+  heapCopy->array->capacity = heap->array->capacity;
+  heapCopy->array->datas =
-	for (UInt i=0; i<heap->array->size; i++)
-	{
-		heapCopy->array->datas[i] = safe_malloc(sizeof(ItemValue));
-		ItemValue itemValueCopy = (ItemValue){
-			.item=safe_malloc(heap->dataSize),
-			.value=((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[i]))->value};
-		memcpy(
+  for (UInt i=0; i<heap->array->size; i++)
+  {
+    heapCopy->array->datas[i] = safe_malloc(sizeof(ItemValue));
+    ItemValue itemValueCopy = (ItemValue){
+      .item=safe_malloc(heap->dataSize),
+      .value=((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[i]))->value};
+    memcpy(
-		memcpy(heapCopy->array->datas[i], &itemValueCopy, sizeof(ItemValue));
-	}
-	return heapCopy;
+    memcpy(heapCopy->array->datas[i], &itemValueCopy, sizeof(ItemValue));
+  }
+  return heapCopy;
 bool heap_empty(Heap* heap)
-	return vector_empty(heap->array);
+  return vector_empty(heap->array);
 UInt heap_size(Heap* heap)
-	return vector_size(heap->array);
+  return vector_size(heap->array);
 // NOTE: [perf] in two following methods, full heap[k] exchanges are
@@ -57,130 +57,130 @@ UInt heap_size(Heap* heap)
 void _heap_bubble_up(Heap* heap, UInt startIndex)
-	UInt currentIndex = startIndex;
-	ItemValue* startItemValue = heap->array->datas[startIndex];
-	while (true)
-	{
-		// get parent
-		UInt nextIndex = currentIndex / heap->arity;
-		Real nextValue = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[nextIndex]))->value;
-		// compare to parent (if applicable)
-		if (currentIndex == 0 ||
-			(heap->hType == MIN_T && startItemValue->value >= nextValue) ||
-			(heap->hType == MAX_T && startItemValue->value <= nextValue))
-		{
-			// moving element has landed: apply final affectation
-			heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = startItemValue;
-			break;
-		}
-		// move one level up: the parent goes one level down
-		heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = heap->array->datas[nextIndex];
-		currentIndex = nextIndex;
-	}
+  UInt currentIndex = startIndex;
+  ItemValue* startItemValue = heap->array->datas[startIndex];
+  while (true)
+  {
+    // get parent
+    UInt nextIndex = currentIndex / heap->arity;
+    Real nextValue = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[nextIndex]))->value;
+    // compare to parent (if applicable)
+    if (currentIndex == 0 ||
+      (heap->hType == MIN_T && startItemValue->value >= nextValue) ||
+      (heap->hType == MAX_T && startItemValue->value <= nextValue))
+    {
+      // moving element has landed: apply final affectation
+      heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = startItemValue;
+      break;
+    }
+    // move one level up: the parent goes one level down
+    heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = heap->array->datas[nextIndex];
+    currentIndex = nextIndex;
+  }
 void _heap_bubble_down(Heap* heap, UInt startIndex)
-	UInt currentIndex = startIndex;
-	ItemValue* startItemValue = heap->array->datas[startIndex];
-	while (true)
-	{
-		if (currentIndex * heap->arity >= heap->array->size)
-		{
-			// moving element has landed (in a leaf): apply final affectation
-			heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = startItemValue;
-			break;
-		}
-		// find top child (min or max)
-		UInt topChildIndex;
-		Real topChildValue = (heap->hType == MIN_T ? INFINITY : -INFINITY);
-		for (Int i=0; i<heap->arity; i++)
-		{
-			UInt childIndex = i + currentIndex * heap->arity;
-			if (childIndex >= heap->array->size)
-				break;
-			Real childValue = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[childIndex]))->value;
-			if ((heap->hType == MIN_T && childValue < topChildValue) ||
-				(heap->hType == MAX_T && childValue > topChildValue))
-			{
-				topChildIndex = childIndex;
-				topChildValue = childValue;
-			}
-		}
-		// compare to top child
-		if ((heap->hType == MIN_T && startItemValue->value > topChildValue) ||
-			(heap->hType == MAX_T && startItemValue->value < topChildValue))
-		{
-			// move one level down: the child goes one level up
-			heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = heap->array->datas[topChildIndex];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// moving element has landed: apply final affectation
-			heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = startItemValue;
-			break;
-		}
-		currentIndex = topChildIndex;
-	}
+  UInt currentIndex = startIndex;
+  ItemValue* startItemValue = heap->array->datas[startIndex];
+  while (true)
+  {
+    if (currentIndex * heap->arity >= heap->array->size)
+    {
+      // moving element has landed (in a leaf): apply final affectation
+      heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = startItemValue;
+      break;
+    }
+    // find top child (min or max)
+    UInt topChildIndex;
+    Real topChildValue = (heap->hType == MIN_T ? INFINITY : -INFINITY);
+    for (Int i=0; i<heap->arity; i++)
+    {
+      UInt childIndex = i + currentIndex * heap->arity;
+      if (childIndex >= heap->array->size)
+        break;
+      Real childValue = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[childIndex]))->value;
+      if ((heap->hType == MIN_T && childValue < topChildValue) ||
+        (heap->hType == MAX_T && childValue > topChildValue))
+      {
+        topChildIndex = childIndex;
+        topChildValue = childValue;
+      }
+    }
+    // compare to top child
+    if ((heap->hType == MIN_T && startItemValue->value > topChildValue) ||
+      (heap->hType == MAX_T && startItemValue->value < topChildValue))
+    {
+      // move one level down: the child goes one level up
+      heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = heap->array->datas[topChildIndex];
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // moving element has landed: apply final affectation
+      heap->array->datas[currentIndex] = startItemValue;
+      break;
+    }
+    currentIndex = topChildIndex;
+  }
 void _heap_insert(Heap* heap, void* item, Real value)
-	ItemValue itemValue =
+  ItemValue itemValue =
     (ItemValue){.item=safe_malloc(heap->dataSize), .value=value};
-	memcpy(itemValue.item, item, heap->dataSize);
-	_vector_push(heap->array, &itemValue);
-	_heap_bubble_up(heap, heap->array->size-1);
+  memcpy(itemValue.item, item, heap->dataSize);
+  _vector_push(heap->array, &itemValue);
+  _heap_bubble_up(heap, heap->array->size-1);
 void _heap_modify(Heap* heap, UInt index, Real newValue)
-	double oldValue = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->value;
-	((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->value = newValue;
-	if ((heap->hType == MIN_T && newValue > oldValue) ||
-		(heap->hType == MAX_T && newValue < oldValue))
-	{
-		_heap_bubble_down(heap, index);
-	}
-	else
-		_heap_bubble_up(heap, index);
+  double oldValue = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->value;
+  ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->value = newValue;
+  if ((heap->hType == MIN_T && newValue > oldValue) ||
+    (heap->hType == MAX_T && newValue < oldValue))
+  {
+    _heap_bubble_down(heap, index);
+  }
+  else
+    _heap_bubble_up(heap, index);
 void _heap_remove(Heap* heap, UInt index)
-	safe_free(((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->item);
-	ItemValue* tmp = heap->array->datas[index];
-	heap->array->datas[index] = heap->array->datas[heap_size(heap)-1];
-	heap->array->datas[heap_size(heap)-1] = tmp;
-	vector_pop(heap->array);
-	if (heap->array->size > 0)
-		_heap_bubble_down(heap, index);
+  safe_free(((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->item);
+  ItemValue* tmp = heap->array->datas[index];
+  heap->array->datas[index] = heap->array->datas[heap_size(heap)-1];
+  heap->array->datas[heap_size(heap)-1] = tmp;
+  vector_pop(heap->array);
+  if (heap->array->size > 0)
+    _heap_bubble_down(heap, index);
 ItemValue* heap_top_raw(Heap* heap)
-	return (ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[0]);
+  return (ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[0]);
 void heap_pop(Heap* heap)
-	_heap_remove(heap, 0);
+  _heap_remove(heap, 0);
 void heap_clear(Heap* heap)
-	for (UInt i = 0; i < heap->array->size; i++)
-	{
-		// Extra memory releases which wouldn't be done in vector_clear()
-		safe_free(((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[i]))->item);
-		//safe_free((ItemValue*)heap->array->datas[i]);
-	}
-	vector_clear(heap->array);
+  for (UInt i = 0; i < heap->array->size; i++)
+  {
+    // Extra memory releases which wouldn't be done in vector_clear()
+    safe_free(((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[i]))->item);
+    //safe_free((ItemValue*)heap->array->datas[i]);
+  }
+  vector_clear(heap->array);
 void heap_destroy(Heap* heap)
-	heap_clear(heap);
-	safe_free(heap->array);
-	safe_free(heap);
+  heap_clear(heap);
+  safe_free(heap->array);
+  safe_free(heap);
diff --git a/src/Heap.h b/src/Heap.h
index c17cb73..e360829 100644
--- a/src/Heap.h
+++ b/src/Heap.h
@@ -16,19 +16,19 @@
  * @brief Generic d-ary heap.
 typedef struct Heap {
-	size_t dataSize; ///< Size of a heap item in bytes.
-	OrderType hType; ///< Type of heap: max first (MAX_T) or min first (MIN_T).
-	UInt arity; ///< Arity of the underlying tree.
-	Vector* array; ///< Vector of ItemValue* (internal representation).
+  size_t dataSize; ///< Size of a heap item in bytes.
+  OrderType hType; ///< Type of heap: max first (MAX_T) or min first (MIN_T).
+  UInt arity; ///< Arity of the underlying tree.
+  Vector* array; ///< Vector of ItemValue* (internal representation).
 } Heap;
  * @brief Return an allocated and initialized heap.
 Heap* _heap_new(
-	size_t dataSize, ///< Size in bytes of a heap element.
-	OrderType hType, ///< Type of heap: max first (MAX_T) or min first (MIN_T).
-	UInt arity ///< Arity of the underlying tree.
+  size_t dataSize, ///< Size in bytes of a heap element.
+  OrderType hType, ///< Type of heap: max first (MAX_T) or min first (MIN_T).
+  UInt arity ///< Arity of the underlying tree.
@@ -40,27 +40,29 @@ Heap* _heap_new(
  * Usage: Heap* heap_new(<Type> type, OrderType hType, UInt arity)
 #define heap_new(type, hType, arity) \
-	_heap_new(sizeof(type), hType, arity)
+{ \
+  _heap_new(sizeof(type), hType, arity); \
  * @brief Copy constructor (shallow copy, ok for basic types).
 Heap* heap_copy(
-	Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
+  Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Check if the heap is empty.
 bool heap_empty(
-	Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
+  Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Return the size of current heap.
 UInt heap_size(
-	Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
+  Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -68,8 +70,8 @@ UInt heap_size(
  * in O(log(n)) operations.
 void _heap_bubble_up(
-	Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
-	UInt startIndex ///< Index to bubble up.
+  Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
+  UInt startIndex ///< Index to bubble up.
@@ -77,17 +79,17 @@ void _heap_bubble_up(
  * in O(log(n)) operations.
 void _heap_bubble_down(
-	Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
-	UInt startIndex ///< Index to bubble down.
+  Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
+  UInt startIndex ///< Index to bubble down.
  * @brief Insert a pair (item,value) inside the heap.
 void _heap_insert(
-	Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
-	void* item, ///< Pointer to an item of type as defined in the constructor.
-	Real value ///< Value associated with the item.
+  Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
+  void* item, ///< Pointer to an item of type as defined in the constructor.
+  Real value ///< Value associated with the item.
@@ -100,17 +102,17 @@ void _heap_insert(
 #define heap_insert(heap, item, value) \
 { \
-	typeof((item)) tmp = item; \
-	_heap_insert(heap, &tmp, value); \
+  typeof((item)) tmp = item; \
+  _heap_insert(heap, &tmp, value); \
  * @brief Change the value of an item at a given index.
 void _heap_modify(
-	Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
-	UInt index, ///< Index of the item to modify.
-	Real newValue ///< New value for the item.
+  Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
+  UInt index, ///< Index of the item to modify.
+  Real newValue ///< New value for the item.
@@ -121,26 +123,27 @@ void _heap_modify(
  * @note If several similar items are present, only the first is affected.
  * Usage: void heap_modify(Heap* heap, void item_, Real newValue)
+ *
  * WARNING: does not work if items are not basic type nor pointers.
 #define heap_modify(heap, item_, newValue) \
 { \
-    UInt index = 0; \
-	typeof((item_)) item__ = item_; \
-    for (; index<heap->array->size; index++) \
-	{ \
-		void* pItem = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->item; \
-        if (*((typeof(&item__))pItem) == item__) break; \
-    } \
-	_heap_modify(heap, index, newValue); \
+  UInt index = 0; \
+  typeof((item_)) item__ = item_; \
+  for (; index<heap->array->size; index++) \
+  { \
+    void* pItem = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->item; \
+    if (*((typeof(&item__))pItem) == item__) break; \
+  } \
+  _heap_modify(heap, index, newValue); \
  * @brief Remove an item-value at a given index.
 void _heap_remove(
-	Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
-	UInt index  ///< Index of the item to remove.
+  Heap* heap, ///< "this" pointer.
+  UInt index  ///< Index of the item to remove.
@@ -150,25 +153,26 @@ void _heap_remove(
  * @note If several similar items are present, only the first is deleted.
  * Usage: void heap_remove(Heap* heap, void item_)
+ *
  * WARNING: does not work if items are not basic type nor pointers.
 #define heap_remove(heap, item_) \
 { \
-    UInt index = 0; \
-	typeof((item_)) item__ = item_; \
-    for (; index<heap->array->size; index++) \
-	{ \
-		void* pItem = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->item; \
-        if (*((typeof(&item__))pItem) == item__) break; \
-    } \
-	_heap_remove(heap, index); \
+  UInt index = 0; \
+  typeof((item_)) item__ = item_; \
+  for (; index<heap->array->size; index++) \
+  { \
+    void* pItem = ((ItemValue*)(heap->array->datas[index]))->item; \
+    if (*((typeof(&item__))pItem) == item__) break; \
+  } \
+  _heap_remove(heap, index); \
  * @brief Return what is at the beginning of the heap.
 ItemValue* heap_top_raw(
-	Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
+  Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -180,29 +184,29 @@ ItemValue* heap_top_raw(
 #define heap_top(heap, item_) \
 { \
-	void* pItem = heap_top_raw(heap)->item; \
-	item_ = *((typeof(&item_))pItem); \
+  void* pItem = heap_top_raw(heap)->item; \
+  item_ = *((typeof(&item_))pItem); \
  * @brief Remove the top of the heap.
 void heap_pop(
-	Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
+  Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Clear the entire heap.
 void heap_clear(
-	Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
+  Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Destroy the heap: clear it, and free 'heap' pointer.
 void heap_destroy(
-	Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
+  Heap* heap ///< "this" pointer.
diff --git a/src/List.c b/src/List.c
index 0d4c113..b78af26 100644
--- a/src/List.c
+++ b/src/List.c
@@ -10,151 +10,151 @@
 void _list_init(List* list, size_t dataSize)
-	list->size = 0;
-	list->dataSize = dataSize;
-	list->head = NULL;
-	list->tail = NULL;
+  list->size = 0;
+  list->dataSize = dataSize;
+  list->head = NULL;
+  list->tail = NULL;
 List* _list_new(size_t dataSize)
-	List* list = (List*) safe_malloc(sizeof (List));
-	_list_init(list, dataSize);
-	return list;
+  List* list = (List*) safe_malloc(sizeof (List));
+  _list_init(list, dataSize);
+  return list;
 List* list_copy(List* list)
-	List* listCopy = _list_new(list->dataSize);
-	ListCell* listCell = list->head;
-	while (listCell != NULL)
-	{
-		_list_insert_back(listCopy, listCell->data);
-		listCell = listCell->next;
-	}
-	return listCopy;
+  List* listCopy = _list_new(list->dataSize);
+  ListCell* listCell = list->head;
+  while (listCell != NULL)
+  {
+    _list_insert_back(listCopy, listCell->data);
+    listCell = listCell->next;
+  }
+  return listCopy;
 bool list_empty(List* list)
-	return (list->size == 0);
+  return (list->size == 0);
 UInt list_size(List* list)
-	return list->size;
+  return list->size;
 void* _list_get(ListCell* listCell)
-	return listCell->data;
+  return listCell->data;
 void _list_set(List* list, ListCell* listCell, void* data)
-	memcpy(listCell->data, data, list->dataSize);
+  memcpy(listCell->data, data, list->dataSize);
 void _list_insert_first_element(List* list, void* data)
-	ListCell* newListCell = (ListCell*) safe_malloc(sizeof (ListCell));
-	newListCell->data = safe_malloc(list->dataSize);
-	memcpy(newListCell->data, data, list->dataSize);
-	newListCell->prev = NULL;
-	newListCell->next = NULL;
-	list->head = newListCell;
-	list->tail = newListCell;
-	list->size = 1;
+  ListCell* newListCell = (ListCell*) safe_malloc(sizeof (ListCell));
+  newListCell->data = safe_malloc(list->dataSize);
+  memcpy(newListCell->data, data, list->dataSize);
+  newListCell->prev = NULL;
+  newListCell->next = NULL;
+  list->head = newListCell;
+  list->tail = newListCell;
+  list->size = 1;
 void _list_insert_before(List* list, ListCell* listCell, void* data)
-	ListCell* newListCell = (ListCell*) safe_malloc(sizeof (ListCell));
-	newListCell->data = safe_malloc(list->dataSize);
-	memcpy(newListCell->data, data, list->dataSize);
-	newListCell->prev = listCell->prev;
-	newListCell->next = listCell;
-	if (listCell->prev != NULL)
-		listCell->prev->next = newListCell;
-	else
-		list->head = newListCell;
-	listCell->prev = newListCell;
-	list->size++;
+  ListCell* newListCell = (ListCell*) safe_malloc(sizeof (ListCell));
+  newListCell->data = safe_malloc(list->dataSize);
+  memcpy(newListCell->data, data, list->dataSize);
+  newListCell->prev = listCell->prev;
+  newListCell->next = listCell;
+  if (listCell->prev != NULL)
+    listCell->prev->next = newListCell;
+  else
+    list->head = newListCell;
+  listCell->prev = newListCell;
+  list->size++;
 void _list_insert_after(List* list, ListCell* listCell, void* data)
-	ListCell* newListCell = (ListCell*) safe_malloc(sizeof (ListCell));
-	newListCell->data = safe_malloc(list->dataSize);
-	memcpy(newListCell->data, data, list->dataSize);
-	newListCell->prev = listCell;
-	newListCell->next = listCell->next;
-	if (listCell->next != NULL)
-		listCell->next->prev = newListCell;
-	else
-		list->tail = newListCell;
-	listCell->next = newListCell;
-	list->size++;
+  ListCell* newListCell = (ListCell*) safe_malloc(sizeof (ListCell));
+  newListCell->data = safe_malloc(list->dataSize);
+  memcpy(newListCell->data, data, list->dataSize);
+  newListCell->prev = listCell;
+  newListCell->next = listCell->next;
+  if (listCell->next != NULL)
+    listCell->next->prev = newListCell;
+  else
+    list->tail = newListCell;
+  listCell->next = newListCell;
+  list->size++;
 void _list_insert_front(List* list, void* data)
-	if (list->head != NULL)
-		_list_insert_before(list, list->head, data);
-	else
-		_list_insert_first_element(list, data);
+  if (list->head != NULL)
+    _list_insert_before(list, list->head, data);
+  else
+    _list_insert_first_element(list, data);
 void _list_insert_back(List* list, void* data)
-	if (list->tail != NULL)
-		_list_insert_after(list, list->tail, data);
-	else
-		_list_insert_first_element(list, data);
+  if (list->tail != NULL)
+    _list_insert_after(list, list->tail, data);
+  else
+    _list_insert_first_element(list, data);
 void list_remove(List* list, ListCell* listCell)
-	if (listCell->prev != NULL)
-		listCell->prev->next = listCell->next;
-	else
-		list->head = listCell->next;
-	if (listCell->next != NULL)
-		listCell->next->prev = listCell->prev;
-	else
-		list->tail = listCell->prev;
-	safe_free(listCell->data);
-	safe_free(listCell);
-	list->size--;
+  if (listCell->prev != NULL)
+    listCell->prev->next = listCell->next;
+  else
+    list->head = listCell->next;
+  if (listCell->next != NULL)
+    listCell->next->prev = listCell->prev;
+  else
+    list->tail = listCell->prev;
+  safe_free(listCell->data);
+  safe_free(listCell);
+  list->size--;
 void list_remove_front(List* list)
-	list_remove(list, list->head);
+  list_remove(list, list->head);
 void list_remove_back(List* list)
-	list_remove(list, list->tail);
+  list_remove(list, list->tail);
 void list_clear(List* list)
-	ListCell* current = list->head;
-	while (current != NULL)
-	{
-		safe_free(current->data);
-		ListCell* nextListCell = current->next;
-		safe_free(current);
-		current = nextListCell;
-	}
-	_list_init(list, list->dataSize);
+  ListCell* current = list->head;
+  while (current != NULL)
+  {
+    safe_free(current->data);
+    ListCell* nextListCell = current->next;
+    safe_free(current);
+    current = nextListCell;
+  }
+  _list_init(list, list->dataSize);
 void list_destroy(List* list)
-	list_clear(list);
-	safe_free(list);
+  list_clear(list);
+  safe_free(list);
@@ -163,56 +163,56 @@ void list_destroy(List* list)
 ListIterator* list_get_iterator(List* list)
-	ListIterator* listI = (ListIterator*) safe_malloc(sizeof (ListIterator));
-	listI->list = list;
-	listI->current = NULL;
-	listI_reset_head(listI);
-	return listI;
+  ListIterator* listI = (ListIterator*) safe_malloc(sizeof (ListIterator));
+  listI->list = list;
+  listI->current = NULL;
+  listI_reset_head(listI);
+  return listI;
 void listI_reset_head(ListIterator* listI)
-	listI->current = listI->list->head;
+  listI->current = listI->list->head;
 void listI_reset_tail(ListIterator* listI)
-	listI->current = listI->list->tail;
+  listI->current = listI->list->tail;
 bool listI_has_data(ListIterator* listI)
-	return (listI->current != NULL);
+  return (listI->current != NULL);
 void listI_remove(ListIterator* listI, Direction direction)
-	ListCell* toTrash = listI->current;
-	switch (direction)
-	{
-	case FORWARD:
-		listI->current = listI->current->next;
-		break;
-	case BACKWARD:
-		listI->current = listI->current->prev;
-		break;
-	}
-	list_remove(listI->list, toTrash);
+  ListCell* toTrash = listI->current;
+  switch (direction)
+  {
+  case FORWARD:
+    listI->current = listI->current->next;
+    break;
+  case BACKWARD:
+    listI->current = listI->current->prev;
+    break;
+  }
+  list_remove(listI->list, toTrash);
 void listI_move_next(ListIterator* listI)
-	if (listI->current != NULL)
-		listI->current = listI->current->next;
+  if (listI->current != NULL)
+    listI->current = listI->current->next;
 void listI_move_prev(ListIterator* listI)
-	if (listI->current != NULL)
-		listI->current = listI->current->prev;
+  if (listI->current != NULL)
+    listI->current = listI->current->prev;
 void listI_destroy(ListIterator* listI)
-	safe_free(listI);
+  safe_free(listI);
diff --git a/src/List.h b/src/List.h
index 0a36ea0..6150d2b 100644
--- a/src/List.h
+++ b/src/List.h
@@ -18,27 +18,27 @@
  * @brief Cell of a double-linked list.
 typedef struct ListCell {
-	void* data; ///< Generic data contained in this cell.
-	struct ListCell* prev; ///< Pointer to previous cell in the list.
-	struct ListCell* next; ///< Pointer to next cell in the list.
+  void* data; ///< Generic data contained in this cell.
+  struct ListCell* prev; ///< Pointer to previous cell in the list.
+  struct ListCell* next; ///< Pointer to next cell in the list.
 } ListCell;
  * @brief Double-linked list data structure.
 typedef struct List {
-	UInt size; ///< Count elements in the list.
-	size_t dataSize; ///< Size of a list cell element in bytes.
-	ListCell* head; ///< Pointer to the first cell in the list.
-	ListCell* tail; ///< Pointer to the last cell in the list.
+  UInt size; ///< Count elements in the list.
+  size_t dataSize; ///< Size of a list cell element in bytes.
+  ListCell* head; ///< Pointer to the first cell in the list.
+  ListCell* tail; ///< Pointer to the last cell in the list.
 } List;
  * @brief Initialize an empty list.
 void _list_init(
-	List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
-	size_t dataSize ///< Size of a list cell elements in bytes.
+  List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
+  size_t dataSize ///< Size of a list cell elements in bytes.
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void _list_init(
  * @param dataSize Size in bytes of a list element.
 List* _list_new(
-	size_t dataSize ///< Size of a list cell elements in bytes.
+  size_t dataSize ///< Size of a list cell elements in bytes.
@@ -56,34 +56,36 @@ List* _list_new(
  * Usage: List* list_new(<Type> type)
 #define list_new(type) \
-	_list_new(sizeof(type))
+{ \
+  _list_new(sizeof(type)); \
  * @brief Copy constructor (shallow copy, ok for basic types).
 List* list_copy(
-	List* list ///< "this" pointer.
+  List* list ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Check if the list is empty.
 bool list_empty(
-	List* list ///< "this" pointer.
+  List* list ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief return the size of current list.
 UInt list_size(
-	List* list ///< "this" pointer.
+  List* list ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Get data at the given list cell argument.
 void* _list_get(
-	ListCell* listCell ///< Pointer to a cell inside "this" list.
+  ListCell* listCell ///< Pointer to a cell inside "this" list.
@@ -95,17 +97,17 @@ void* _list_get(
 #define list_get(listCell, data) \
 { \
-	void* pData = _list_get(listCell); \
-	data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
+  void* pData = _list_get(listCell); \
+  data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
  * @brief Set data at the given list cell argument.
 void _list_set(
-	List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
-	ListCell* listCell, ///< Pointer to a cell inside "this" list.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to data to be set.
+  List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
+  ListCell* listCell, ///< Pointer to a cell inside "this" list.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to data to be set.
@@ -118,25 +120,25 @@ void _list_set(
 #define list_set(list, listCell, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_list_set(list, listCell, &tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _list_set(list, listCell, &tmp); \
  * @brief Add data to the list when list is empty.
 void _list_insert_first_element(
-	List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to data to be added
+  List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to data to be added
  * @brief Add data before list cell argument.
 void _list_insert_before(
-	List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
-	ListCell* listCell, ///< Pointer to a cell inside "this" list.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to data to be added.
+  List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
+  ListCell* listCell, ///< Pointer to a cell inside "this" list.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to data to be added.
@@ -149,17 +151,17 @@ void _list_insert_before(
 #define list_insert_before(list, listCell, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_list_insert_before(list, listCell, &tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _list_insert_before(list, listCell, &tmp); \
  * @brief Add data after list cell argument.
 void _list_insert_after(
-	List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
-	ListCell* listCell, ///< Pointer to a cell inside "this" list.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to data to be inserted.
+  List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
+  ListCell* listCell, ///< Pointer to a cell inside "this" list.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to data to be inserted.
@@ -172,16 +174,16 @@ void _list_insert_after(
 #define list_insert_after(list, listCell, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_list_insert_after(list, listCell, &tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _list_insert_after(list, listCell, &tmp); \
  * @brief Add data at the beginning of the list.
 void _list_insert_front(
-	List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to data to be inserted.
+  List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to data to be inserted.
@@ -193,16 +195,16 @@ void _list_insert_front(
 #define list_insert_front(list, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_list_insert_front(list, &tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _list_insert_front(list, &tmp); \
  * @brief Add data at the end of the list.
 void _list_insert_back(
-	List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to data to be inserted.
+  List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to data to be inserted.
@@ -214,44 +216,44 @@ void _list_insert_back(
 #define list_insert_back(list, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_list_insert_back(list, &tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _list_insert_back(list, &tmp); \
  * @brief Remove data at position given by 'listCell'.
 void list_remove(
-	List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
-	ListCell* listCell ///< Pointer to a cell inside "this" list.
+  List* list, ///< "this" pointer.
+  ListCell* listCell ///< Pointer to a cell inside "this" list.
  * @brief Remove data at the beginning of the list.
 void list_remove_front(
-	List* list ///< "this" pointer.
+  List* list ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Remove data at the end of the list.
 void list_remove_back(
-	List* list ///< "this" pointer.
+  List* list ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Clear the entire list.
 void list_clear(
-	List* list ///< "this" pointer.
+  List* list ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Destroy the list: clear it, and free 'list' pointer.
 void list_destroy(
-	List* list ///< "this" pointer.
+  List* list ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -262,36 +264,36 @@ void list_destroy(
  * @brief Iterator on a double-linked list.
 typedef struct ListIterator {
-	List* list; ///< The list to be iterate.
-	ListCell* current; ///< The current iterated list cell.
+  List* list; ///< The list to be iterate.
+  ListCell* current; ///< The current iterated list cell.
 } ListIterator;
  * @brief Obtain an iterator object, starting at list beginning.
 ListIterator* list_get_iterator(
-	List* list ///< Pointer to the list to be iterated over.
+  List* list ///< Pointer to the list to be iterated over.
  * @brief (Re)set current position inside list to head.
 void listI_reset_head(
-	ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
+  ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief (Re)set current position inside list to tail.
 void listI_reset_tail(
-	ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
+  ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Tell if there is some data at the current index.
 bool listI_has_data(
-	ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
+  ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -302,7 +304,7 @@ bool listI_has_data(
  * Usage: void listI_get(ListIterator* listI, void data)
 #define listI_get(listI, data) \
-	list_get(listI->current, data)
+  list_get(listI->current, data)
  * @brief Set data at the current iterator position.
@@ -312,7 +314,7 @@ bool listI_has_data(
  * Usage: void listI_set(ListIterator* listI, void data);
 #define listI_set(listI, data) \
-	list_set(listI->list, listI->current, data)
+  list_set(listI->list, listI->current, data)
  * @brief Add data before current list cell.
@@ -322,7 +324,7 @@ bool listI_has_data(
  * Usage: void listI_insert_before(ListIteratorI* listI, void data)
 #define listI_insert_before(listI, data) \
-	list_insert_before(listI->list, listI->current, data)
+  list_insert_before(listI->list, listI->current, data)
  * @brief Add data after current list cell.
@@ -332,43 +334,43 @@ bool listI_has_data(
  * Usage: void listI_insert_after(ListIteratorI* listI, void data)
 #define listI_insert_after(listI, data) \
-	list_insert_after(listI->list, listI->current, data)
+  list_insert_after(listI->list, listI->current, data)
  * @brief Type to encode a direction (forward / backward).
 typedef enum {
-	BACKWARD = -1, ///< Move toward head.
-	FORWARD = 1 ///< Move toward tail.
+  BACKWARD = -1, ///< Move toward head.
+  FORWARD = 1 ///< Move toward tail.
 } Direction;
  * @brief Remove data at the current iterator position.
 void listI_remove(
-	ListIterator* listI, ///< "this" pointer.
-	Direction direction ///< Indicate the position of iterator after removal.
+  ListIterator* listI, ///< "this" pointer.
+  Direction direction ///< Indicate the position of iterator after removal.
  * @brief Move current iterator position forward (toward tail).
 void listI_move_next(
-	ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
+  ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Move current iterator position backward (toward head).
 void listI_move_prev(
-	ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
+  ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Free memory allocated for the iterator.
 void listI_destroy(
-	ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
+  ListIterator* listI ///< "this" pointer.
diff --git a/src/PriorityQueue.c b/src/PriorityQueue.c
index f0b71e4..f9bdab7 100644
--- a/src/PriorityQueue.c
+++ b/src/PriorityQueue.c
@@ -9,50 +9,50 @@
 PriorityQueue* _priorityqueue_new(size_t dataSize, OrderType pType, UInt arity)
-	PriorityQueue* priorityQueue =
+  PriorityQueue* priorityQueue =
     (PriorityQueue*) safe_malloc(sizeof (PriorityQueue));
-	Heap* heap = _heap_new(dataSize, pType, arity);
-	priorityQueue->heap = heap;
-	return priorityQueue;
+  Heap* heap = _heap_new(dataSize, pType, arity);
+  priorityQueue->heap = heap;
+  return priorityQueue;
 PriorityQueue* priorityqueue_copy(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
-	PriorityQueue* priorityQueueCopy = _priorityqueue_new(
-		priorityQueue->heap->array->dataSize,
-		priorityQueue->heap->hType, priorityQueue->heap->arity);
-	heap_destroy(priorityQueueCopy->heap); //TODO: bad style...
-	priorityQueueCopy->heap = heap_copy(priorityQueue->heap);
-	return priorityQueueCopy;
+  PriorityQueue* priorityQueueCopy = _priorityqueue_new(
+    priorityQueue->heap->array->dataSize,
+    priorityQueue->heap->hType, priorityQueue->heap->arity);
+  heap_destroy(priorityQueueCopy->heap); //TODO: bad style...
+  priorityQueueCopy->heap = heap_copy(priorityQueue->heap);
+  return priorityQueueCopy;
 bool priorityqueue_empty(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
-	return heap_empty(priorityQueue->heap);
+  return heap_empty(priorityQueue->heap);
 UInt priorityqueue_size(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
-	return heap_size(priorityQueue->heap);
+  return heap_size(priorityQueue->heap);
 ItemValue* priorityqueue_peek_raw(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
-	return heap_top_raw(priorityQueue->heap);
+  return heap_top_raw(priorityQueue->heap);
 void priorityqueue_pop(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
-	heap_pop(priorityQueue->heap);
+  heap_pop(priorityQueue->heap);
 void priorityqueue_clear(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
-	heap_clear(priorityQueue->heap);
+  heap_clear(priorityQueue->heap);
 void priorityqueue_destroy(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue)
-	heap_destroy(priorityQueue->heap);
-	safe_free(priorityQueue);
+  heap_destroy(priorityQueue->heap);
+  safe_free(priorityQueue);
diff --git a/src/PriorityQueue.h b/src/PriorityQueue.h
index 59fe511..01b7789 100644
--- a/src/PriorityQueue.h
+++ b/src/PriorityQueue.h
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
  * @brief Priority queue data structure (wrapper around Heap).
 typedef struct PriorityQueue {
-	Heap* heap; ///< Internal heap.
+  Heap* heap; ///< Internal heap.
 } PriorityQueue;
  * @brief Return an allocated and initialized Queue.
 PriorityQueue* _priorityqueue_new(
-	size_t dataSize, ///< Size in bytes of a priority queue element.
-	OrderType pType, ///< Type of priority queue: max or min first (MAX_T or MIN_T).
-	UInt arity ///< Arity of the wrapped heap: any integer >=2.
+  size_t dataSize, ///< Size in bytes of a priority queue element.
+  OrderType pType, ///< Type of priority queue: max or min first (MAX_T or MIN_T).
+  UInt arity ///< Arity of the wrapped heap: any integer >=2.
@@ -33,31 +33,32 @@ PriorityQueue* _priorityqueue_new(
  * @param pType type of priority queue: max or min first (MAX_T or MIN_T).
  * @param arity Arity of the wrapped heap: any integer >=2.
- * Usage: PriorityQueue* priorityqueue_new(\
- *   <Type> type, OrderType pType, UInt arity)
+ * Usage: PriorityQueue* priorityqueue_new(<Type> type, OrderType pType, UInt arity)
 #define priorityqueue_new(type, pType, arity) \
-	_priorityqueue_new(sizeof(type), pType, arity)
+{ \
+  _priorityqueue_new(sizeof(type), pType, arity); \
  * @brief Copy constructor (shallow copy, ok for basic types).
 PriorityQueue* priorityqueue_copy(
-	PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
+  PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Check if the priority queue is empty.
 bool priorityqueue_empty(
-	PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
+  PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Return the size of current priority queue.
 UInt priorityqueue_size(
-	PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
+  PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -66,11 +67,10 @@ UInt priorityqueue_size(
  * @param item Item to be added.
  * @param priority Priority of the added item.
- * Usage: void priorityqueue_insert(\
- *   PriorityQueue* priorityQueue, void item, Real priority)
+ * Usage: void priorityqueue_insert(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue, void item, Real priority)
 #define priorityqueue_insert(priorityQueue, item, priority) \
-	heap_insert(priorityQueue->heap, item, priority)
+  heap_insert(priorityQueue->heap, item, priority)
  * @brief Change the priority of an item in the queue.
@@ -79,11 +79,10 @@ UInt priorityqueue_size(
  * @param newPriority New priority of the modified item.
  * @note If several similar items are present, only the first is affected.
- * Usage: void priorityqueue_set_priority(\
- *   PriorityQueue* priorityQueue, void item, Real newPriority)
+ * Usage: void priorityqueue_set_priority(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue, void item, Real newPriority)
 #define priorityqueue_set(priorityQueue, item, newPriority) \
-	heap_modify(priorityQueue->heap, item, newPriority)
+  heap_modify(priorityQueue->heap, item, newPriority)
  * @brief Remove an item in the queue.
@@ -94,14 +93,14 @@ UInt priorityqueue_size(
  * Usage: void priorityqueue_remove(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue, void item)
 #define priorityqueue_remove(priorityQueue, item) \
-	heap_remove(priorityQueue->heap, item)
+  heap_remove(priorityQueue->heap, item)
  * @brief Return what is at the beginning of the queue.
  * @return An ItemValue* 'iv' with iv->item = data, and iv->value its priority.
 ItemValue* priorityqueue_peek_raw(
-	PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
+  PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -112,27 +111,27 @@ ItemValue* priorityqueue_peek_raw(
  * Usage: void priorityqueue_peek(PriorityQueue* priorityQueue, void item)
 #define priorityqueue_peek(priorityQueue, item) \
-	heap_top(priorityQueue->heap, item)
+  heap_top(priorityQueue->heap, item)
  * @brief Remove the top element in the queue.
 void priorityqueue_pop(
-	PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
+  PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Clear the entire queue.
 void priorityqueue_clear(
-	PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
+  PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Destroy the queue: clear it and free 'priorityQueue' memory.
 void priorityqueue_destroy(
-	PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
+  PriorityQueue* priorityQueue ///< "this" pointer.
diff --git a/src/Queue.c b/src/Queue.c
index 0303505..0b22edf 100644
--- a/src/Queue.c
+++ b/src/Queue.c
@@ -6,59 +6,59 @@
 void _queue_init(Queue* queue, size_t dataSize)
-	queue->dataSize = dataSize;
-	_list_init(queue->list, dataSize);
+  queue->dataSize = dataSize;
+  _list_init(queue->list, dataSize);
 Queue* _queue_new(size_t dataSize)
-	Queue* queue = (Queue*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Queue));
-	queue->list = _list_new(dataSize);
-	_queue_init(queue, dataSize);
-	return queue;
+  Queue* queue = (Queue*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Queue));
+  queue->list = _list_new(dataSize);
+  _queue_init(queue, dataSize);
+  return queue;
 Queue* queue_copy(Queue* queue)
-	Queue* queueCopy = (Queue*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Queue));
-	queueCopy->dataSize = queue->dataSize;
-	List* listCopy = list_copy(queue->list);
-	queueCopy->list = listCopy;
-	return queueCopy;
+  Queue* queueCopy = (Queue*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Queue));
+  queueCopy->dataSize = queue->dataSize;
+  List* listCopy = list_copy(queue->list);
+  queueCopy->list = listCopy;
+  return queueCopy;
 bool queue_empty(Queue* queue)
-	return list_empty(queue->list);
+  return list_empty(queue->list);
 UInt queue_size(Queue* queue)
-	return list_size(queue->list);
+  return list_size(queue->list);
 void _queue_push(Queue* queue, void* data)
-	_list_insert_back(queue->list, data);
+  _list_insert_back(queue->list, data);
 void* _queue_peek(Queue* queue)
-	return _list_get(queue->list->head);
+  return _list_get(queue->list->head);
 void queue_pop(Queue* queue)
-	list_remove_front(queue->list);
+  list_remove_front(queue->list);
 void queue_clear(Queue* queue)
-	list_clear(queue->list);
+  list_clear(queue->list);
 void queue_destroy(Queue* queue)
-	list_destroy(queue->list);
-	safe_free(queue);
+  list_destroy(queue->list);
+  safe_free(queue);
diff --git a/src/Queue.h b/src/Queue.h
index 9aae379..09b61cf 100644
--- a/src/Queue.h
+++ b/src/Queue.h
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
  * @param dataSize Size in bytes of a queue element.
 typedef struct Queue {
-	size_t dataSize; ///< Size in bytes of a queue element.
-	List* list; ///< Internal list representation
+  size_t dataSize; ///< Size in bytes of a queue element.
+  List* list; ///< Internal list representation
 } Queue;
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ typedef struct Queue {
  * @param dataSize Size in bytes of a queue element.
 void _queue_init(
-	Queue* queue, ///< "this" pointer.
-	size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a queue element.
+  Queue* queue, ///< "this" pointer.
+  size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a queue element.
  * @brief Return an allocated and initialized queue.
 Queue* _queue_new(
-	size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a queue element.
+  size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a queue element.
@@ -44,35 +44,37 @@ Queue* _queue_new(
  * Usage: Queue* queue_new(<Type> type)
 #define queue_new(type) \
-	_queue_new(sizeof(type))
+{ \
+  _queue_new(sizeof(type)); \
  * @brief Copy constructor (shallow copy, ok for basic types).
 Queue* queue_copy(
-	Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
+  Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Check if the queue is empty.
 bool queue_empty(
-	Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
+  Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Return size of the current queue.
 UInt queue_size(
-	Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
+  Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Add something at the end of the queue.
 void _queue_push(
-	Queue* queue, ///< "this" pointer.
-	void* data ///< Data to be pushed.
+  Queue* queue, ///< "this" pointer.
+  void* data ///< Data to be pushed.
@@ -84,15 +86,15 @@ void _queue_push(
 #define queue_push(queue, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_queue_push(queue, &tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _queue_push(queue, &tmp); \
  * @brief Return what is at the beginning of the queue.
 void* _queue_peek(
-	Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
+  Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -104,29 +106,29 @@ void* _queue_peek(
 #define queue_peek(queue, data) \
 { \
-	void* pData = _queue_peek(queue); \
-	data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
+  void* pData = _queue_peek(queue); \
+  data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
  * @brief Remove the beginning of the queue.
 void queue_pop(
-	Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
+  Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Clear the entire queue.
 void queue_clear(
-	Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
+  Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Destroy the queue: clear it, and free 'queue' pointer.
 void queue_destroy(
-	Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
+  Queue* queue ///< "this" pointer.
diff --git a/src/Stack.c b/src/Stack.c
index 92457c0..41c9bbc 100644
--- a/src/Stack.c
+++ b/src/Stack.c
@@ -6,59 +6,59 @@
 void _stack_init(Stack* stack, size_t dataSize)
-	stack->dataSize = dataSize;
-	_vector_init(stack->array, dataSize);
+  stack->dataSize = dataSize;
+  _vector_init(stack->array, dataSize);
 Stack* _stack_new(size_t dataSize)
-	Stack* stack = (Stack*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Stack));
-	stack->array = _vector_new(dataSize);
-	_stack_init(stack, dataSize);
-	return stack;
+  Stack* stack = (Stack*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Stack));
+  stack->array = _vector_new(dataSize);
+  _stack_init(stack, dataSize);
+  return stack;
 Stack* stack_copy(Stack* stack)
-	Stack* stackCopy = (Stack*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Stack));
-	stackCopy->dataSize = stack->dataSize;
-	Vector* arrayCopy = vector_copy(stack->array);
-	stackCopy->array = arrayCopy;
-	return stackCopy;
+  Stack* stackCopy = (Stack*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Stack));
+  stackCopy->dataSize = stack->dataSize;
+  Vector* arrayCopy = vector_copy(stack->array);
+  stackCopy->array = arrayCopy;
+  return stackCopy;
 bool stack_empty(Stack* stack)
-	return vector_empty(stack->array);
+  return vector_empty(stack->array);
 UInt stack_size(Stack* stack)
-	return vector_size(stack->array);
+  return vector_size(stack->array);
 void _stack_push(Stack* stack, void* data)
-	_vector_push(stack->array, data);
+  _vector_push(stack->array, data);
 void* _stack_top(Stack* stack)
-	return _vector_get(stack->array, vector_size(stack->array)-1);
+  return _vector_get(stack->array, vector_size(stack->array)-1);
 void stack_pop(Stack* stack)
-	vector_pop(stack->array);
+  vector_pop(stack->array);
 void stack_clear(Stack* stack)
-	vector_clear(stack->array);
+  vector_clear(stack->array);
 void stack_destroy(Stack* stack)
-	vector_destroy(stack->array);
-	safe_free(stack);
+  vector_destroy(stack->array);
+  safe_free(stack);
diff --git a/src/Stack.h b/src/Stack.h
index 24ad176..57bb615 100644
--- a/src/Stack.h
+++ b/src/Stack.h
@@ -15,23 +15,23 @@
  * @brief Stack containing generic data.
 typedef struct Stack {
-	size_t dataSize; ///< Size in bytes of a stack element.
-	Vector* array; ///< Internal data structure: resizeable array.
+  size_t dataSize; ///< Size in bytes of a stack element.
+  Vector* array; ///< Internal data structure: resizeable array.
 } Stack;
  * @brief Initialize an empty stack.
 void _stack_init(
-	Stack* stack, ///< "this" pointer.
-	size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a stack element.
+  Stack* stack, ///< "this" pointer.
+  size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a stack element.
  * @brief Return an allocated and initialized stack.
 Stack* _stack_new(
-	size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a stack element.
+  size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a stack element.
@@ -41,35 +41,37 @@ Stack* _stack_new(
  * Usage: Stack* stack_new(<Type> type)
 #define stack_new(type) \
-	_stack_new(sizeof(type))
+{ \
+  _stack_new(sizeof(type)); \
  * @brief Copy constructor (shallow copy, ok for basic types).
 Stack* stack_copy(
-	Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
+  Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Check if the stack is empty.
 bool stack_empty(
-	Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
+  Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Return size of the current stack.
 UInt stack_size(
-	Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
+  Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Add something on top of the stack.
 void _stack_push(
-	Stack* stack, ///< "this" pointer.
-	void* data ///< Data to be added.
+  Stack* stack, ///< "this" pointer.
+  void* data ///< Data to be added.
@@ -81,15 +83,15 @@ void _stack_push(
 #define stack_push(stack, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_stack_push(stack,&tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _stack_push(stack,&tmp); \
  * @brief Return what is on top of the stack.
 void* _stack_top(
-	Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
+  Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -101,29 +103,29 @@ void* _stack_top(
 #define stack_top(stack, data) \
 { \
-	void* pData = _stack_top(stack); \
-	data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
+  void* pData = _stack_top(stack); \
+  data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
  * @brief Remove the top of the stack.
 void stack_pop(
-	Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
+  Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Clear the entire stack.
 void stack_clear(
-	Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
+  Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Destroy the stack: clear it, and free 'stack' pointer.
 void stack_destroy(
-	Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
+  Stack* stack ///< "this" pointer.
diff --git a/src/Tree.c b/src/Tree.c
index 1ee3b51..83262c4 100644
--- a/src/Tree.c
+++ b/src/Tree.c
@@ -10,234 +10,234 @@
 void _tree_init(Tree* tree, size_t dataSize)
-	tree->root = NULL;
-	tree->dataSize = dataSize;
-	tree->size = 0;
+  tree->root = NULL;
+  tree->dataSize = dataSize;
+  tree->size = 0;
 Tree* _tree_new(size_t dataSize)
-	Tree* tree = (Tree*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Tree));
-	_tree_init(tree, dataSize);
-	return tree;
+  Tree* tree = (Tree*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Tree));
+  _tree_init(tree, dataSize);
+  return tree;
 Tree* tree_copy(Tree* tree)
-	Tree* treeCopy = _tree_new(tree->dataSize);
-	if (tree->root == NULL)
-		return treeCopy;
-	_tree_set_root(treeCopy, tree->root->data);
+  Tree* treeCopy = _tree_new(tree->dataSize);
+  if (tree->root == NULL)
+    return treeCopy;
+  _tree_set_root(treeCopy, tree->root->data);
-	// Now parallel run on both trees (manual breadth-first walk)
-	TreeNode* treeNode = tree->root;
-	TreeNode* treeNodeCopy = treeCopy->root;
-	while (treeNode != NULL)
-	{
-		// process current children
-		TreeNode* child = treeNode->firstChild;
-		while (child != NULL)
-		{
-			_tree_add_child(treeCopy, treeNodeCopy, child->data);
-			child = child->next;
-		}
+  // Now parallel run on both trees (manual breadth-first walk)
+  TreeNode* treeNode = tree->root;
+  TreeNode* treeNodeCopy = treeCopy->root;
+  while (treeNode != NULL)
+  {
+    // process current children
+    TreeNode* child = treeNode->firstChild;
+    while (child != NULL)
+    {
+      _tree_add_child(treeCopy, treeNodeCopy, child->data);
+      child = child->next;
+    }
-		// try to go to next sibling (NOTE: already added as child of parent)
-		if (treeNode->next != NULL)
-		{
-			treeNode = treeNode->next;
-			treeNodeCopy = treeNodeCopy->next;
-			continue;
-		}
+    // try to go to next sibling (NOTE: already added as child of parent)
+    if (treeNode->next != NULL)
+    {
+      treeNode = treeNode->next;
+      treeNodeCopy = treeNodeCopy->next;
+      continue;
+    }
-		// try to go to next "cousin" on same level
-		if (treeNode->parent != NULL && treeNode->parent->next != NULL)
-		{
-			TreeNode* treeNodeParent = treeNode->parent->next;
-			TreeNode* treeNodeParentCopy = treeNodeCopy->parent->next;
-			while (treeNodeParent != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeNodeParent))
-			{
-				treeNodeParent = treeNodeParent->next;
-				treeNodeParentCopy = treeNodeParentCopy->next;
-			}
-			if (treeNodeParent != NULL)
-			{
-				treeNode = treeNodeParent->firstChild;
-				treeNodeCopy = treeNodeParentCopy->firstChild;
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
+    // try to go to next "cousin" on same level
+    if (treeNode->parent != NULL && treeNode->parent->next != NULL)
+    {
+      TreeNode* treeNodeParent = treeNode->parent->next;
+      TreeNode* treeNodeParentCopy = treeNodeCopy->parent->next;
+      while (treeNodeParent != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeNodeParent))
+      {
+        treeNodeParent = treeNodeParent->next;
+        treeNodeParentCopy = treeNodeParentCopy->next;
+      }
+      if (treeNodeParent != NULL)
+      {
+        treeNode = treeNodeParent->firstChild;
+        treeNodeCopy = treeNodeParentCopy->firstChild;
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
-		// try to go to next level, and move treeNodeCopy accordingly
-		while (treeNode->prev != NULL)
-		{
-			treeNode = treeNode->prev;
-			treeNodeCopy = treeNodeCopy->prev;
-		}
-		while (treeNode != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeNode))
-		{
-			treeNode = treeNode->next;
-			treeNodeCopy = treeNodeCopy->next;
-		}
-		if (treeNode != NULL)
-		{
-			treeNode = treeNode->firstChild;
-			treeNodeCopy = treeNodeCopy->firstChild;
-		}
-	}
-	return treeCopy;
+    // try to go to next level, and move treeNodeCopy accordingly
+    while (treeNode->prev != NULL)
+    {
+      treeNode = treeNode->prev;
+      treeNodeCopy = treeNodeCopy->prev;
+    }
+    while (treeNode != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeNode))
+    {
+      treeNode = treeNode->next;
+      treeNodeCopy = treeNodeCopy->next;
+    }
+    if (treeNode != NULL)
+    {
+      treeNode = treeNode->firstChild;
+      treeNodeCopy = treeNodeCopy->firstChild;
+    }
+  }
+  return treeCopy;
 bool tree_empty(Tree* tree)
-	return (tree->root == NULL);
+  return (tree->root == NULL);
 UInt tree_size(Tree* tree)
-	return tree->size;
+  return tree->size;
 UInt _tree_height_rekursiv(TreeNode* treeNode)
-	if (tree_is_leaf(treeNode))
-		return 1;
-	TreeNode* child = treeNode->firstChild;
-	UInt maxHeightChild = 0;
-	while (child != NULL)
-	{
-		UInt heightChild = _tree_height_rekursiv(child);
-		if (heightChild > maxHeightChild)
-			maxHeightChild = heightChild;
-		child = child->next;
-	}
-	return 1 + maxHeightChild;
+  if (tree_is_leaf(treeNode))
+    return 1;
+  TreeNode* child = treeNode->firstChild;
+  UInt maxHeightChild = 0;
+  while (child != NULL)
+  {
+    UInt heightChild = _tree_height_rekursiv(child);
+    if (heightChild > maxHeightChild)
+      maxHeightChild = heightChild;
+    child = child->next;
+  }
+  return 1 + maxHeightChild;
 UInt tree_height(Tree* tree)
-	if (tree_empty(tree))
-		return 0;
-	return _tree_height_rekursiv(tree->root);
+  if (tree_empty(tree))
+    return 0;
+  return _tree_height_rekursiv(tree->root);
 bool tree_is_leaf(TreeNode* treeNode)
-	return (treeNode->firstChild == NULL);
+  return (treeNode->firstChild == NULL);
 void _tree_set_root(Tree* tree, void* data)
-	tree->root = (TreeNode*) safe_malloc(sizeof (TreeNode));
-	tree->root->data = safe_malloc(tree->dataSize);
-	memcpy(tree->root->data, data, tree->dataSize);
-	tree->root->parent = NULL;
-	tree->root->firstChild = NULL;
-	tree->root->lastChild = NULL;
-	tree->root->prev = NULL;
-	tree->root->next = NULL;
-	tree->size = 1;
+  tree->root = (TreeNode*) safe_malloc(sizeof (TreeNode));
+  tree->root->data = safe_malloc(tree->dataSize);
+  memcpy(tree->root->data, data, tree->dataSize);
+  tree->root->parent = NULL;
+  tree->root->firstChild = NULL;
+  tree->root->lastChild = NULL;
+  tree->root->prev = NULL;
+  tree->root->next = NULL;
+  tree->size = 1;
 void* _tree_get(TreeNode* treeNode)
-	return treeNode->data;
+  return treeNode->data;
 void _tree_set(Tree* tree, TreeNode* treeNode, void* data)
-	memcpy(treeNode->data, data, tree->dataSize);
+  memcpy(treeNode->data, data, tree->dataSize);
 void _tree_add_child(Tree* tree, TreeNode* treeNode, void* data)
-	TreeNode* newChildNode = (TreeNode*) safe_malloc(sizeof (TreeNode));
-	newChildNode->data = safe_malloc(tree->dataSize);
-	memcpy(newChildNode->data, data, tree->dataSize);
-	newChildNode->next = NULL;
-	if (treeNode->lastChild != NULL)
-		treeNode->lastChild->next = newChildNode;
-	newChildNode->prev = treeNode->lastChild;
-	treeNode->lastChild = newChildNode;
-	if (treeNode->firstChild == NULL)
-		treeNode->firstChild = newChildNode;
-	newChildNode->parent = treeNode;
-	newChildNode->firstChild = NULL;
-	newChildNode->lastChild = NULL;
-	tree->size++;
+  TreeNode* newChildNode = (TreeNode*) safe_malloc(sizeof (TreeNode));
+  newChildNode->data = safe_malloc(tree->dataSize);
+  memcpy(newChildNode->data, data, tree->dataSize);
+  newChildNode->next = NULL;
+  if (treeNode->lastChild != NULL)
+    treeNode->lastChild->next = newChildNode;
+  newChildNode->prev = treeNode->lastChild;
+  treeNode->lastChild = newChildNode;
+  if (treeNode->firstChild == NULL)
+    treeNode->firstChild = newChildNode;
+  newChildNode->parent = treeNode;
+  newChildNode->firstChild = NULL;
+  newChildNode->lastChild = NULL;
+  tree->size++;
 void _tree_add_sibling(Tree* tree, TreeNode* treeNode, void* data)
-	TreeNode* newSiblingNode = (TreeNode*) safe_malloc(sizeof (TreeNode));
-	newSiblingNode->data = safe_malloc(tree->dataSize);
-	memcpy(newSiblingNode->data, data, tree->dataSize);
-	newSiblingNode->next = treeNode->next;
-	if (treeNode->next != NULL)
-		treeNode->next->prev = newSiblingNode;
-	newSiblingNode->prev = treeNode;
-	treeNode->next = newSiblingNode;
-	newSiblingNode->parent = treeNode->parent;
-	newSiblingNode->firstChild = NULL;
-	newSiblingNode->lastChild = NULL;
-	tree->size++;
+  TreeNode* newSiblingNode = (TreeNode*) safe_malloc(sizeof (TreeNode));
+  newSiblingNode->data = safe_malloc(tree->dataSize);
+  memcpy(newSiblingNode->data, data, tree->dataSize);
+  newSiblingNode->next = treeNode->next;
+  if (treeNode->next != NULL)
+    treeNode->next->prev = newSiblingNode;
+  newSiblingNode->prev = treeNode;
+  treeNode->next = newSiblingNode;
+  newSiblingNode->parent = treeNode->parent;
+  newSiblingNode->firstChild = NULL;
+  newSiblingNode->lastChild = NULL;
+  tree->size++;
 void _tree_remove_rekursiv(Tree* tree, TreeNode* treeNode)
-	TreeNode* child = treeNode->firstChild;
-	while (child != NULL)
-	{
-		TreeNode* nextChild = child->next;
-		_tree_remove_rekursiv(tree, child);
-		child = nextChild;
-	}
-	safe_free(treeNode->data);
-	safe_free(treeNode);
-	tree->size--;
+  TreeNode* child = treeNode->firstChild;
+  while (child != NULL)
+  {
+    TreeNode* nextChild = child->next;
+    _tree_remove_rekursiv(tree, child);
+    child = nextChild;
+  }
+  safe_free(treeNode->data);
+  safe_free(treeNode);
+  tree->size--;
 void tree_remove(Tree* tree, TreeNode* treeNode)
-	if (treeNode->parent != NULL)
-	{
-		if (treeNode->prev == NULL)
-			treeNode->parent->firstChild = treeNode->next;
-		if (treeNode->next == NULL)
-			treeNode->parent->lastChild = treeNode->prev;
-	}
-	if (treeNode->next != NULL)
-		treeNode->next->prev = treeNode->prev;
-	if (treeNode->prev != NULL)
-		treeNode->prev->next = treeNode->next;
-	_tree_remove_rekursiv(tree, treeNode);
+  if (treeNode->parent != NULL)
+  {
+    if (treeNode->prev == NULL)
+      treeNode->parent->firstChild = treeNode->next;
+    if (treeNode->next == NULL)
+      treeNode->parent->lastChild = treeNode->prev;
+  }
+  if (treeNode->next != NULL)
+    treeNode->next->prev = treeNode->prev;
+  if (treeNode->prev != NULL)
+    treeNode->prev->next = treeNode->next;
+  _tree_remove_rekursiv(tree, treeNode);
 void tree_rm_childs(Tree* tree, TreeNode* treeNode)
-	TreeNode* child = treeNode->firstChild;
-	while (child != NULL)
-	{
-		TreeNode* nextChild = child->next;
-		_tree_remove_rekursiv(tree, child);
-		child = nextChild;
-	}
-	treeNode->firstChild = NULL;
-	treeNode->lastChild = NULL;
+  TreeNode* child = treeNode->firstChild;
+  while (child != NULL)
+  {
+    TreeNode* nextChild = child->next;
+    _tree_remove_rekursiv(tree, child);
+    child = nextChild;
+  }
+  treeNode->firstChild = NULL;
+  treeNode->lastChild = NULL;
 void tree_clear(Tree* tree)
-	if (tree->root != NULL)
-		_tree_remove_rekursiv(tree, tree->root);
-	_tree_init(tree, tree->dataSize);
+  if (tree->root != NULL)
+    _tree_remove_rekursiv(tree, tree->root);
+  _tree_init(tree, tree->dataSize);
 void tree_destroy(Tree* tree)
-	if (tree->root != NULL)
-		tree_clear(tree);
-	safe_free(tree);
+  if (tree->root != NULL)
+    tree_clear(tree);
+  safe_free(tree);
@@ -246,78 +246,78 @@ void tree_destroy(Tree* tree)
 TreeIterator* tree_get_iterator(Tree* tree, TreeIteratorMode mode)
-	TreeIterator* treeI = (TreeIterator*) safe_malloc(sizeof (TreeIterator));
-	treeI->tree = tree;
-	treeI->mode = mode;
-	treeI_reset(treeI);
-	return treeI;
+  TreeIterator* treeI = (TreeIterator*) safe_malloc(sizeof (TreeIterator));
+  treeI->tree = tree;
+  treeI->mode = mode;
+  treeI_reset(treeI);
+  return treeI;
 void treeI_reset(TreeIterator* treeI)
-	treeI->current = treeI->tree->root;
+  treeI->current = treeI->tree->root;
 bool treeI_has_data(TreeIterator* treeI)
-	return (treeI->current != NULL);
+  return (treeI->current != NULL);
 TreeNode* treeI_get_raw(TreeIterator* treeI)
-	return treeI->current;
+  return treeI->current;
 void treeI_move_next(TreeIterator* treeI)
-	TreeIteratorMode mode = treeI->mode;
-	switch (mode)
-	{
-	case IN_DEPTH:
-		if (!tree_is_leaf(treeI->current))
-		{
-			// easy case: just descend deeper in the tree
-			treeI->current = treeI->current->firstChild;
-			return;
-		}
-		// leaf: while no next sibling is available, move up
-		while (treeI->current != NULL && treeI->current->next == NULL)
-			treeI->current = treeI->current->parent;
-		if (treeI->current != NULL)
-			// run goes on from next sibling
-			treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
-		break;
-	case IN_BREADTH:
-		if (treeI->current->next != NULL)
-		{
-			// easy case : just move to the next sibling
-			treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
-			return;
-		}
-		// try to go to next "cousin" on same level
-		if (treeI->current->parent != NULL && treeI->current->parent->next != NULL)
-		{
-			TreeNode* treeNodeParent = treeI->current->parent->next;
-			while (treeNodeParent != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeNodeParent))
-				treeNodeParent = treeNodeParent->next;
-			if (treeNodeParent != NULL)
-			{
-				treeI->current = treeNodeParent->firstChild;
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		// try to go to next level
-		while (treeI->current->prev != NULL)
-			treeI->current = treeI->current->prev;
-		while (treeI->current != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeI->current))
-			treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
-		if (treeI->current != NULL)
-			treeI->current = treeI->current->firstChild;
-		break;
-	}
+  TreeIteratorMode mode = treeI->mode;
+  switch (mode)
+  {
+  case IN_DEPTH:
+    if (!tree_is_leaf(treeI->current))
+    {
+      // easy case: just descend deeper in the tree
+      treeI->current = treeI->current->firstChild;
+      return;
+    }
+    // leaf: while no next sibling is available, move up
+    while (treeI->current != NULL && treeI->current->next == NULL)
+      treeI->current = treeI->current->parent;
+    if (treeI->current != NULL)
+      // run goes on from next sibling
+      treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
+    break;
+  case IN_BREADTH:
+    if (treeI->current->next != NULL)
+    {
+      // easy case : just move to the next sibling
+      treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
+      return;
+    }
+    // try to go to next "cousin" on same level
+    if (treeI->current->parent != NULL && treeI->current->parent->next != NULL)
+    {
+      TreeNode* treeNodeParent = treeI->current->parent->next;
+      while (treeNodeParent != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeNodeParent))
+        treeNodeParent = treeNodeParent->next;
+      if (treeNodeParent != NULL)
+      {
+        treeI->current = treeNodeParent->firstChild;
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    // try to go to next level
+    while (treeI->current->prev != NULL)
+      treeI->current = treeI->current->prev;
+    while (treeI->current != NULL && tree_is_leaf(treeI->current))
+      treeI->current = treeI->current->next;
+    if (treeI->current != NULL)
+      treeI->current = treeI->current->firstChild;
+    break;
+  }
 void treeI_destroy(TreeIterator* treeI)
-	safe_free(treeI);
+  safe_free(treeI);
diff --git a/src/Tree.h b/src/Tree.h
index 617ea15..6ac0864 100644
--- a/src/Tree.h
+++ b/src/Tree.h
@@ -18,36 +18,36 @@
  * @brief Tree node, containing some generic data.
 typedef struct TreeNode {
-	void* data; ///< Generic data contained in this node.
-	struct TreeNode* parent; ///< Pointer to parent node (NULL if node is root).
-	struct TreeNode* firstChild; ///< Pointer to the first child (if any).
-	struct TreeNode* lastChild; ///< Pointer to the last child (if any).
-	struct TreeNode* prev; ///< Pointer to the previous sibling (on the left).
-	struct TreeNode* next; ///< Pointer to the next sibling (on the right).
+  void* data; ///< Generic data contained in this node.
+  struct TreeNode* parent; ///< Pointer to parent node (NULL if node is root).
+  struct TreeNode* firstChild; ///< Pointer to the first child (if any).
+  struct TreeNode* lastChild; ///< Pointer to the last child (if any).
+  struct TreeNode* prev; ///< Pointer to the previous sibling (on the left).
+  struct TreeNode* next; ///< Pointer to the next sibling (on the right).
 } TreeNode;
  * @brief Generic multi-ary tree.
 typedef struct Tree {
-	TreeNode* root; ///< Root node of the tree.
-	size_t dataSize; ///< Size of *data at a tree node, in bytes.
-	UInt size; ///< Count nodes in the tree.
+  TreeNode* root; ///< Root node of the tree.
+  size_t dataSize; ///< Size of *data at a tree node, in bytes.
+  UInt size; ///< Count nodes in the tree.
 } Tree;
  * @brief Initialize an empty tree.
 void _tree_init(
-	Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
-	size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a tree element.
+  Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
+  size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a tree element.
  * @brief Return an allocated and initialized tree.
 Tree* _tree_new(
-	size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a tree node element.
+  size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a tree node element.
@@ -57,56 +57,58 @@ Tree* _tree_new(
  * Usage: Tree* tree_new(<Type> type)
 #define tree_new(type) \
-	_tree_new(sizeof(type))
+{ \
+  _tree_new(sizeof(type)); \
  * @brief Copy constructor (shallow copy, ok for basic types).
 Tree* tree_copy(
-	Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
+  Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Check if the tree is empty.
 bool tree_empty(
-	Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
+  Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief return current size of the tree (counting nodes).
 UInt tree_size(
-	Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
+  Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Auxiliary function to get tree height.
 UInt _tree_height_rekursiv(
-	TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
+  TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
  * @brief Return tree height (max depth from root to leaves).
 UInt tree_height(
-	Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
+  Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Check if a sub-tree is a leaf (without children).
 bool tree_is_leaf(
-	TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
+  TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
  * @brief Initialize tree root when the tree is empty.
 void _tree_set_root(
-	Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to data to be assigned.
+  Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to data to be assigned.
@@ -118,15 +120,15 @@ void _tree_set_root(
 #define tree_set_root(tree, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_tree_set_root(tree, &tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _tree_set_root(tree, &tmp); \
  * @brief Return data contained in a given tree node.
 void* _tree_get(
-	TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
+  TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
@@ -138,17 +140,17 @@ void* _tree_get(
 #define tree_get(treeNode, data) \
 { \
-	void* pData = _tree_get(treeNode); \
-	data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
+  void* pData = _tree_get(treeNode); \
+  data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
  * @brief Set (alter) data at tree node passed as argument.
 void _tree_set(
-	Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
-	TreeNode* treeNode, ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to data to be assigned.
+  Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeNode* treeNode, ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to data to be assigned.
@@ -161,17 +163,17 @@ void _tree_set(
 #define tree_set(tree, treeNode, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_tree_set(tree,treeNode,&tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _tree_set(tree,treeNode,&tmp); \
  * @brief Add a child to current node children.
 void _tree_add_child(
-	Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
-	TreeNode* treeNode, ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to data to be added.
+  Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeNode* treeNode, ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to data to be added.
@@ -184,17 +186,17 @@ void _tree_add_child(
 #define tree_add_child(tree,treeNode,data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_tree_add_child(tree,treeNode,&tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _tree_add_child(tree,treeNode,&tmp); \
  * @brief Add a sibling to current node (after it on the right).
 void _tree_add_sibling(
-	Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
-	TreeNode* treeNode, ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to data to be added.
+  Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeNode* treeNode, ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to data to be added.
@@ -207,46 +209,46 @@ void _tree_add_sibling(
 #define tree_add_sibling(tree, treeNode, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_tree_add_sibling(tree, treeNode, &tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _tree_add_sibling(tree, treeNode, &tmp); \
  * @brief Auxiliary to remove a subtree.
 void _tree_remove_rekursiv(
-	Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
-	TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
+  Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
  * @brief Remove the whole subtree rooted at 'treeNode'.
 void tree_remove(
-	Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
-	TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
+  Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
  * @brief Remove children of the tree node given as argument.
 void tree_rm_childs(
-	Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
-	TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
+  Tree* tree, ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeNode* treeNode ///< Pointer to a node in the "this" tree.
  * @brief Clear the entire tree.
 void tree_clear(
-	Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
+  Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Destroy the tree: clear it, and free 'tree' pointer.
 void tree_destroy(
-	Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
+  Tree* tree ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -257,46 +259,46 @@ void tree_destroy(
  * @brief Type of tree search: depth first or breadth first walk.
 typedef enum TreeIteratorMode {
-	IN_DEPTH = 0, ///< Depth first.
-	IN_BREADTH = 1 ///< Breadth first.
+  IN_DEPTH = 0, ///< Depth first.
+  IN_BREADTH = 1 ///< Breadth first.
 } TreeIteratorMode;
  * @brief Iterator on a tree object.
 typedef struct TreeIterator {
-	Tree* tree; ///< Pointer to the tree to iterate over.
-	TreeNode* current; ///< Current iterator position.
-	TreeIteratorMode mode; ///< Mode of iteration (in depth or in breadth).
+  Tree* tree; ///< Pointer to the tree to iterate over.
+  TreeNode* current; ///< Current iterator position.
+  TreeIteratorMode mode; ///< Mode of iteration (in depth or in breadth).
 } TreeIterator;
  * @brief Obtain an iterator object, starting at tree root.
 TreeIterator* tree_get_iterator(
-	Tree* tree, ///< Pointer to the tree to iterate over.
-	TreeIteratorMode mode ///< Mode of iteration (in depth or in breadth).
+  Tree* tree, ///< Pointer to the tree to iterate over.
+  TreeIteratorMode mode ///< Mode of iteration (in depth or in breadth).
  * @brief (Re)set current position inside tree to root.
 void treeI_reset(
-	TreeIterator* treeI ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeIterator* treeI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Tell if there is some data at the current index.
 bool treeI_has_data(
-	TreeIterator* treeI ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeIterator* treeI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Return current tree node.
 TreeNode* treeI_get_raw(
-	TreeIterator* treeI ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeIterator* treeI ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -307,7 +309,7 @@ TreeNode* treeI_get_raw(
  * Usage: void treeI_get(TreeIterator* treeI, void data)
 #define treeI_get(treeI, data) \
-	tree_get(treeI->current, data)
+  tree_get(treeI->current, data)
  * @brief Set (alter) data at current tree node.
@@ -317,20 +319,20 @@ TreeNode* treeI_get_raw(
  * Usage: void treeI_set(TreeIterator* treeI, void data)
 #define treeI_set(treeI, data) \
-	tree_set(treeI->tree, treeI->current, data)
+  tree_set(treeI->tree, treeI->current, data)
  * @brief Move current iterator position forward (toward leaves).
 void treeI_move_next(
-	TreeIterator* treeI ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeIterator* treeI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Free memory allocated for the iterator.
 void treeI_destroy(
-	TreeIterator* treeI ///< "this" pointer.
+  TreeIterator* treeI ///< "this" pointer.
diff --git a/src/Vector.c b/src/Vector.c
index 042e75c..a072ff3 100644
--- a/src/Vector.c
+++ b/src/Vector.c
@@ -10,100 +10,100 @@
 void _vector_init(Vector* vector, size_t dataSize)
-	vector->datas = NULL;
-	vector->dataSize = dataSize;
-	vector->size = 0;
-	vector->capacity = 0;
+  vector->datas = NULL;
+  vector->dataSize = dataSize;
+  vector->size = 0;
+  vector->capacity = 0;
 Vector* _vector_new(size_t dataSize)
-	Vector* vector = (Vector*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Vector));
-	_vector_init(vector, dataSize);
-	return vector;
+  Vector* vector = (Vector*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Vector));
+  _vector_init(vector, dataSize);
+  return vector;
 Vector* vector_copy(Vector* vector)
-	Vector* vectorCopy = _vector_new(vector->dataSize);
-	vectorCopy->size = vector->size;
-	vectorCopy->capacity = vector->capacity;
-	vectorCopy->datas = (void**) safe_malloc(vector->capacity * sizeof (void*));
-	for (UInt i = 0; i < vector->size; i++)
-	{
-		vectorCopy->datas[i] = safe_malloc(vector->dataSize);
-		memcpy(vectorCopy->datas[i], vector->datas[i], vector->dataSize);
-	}
-	return vectorCopy;
+  Vector* vectorCopy = _vector_new(vector->dataSize);
+  vectorCopy->size = vector->size;
+  vectorCopy->capacity = vector->capacity;
+  vectorCopy->datas = (void**) safe_malloc(vector->capacity * sizeof (void*));
+  for (UInt i = 0; i < vector->size; i++)
+  {
+    vectorCopy->datas[i] = safe_malloc(vector->dataSize);
+    memcpy(vectorCopy->datas[i], vector->datas[i], vector->dataSize);
+  }
+  return vectorCopy;
 bool vector_empty(Vector* vector)
-	return (vector->size == 0);
+  return (vector->size == 0);
 UInt vector_size(Vector* vector)
-	return vector->size;
+  return vector->size;
 void _vector_realloc(Vector* vector, UInt newCapacity)
-	void** rellocatedDatas = (void**) safe_malloc(newCapacity * sizeof (void*));
-	for (UInt i = 0; i < vector->size; i++)
-	{
-		rellocatedDatas[i] = (void*) safe_malloc(vector->dataSize);
-		memcpy(rellocatedDatas[i], vector->datas[i], vector->dataSize);
-		safe_free(vector->datas[i]);
-	}
-	safe_free(vector->datas);
-	vector->datas = rellocatedDatas;
-	vector->capacity = newCapacity;
+  void** rellocatedDatas = (void**) safe_malloc(newCapacity * sizeof (void*));
+  for (UInt i = 0; i < vector->size; i++)
+  {
+    rellocatedDatas[i] = (void*) safe_malloc(vector->dataSize);
+    memcpy(rellocatedDatas[i], vector->datas[i], vector->dataSize);
+    safe_free(vector->datas[i]);
+  }
+  safe_free(vector->datas);
+  vector->datas = rellocatedDatas;
+  vector->capacity = newCapacity;
 void _vector_push(Vector* vector, void* data)
-	void* pData = safe_malloc(vector->dataSize);
-	memcpy(pData, data, vector->dataSize);
-	if (vector->size >= vector->capacity)
-	{
-		UInt increasedCapacity = vector->capacity > 0 ? 2 * vector->capacity : 1;
-		_vector_realloc(vector, increasedCapacity);
-	}
-	vector->datas[vector->size] = pData;
-	vector->size++;
+  void* pData = safe_malloc(vector->dataSize);
+  memcpy(pData, data, vector->dataSize);
+  if (vector->size >= vector->capacity)
+  {
+    UInt increasedCapacity = vector->capacity > 0 ? 2 * vector->capacity : 1;
+    _vector_realloc(vector, increasedCapacity);
+  }
+  vector->datas[vector->size] = pData;
+  vector->size++;
 void vector_pop(Vector* vector)
-	safe_free(vector->datas[vector_size(vector) - 1]);
-	vector->size--;
-	if (vector_size(vector) <= (vector->capacity >> 1))
-		_vector_realloc(vector, vector->capacity >> 1);
+  safe_free(vector->datas[vector_size(vector) - 1]);
+  vector->size--;
+  if (vector_size(vector) <= (vector->capacity >> 1))
+    _vector_realloc(vector, vector->capacity >> 1);
 void* _vector_get(Vector* vector, UInt index)
-	return vector->datas[index];
+  return vector->datas[index];
 void _vector_set(Vector* vector, UInt index, void* data)
-	memcpy(vector->datas[index], data, vector->dataSize);
+  memcpy(vector->datas[index], data, vector->dataSize);
 void vector_clear(Vector* vector)
-	for (UInt i = 0; i < vector->size; i++)
-		safe_free(vector->datas[i]);
-	safe_free(vector->datas);
-	_vector_init(vector, vector->dataSize);
+  for (UInt i = 0; i < vector->size; i++)
+    safe_free(vector->datas[i]);
+  safe_free(vector->datas);
+  _vector_init(vector, vector->dataSize);
 void vector_destroy(Vector* vector)
-	vector_clear(vector);
-	safe_free(vector);
+  vector_clear(vector);
+  safe_free(vector);
@@ -112,50 +112,50 @@ void vector_destroy(Vector* vector)
 VectorIterator* vector_get_iterator(Vector* vector)
-	VectorIterator* vectorI =
+  VectorIterator* vectorI =
     (VectorIterator*) safe_malloc(sizeof (VectorIterator));
-	vectorI->vector = vector;
-	vectorI_reset_begin(vectorI);
-	return vectorI;
+  vectorI->vector = vector;
+  vectorI_reset_begin(vectorI);
+  return vectorI;
 void vectorI_reset_begin(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-	vectorI->current = vectorI->vector->datas;
+  vectorI->current = vectorI->vector->datas;
 void vectorI_reset_end(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-	vectorI->current = vectorI->vector->datas + vectorI->vector->size - 1;
+  vectorI->current = vectorI->vector->datas + vectorI->vector->size - 1;
 bool vectorI_has_data(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-	return (vectorI->current >= vectorI->vector->datas &&
-		vectorI->current < vectorI->vector->datas + vectorI->vector->size);
+  return (vectorI->current >= vectorI->vector->datas &&
+    vectorI->current < vectorI->vector->datas + vectorI->vector->size);
 void* _vectorI_get(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-	return *(vectorI->current);
+  return *(vectorI->current);
 void _vectorI_set(VectorIterator* vectorI, void* data)
-	*(vectorI->current) = data;
+  *(vectorI->current) = data;
 void vectorI_move_next(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-	vectorI->current++;
+  vectorI->current++;
 void vectorI_move_prev(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-	vectorI->current--;
+  vectorI->current--;
 void vectorI_destroy(VectorIterator* vectorI)
-	safe_free(vectorI);
+  safe_free(vectorI);
diff --git a/src/Vector.h b/src/Vector.h
index f6060f8..0f3ef58 100644
--- a/src/Vector.h
+++ b/src/Vector.h
@@ -18,25 +18,25 @@
  * @brief Generic resizable array.
 typedef struct Vector {
-	void** datas; ///< Data array of fixed length (reallocated if needed).
-	size_t dataSize; ///< Size in bytes of a vector element.
-	UInt size; ///< Count elements in the vector.
-	UInt capacity; ///< Current maximal capacity; always larger than size.
+  void** datas; ///< Data array of fixed length (reallocated if needed).
+  size_t dataSize; ///< Size in bytes of a vector element.
+  UInt size; ///< Count elements in the vector.
+  UInt capacity; ///< Current maximal capacity; always larger than size.
 } Vector;
  * @brief Initialize an empty vector.
 void _vector_init(
-	Vector* vector, ///< "this" pointer.
-	size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a vector element.
+  Vector* vector, ///< "this" pointer.
+  size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a vector element.
  * @brief Return an allocated and initialized vector.
 Vector* _vector_new(
-	size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a vector element.
+  size_t dataSize ///< Size in bytes of a vector element.
@@ -46,43 +46,45 @@ Vector* _vector_new(
  * Usage: Vector* vector_new(<Type> type)
 #define vector_new(type) \
-	_vector_new(sizeof(type))
+{ \
+  _vector_new(sizeof(type)); \
  * @brief Copy constructor (shallow copy, ok for basic types).
 Vector* vector_copy(
-	Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
+  Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Check if the vector is empty.
 bool vector_empty(
-	Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
+  Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Return current size.
 UInt vector_size(
-	Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
+  Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Reallocate internal array.
 void _vector_realloc(
-	Vector* vector, ///< "this" pointer.
-	UInt newCapacity ///< New capacity of the vector (in number of elements).
+  Vector* vector, ///< "this" pointer.
+  UInt newCapacity ///< New capacity of the vector (in number of elements).
  * @brief Add data at the end.
 void _vector_push(
-	Vector* vector, ///< "this" pointer.
-	void* data ///< Data to be added.
+  Vector* vector, ///< "this" pointer.
+  void* data ///< Data to be added.
@@ -94,23 +96,23 @@ void _vector_push(
 #define vector_push(vector, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_vector_push(vector,&tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _vector_push(vector,&tmp); \
  * @brief Remove the last pushed element.
 void vector_pop(
-	Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
+  Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Get the element at given index.
 void* _vector_get(
-	Vector* vector, ///< "this" pointer.
-	UInt index ///< Index of the element to retrieve.
+  Vector* vector, ///< "this" pointer.
+  UInt index ///< Index of the element to retrieve.
@@ -123,17 +125,17 @@ void* _vector_get(
 #define vector_get(vector, index, data) \
 { \
-	void* pData = _vector_get(vector,index); \
-	data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
+  void* pData = _vector_get(vector,index); \
+  data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
  * @brief Set the element at given index.
 void _vector_set(
-	Vector* vector, ///< "this" pointer.
-	UInt index, ///< Index of the element to be modified.
-	void* data ///< Pointer to new data at given index.
+  Vector* vector, ///< "this" pointer.
+  UInt index, ///< Index of the element to be modified.
+  void* data ///< Pointer to new data at given index.
@@ -146,22 +148,22 @@ void _vector_set(
 #define vector_set(vector, index, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_vector_set(vector,index,&tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _vector_set(vector,index,&tmp); \
  * @brief Clear the entire vector.
 void vector_clear(
-	Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
+  Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Destroy the vector: clear it, and free 'vector' pointer.
 void vector_destroy(
-	Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
+  Vector* vector ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -172,43 +174,43 @@ void vector_destroy(
  * @brief Iterator on a generic vector.
 typedef struct VectorIterator {
-	Vector* vector; ///< Vector to be iterated.
-	void** current; ///< Current vector element.
+  Vector* vector; ///< Vector to be iterated.
+  void** current; ///< Current vector element.
 } VectorIterator;
  * @brief Obtain an iterator object, starting at vector beginning (index 0).
 VectorIterator* vector_get_iterator(
-	Vector* vector ///< Pointer to the vector to iterate over.
+  Vector* vector ///< Pointer to the vector to iterate over.
  * @brief (Re)set current position inside vector to beginning (0).
 void vectorI_reset_begin(
-	VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
+  VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief (Re)set current position inside vector to end (vector->size-1).
 void vectorI_reset_end(
-	VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
+  VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Tell if there is some data at the current index.
 bool vectorI_has_data(
-	VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
+  VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Get data contained at the current index.
 void* _vectorI_get(
-	VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
+  VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
@@ -220,16 +222,16 @@ void* _vectorI_get(
 #define vectorI_get(vectorI, data) \
 { \
-	void* pData = _vectorI_get(vectorI); \
-	data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
+  void* pData = _vectorI_get(vectorI); \
+  data = *((typeof(&data))pData); \
  * @brief Set the element at current index.
 void _vectorI_set(
-	VectorIterator* vectorI, ///< "this" pointer.
-	void* data ///< Data to be assigned.
+  VectorIterator* vectorI, ///< "this" pointer.
+  void* data ///< Data to be assigned.
@@ -241,29 +243,29 @@ void _vectorI_set(
 #define vectorI_set(vectorI, data) \
 { \
-	typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
-	_vectorI_set(vectorI,&tmp); \
+  typeof((data)) tmp = data; \
+  _vectorI_set(vectorI,&tmp); \
  * @brief Move current iterator position forward (toward last index).
 void vectorI_move_next(
-	VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
+  VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Move current iterator position backward (toward first index).
 void vectorI_move_prev(
-	VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
+  VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
  * @brief Free memory allocated for the iterator.
 void vectorI_destroy(
-	VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
+  VectorIterator* vectorI ///< "this" pointer.
diff --git a/src/safe_alloc.c b/src/safe_alloc.c
index dcb8c33..79e6f04 100644
--- a/src/safe_alloc.c
+++ b/src/safe_alloc.c
@@ -6,39 +6,39 @@
 void* safe_malloc(size_t size)
-	void* res = malloc(size);
-	if (res == NULL)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to allocate memory\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	return res;
+  void* res = malloc(size);
+  if (res == NULL)
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to allocate memory\n");
+    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+  }
+  return res;
 void* safe_calloc(size_t count, size_t size)
-	void* res = calloc(count, size);
-	if (res == NULL)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to allocate memory\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	return res;
+  void* res = calloc(count, size);
+  if (res == NULL)
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to allocate memory\n");
+    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+  }
+  return res;
 void* safe_realloc(void* ptr, size_t size)
-	void* res = realloc(ptr, size);
-	if (res == NULL)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to reallocate memory\n");
-		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-	}
-	return res;
+  void* res = realloc(ptr, size);
+  if (res == NULL)
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to reallocate memory\n");
+    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+  }
+  return res;
 void safe_free(void* ptr)
-	if (ptr != NULL)
-		free(ptr);
+  if (ptr != NULL)
+    free(ptr);
diff --git a/src/safe_alloc.h b/src/safe_alloc.h
index 6771cc8..aab739d 100644
--- a/src/safe_alloc.h
+++ b/src/safe_alloc.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
  * @return A pointer to the newly allocated area; exit program if fail.
 void* safe_malloc(
-	size_t size ///< Size of the block to allocate, in bytes.
+  size_t size ///< Size of the block to allocate, in bytes.
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ void* safe_malloc(
  * @return A pointer to the newly allocated area; exit program if fail.
 void* safe_calloc(
-	size_t count, ///< Number of elements to allocate.
-	size_t size ///< Size of the element to allocate, in bytes.
+  size_t count, ///< Number of elements to allocate.
+  size_t size ///< Size of the element to allocate, in bytes.
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ void* safe_calloc(
  * @return A pointer to the newly allocated area; exit program if fail.
 void* safe_realloc(
-	void* ptr, ///< Pointer on the area to be relocated.
-	size_t size ///< Size of the block to reallocate, in bytes.
+  void* ptr, ///< Pointer on the area to be relocated.
+  size_t size ///< Size of the block to reallocate, in bytes.
  * @brief Wrapper around stdlib free function.
 void safe_free(
-	void* ptr ///< Pointer on the area to be destroyed.
+  void* ptr ///< Pointer on the area to be destroyed.
diff --git a/src/types.h b/src/types.h
index f202b26..bfa0516 100644
--- a/src/types.h
+++ b/src/types.h
@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ typedef double Real;
  * @brief Enumeration for the type of buffer or heap.
 typedef enum {
-	MIN_T = 0, ///< Minimum element first.
-	MAX_T = 1 ///< Maximum element first.
+  MIN_T = 0, ///< Minimum element first.
+  MAX_T = 1 ///< Maximum element first.
 } OrderType;
  * @brief Generic item-value type; 'value' may correspond e.g. to distance.
 typedef struct ItemValue {
-	void* item; ///< Pointer to an item of any type.
-	Real value; ///< Value associated with the item.
+  void* item; ///< Pointer to an item of any type.
+  Real value; ///< Value associated with the item.
 } ItemValue;
diff --git a/test/helpers.h b/test/helpers.h
index 3e8c32b..bc0a604 100644
--- a/test/helpers.h
+++ b/test/helpers.h
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 // types (POD) to be used as items inside our data structures
 typedef struct {
-	int a;
-	double b;
+  int a;
+  double b;
 } StructTest1;
 typedef struct {
-	float a;
-	StructTest1* b;
+  float a;
+  StructTest1* b;
 } StructTest2;
diff --git a/test/lut.h b/test/lut.h
index e41e9c9..8f703d6 100644
--- a/test/lut.h
+++ b/test/lut.h
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 #define lu_assert_msg(expr, ...) \
-	if (!(expr)) { \
-		fprintf(stdout, "Failure in file %s at line %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
-		fprintf(stdout, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
-		return; \
-	}
+  if (!(expr)) { \
+    fprintf(stdout, "Failure in file %s at line %i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+    fprintf(stdout, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
+    return; \
+  }
 #define lu_assert(expr) \
-	lu_assert_msg(expr, "");
+  lu_assert_msg(expr, "");
 /* OP may be any comparison operator. */
 #define _lu_assert_int(X, OP, Y) do { \
-	int _lu_x = (X); \
-	int _lu_y = (Y); \
-	lu_assert_msg(_lu_x OP _lu_y, \
+  int _lu_x = (X); \
+  int _lu_y = (Y); \
+  lu_assert_msg(_lu_x OP _lu_y, \
                 "Assertion '"#X#OP#Y"' failed: "#X"==%i, "#Y"==%i\n", \
                 _lu_x, _lu_y); \
 } while (0)
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
 #define lu_assert_int_ge(X, Y) _lu_assert_int(X, >=, Y)
 #define _lu_assert_dbl(X, OP, Y) do { \
-	double _lu_x = (X); \
-	double _lu_y = (Y); \
-	lu_assert_msg(_lu_x OP _lu_y, \
+  double _lu_x = (X); \
+  double _lu_y = (Y); \
+  lu_assert_msg(_lu_x OP _lu_y, \
                 "Assertion '"#X#OP#Y"' failed: "#X"==%g, "#Y"==%g", \
                 _lu_x, _lu_y); \
 } while (0)
diff --git a/test/main.c b/test/main.c
index c5683f8..00b957f 100644
--- a/test/main.c
+++ b/test/main.c
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
 	//file ./t.HashTable.c :
-	//t_hashtable_clear();
-	//t_hashtable_size();
+	t_hashtable_clear();
+	t_hashtable_size();
-	//t_hashtable_getnull_modify();
-	//t_hashtable_copy();
+	t_hashtable_getnull_modify();
+	t_hashtable_copy();
 	//file ./t.Stack.c :
diff --git a/test/t.BufferTop.c b/test/t.BufferTop.c
index 53899c4..1c390cd 100644
--- a/test/t.BufferTop.c
+++ b/test/t.BufferTop.c
@@ -5,156 +5,156 @@
 void t_buffertop_clear()
-	BufferTop* bt = buffertop_new(int, 10, MIN_T, 2);
+  BufferTop* bt = buffertop_new(int, 10, MIN_T, 2);
-	// NOTE: items with same values are supported;
-	// since it is unused in this test, we arbitrarily choose 0.0
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0, 0.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0, 0.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0, 0.0);
+  // NOTE: items with same values are supported;
+  // since it is unused in this test, we arbitrarily choose 0.0
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0, 0.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0, 0.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0, 0.0);
-	buffertop_clear(bt);
-	lu_assert(buffertop_empty(bt));
+  buffertop_clear(bt);
+  lu_assert(buffertop_empty(bt));
-	buffertop_destroy(bt);
+  buffertop_destroy(bt);
 void t_buffertop_size()
-	BufferTop* bt = buffertop_new(double, 10, MAX_T, 3);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(buffertop_size(bt), 3);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(buffertop_size(bt), 5);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(buffertop_size(bt), 8);
-	buffertop_destroy(bt);
-	// Now try to add beyond capacity, with reorganizing
-	bt = buffertop_new(double, 3, MAX_T, 2);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 1.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 2.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 3.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 4.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 5.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 6.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 7.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(buffertop_size(bt), 3);
-	buffertop_clear(bt);
-	lu_assert(buffertop_empty(bt));
-	buffertop_destroy(bt);
+  BufferTop* bt = buffertop_new(double, 10, MAX_T, 3);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(buffertop_size(bt), 3);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(buffertop_size(bt), 5);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(buffertop_size(bt), 8);
+  buffertop_destroy(bt);
+  // Now try to add beyond capacity, with reorganizing
+  bt = buffertop_new(double, 3, MAX_T, 2);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 0.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 1.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 2.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 3.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 4.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 5.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 6.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 0.0, 7.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(buffertop_size(bt), 3);
+  buffertop_clear(bt);
+  lu_assert(buffertop_empty(bt));
+  buffertop_destroy(bt);
 void t_buffertop_push_pop_basic()
-	BufferTop* bt = buffertop_new(int, 5, MIN_T, 3);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 1, 2.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 2, 6.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 3, 4.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 4, 8.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 5, 3.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 6, 1.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 7, 5.0);
-	buffertop_tryadd(bt, 8, 7.0);
-	int a;
-	buffertop_first(bt, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 7); //7 -> 5.0
-	buffertop_pop(bt);
-	buffertop_first(bt, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 -> 4.0
-	buffertop_pop(bt);
-	buffertop_first(bt, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 -> 3.0
-	buffertop_pop(bt);
-	buffertop_first(bt, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); //1 -> 2.0
-	buffertop_pop(bt);
-	buffertop_first(bt, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 6); //6 has "highest" priority (1.0, MIN_T)
-	buffertop_pop(bt);
-	lu_assert(buffertop_empty(bt));
-	buffertop_destroy(bt);
+  BufferTop* bt = buffertop_new(int, 5, MIN_T, 3);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 1, 2.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 2, 6.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 3, 4.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 4, 8.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 5, 3.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 6, 1.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 7, 5.0);
+  buffertop_tryadd(bt, 8, 7.0);
+  int a;
+  buffertop_first(bt, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 7); //7 -> 5.0
+  buffertop_pop(bt);
+  buffertop_first(bt, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 -> 4.0
+  buffertop_pop(bt);
+  buffertop_first(bt, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 -> 3.0
+  buffertop_pop(bt);
+  buffertop_first(bt, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); //1 -> 2.0
+  buffertop_pop(bt);
+  buffertop_first(bt, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 6); //6 has "highest" priority (1.0, MIN_T)
+  buffertop_pop(bt);
+  lu_assert(buffertop_empty(bt));
+  buffertop_destroy(bt);
 void t_buffertop_push_pop_evolved()
-	int n = 10;
-	BufferTop* bt = buffertop_new(StructTest1, 5, MAX_T, 2);
-	StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		st1[i].a = i;
-		st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		buffertop_tryadd(bt, *(st1 + i), i); //item i has value i
-	}
-	for (int i = n - buffertop_size(bt); i < n; i++)
-	{
-		StructTest1 st1Cell;
-		buffertop_first(bt, st1Cell);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, i);
-		buffertop_pop(bt);
-	}
-	safe_free(st1);
-	buffertop_destroy(bt);
-	bt = buffertop_new(StructTest2*, 15, MAX_T, 4);
-	StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
-		st2[i].b->a = i;
-		st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		// item i has value i+1 if i is even, i-1 if i is odd
-		// that is to say, values are 1 0 3 2 5 4 ...
-		buffertop_tryadd(bt, st2 + i, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		StructTest2* st2Cell;
-		buffertop_first(bt, st2Cell);
-		// NOTE: i |--> i%2==0 ? i+1 : i-1 is an involution
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
-		buffertop_pop(bt);
-		safe_free(st2Cell->b);
-	}
-	safe_free(st2);
-	buffertop_destroy(bt);
+  int n = 10;
+  BufferTop* bt = buffertop_new(StructTest1, 5, MAX_T, 2);
+  StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    st1[i].a = i;
+    st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    buffertop_tryadd(bt, *(st1 + i), i); //item i has value i
+  }
+  for (int i = n - buffertop_size(bt); i < n; i++)
+  {
+    StructTest1 st1Cell;
+    buffertop_first(bt, st1Cell);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, i);
+    buffertop_pop(bt);
+  }
+  safe_free(st1);
+  buffertop_destroy(bt);
+  bt = buffertop_new(StructTest2*, 15, MAX_T, 4);
+  StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
+    st2[i].b->a = i;
+    st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    // item i has value i+1 if i is even, i-1 if i is odd
+    // that is to say, values are 1 0 3 2 5 4 ...
+    buffertop_tryadd(bt, st2 + i, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    StructTest2* st2Cell;
+    buffertop_first(bt, st2Cell);
+    // NOTE: i |--> i%2==0 ? i+1 : i-1 is an involution
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
+    buffertop_pop(bt);
+    safe_free(st2Cell->b);
+  }
+  safe_free(st2);
+  buffertop_destroy(bt);
 void t_buffertop_copy()
-	int n = 10;
-	BufferTop* bt = buffertop_new(int, n, MIN_T, 3);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		buffertop_tryadd(bt, rand() % 42, (double) rand() / RAND_MAX);
-	BufferTop* btc = buffertop_copy(bt);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(buffertop_size(bt), buffertop_size(btc));
-	int a, b;
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		buffertop_first(bt, a);
-		buffertop_first(btc, b);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
-		buffertop_pop(bt);
-		buffertop_pop(btc);
-	}
-	buffertop_destroy(bt);
-	buffertop_destroy(btc);
+  int n = 10;
+  BufferTop* bt = buffertop_new(int, n, MIN_T, 3);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    buffertop_tryadd(bt, rand() % 42, (double) rand() / RAND_MAX);
+  BufferTop* btc = buffertop_copy(bt);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(buffertop_size(bt), buffertop_size(btc));
+  int a, b;
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    buffertop_first(bt, a);
+    buffertop_first(btc, b);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
+    buffertop_pop(bt);
+    buffertop_pop(btc);
+  }
+  buffertop_destroy(bt);
+  buffertop_destroy(btc);
diff --git a/test/t.Heap.c b/test/t.Heap.c
index 733f104..5d4edc8 100644
--- a/test/t.Heap.c
+++ b/test/t.Heap.c
@@ -5,168 +5,168 @@
 void t_heap_clear()
-	Heap* h = heap_new(int, MIN_T, 2);
+  Heap* h = heap_new(int, MIN_T, 2);
-	// NOTE: items with same priorities are supported;
-	// since it is unused in this test, we arbitrarily choose 0.0
-	heap_insert(h, 0, 0.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 0, 0.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 0, 0.0);
+  // NOTE: items with same priorities are supported;
+  // since it is unused in this test, we arbitrarily choose 0.0
+  heap_insert(h, 0, 0.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 0, 0.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 0, 0.0);
-	heap_clear(h);
-	lu_assert(heap_empty(h));
+  heap_clear(h);
+  lu_assert(heap_empty(h));
-	heap_destroy(h);
+  heap_destroy(h);
 void t_heap_size()
-	Heap* h = heap_new(double, MAX_T, 3);
+  Heap* h = heap_new(double, MAX_T, 3);
-	heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), 3);
+  heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), 3);
-	heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), 5);
+  heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), 5);
-	heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), 8);
+  heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 0.0, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), 8);
-	heap_destroy(h);
+  heap_destroy(h);
 void t_heap_push_pop_basic()
-	Heap* h = heap_new(int, MIN_T, 3);
-	heap_insert(h, 1, 1.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 2, 3.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 3, 2.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 4, 4.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 5, 0.0);
-	int a;
-	heap_top(h, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 has "highest" priority (0.0, MIN_T)
-	heap_pop(h);
-	heap_top(h, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); //1 -> 1.0
-	heap_pop(h);
-	heap_top(h, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 -> 2.0
-	heap_pop(h);
-	heap_top(h, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 2); //2 -> 3.0
-	heap_pop(h);
-	heap_top(h, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 4); //4 -> 4.0
-	heap_pop(h);
-	lu_assert(heap_empty(h));
-	h->hType = MAX_T; //HACK... (why not?)
-	heap_insert(h, 1, 1.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 2, 3.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 3, 2.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 4, 4.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 5, 7.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 6, 5.0);
-	heap_insert(h, 7, 6.0);
-	heap_remove(h, 4);
-	heap_remove(h, 2);
-	heap_modify(h, 3, 4.0);
-	heap_modify(h, 7, 3.0);
-	heap_top(h, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 has highest priority (7.0, MAX_T)
-	heap_pop(h);
-	heap_top(h, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 6); //6 -> 5.0
-	heap_pop(h);
-	heap_top(h, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 -> 4.0
-	heap_pop(h);
-	heap_top(h, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 7); //7 -> 3.0
-	heap_pop(h);
-	heap_top(h, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); //1 -> 1.0
-	heap_pop(h);
-	lu_assert(heap_empty(h));
-	heap_destroy(h);
+  Heap* h = heap_new(int, MIN_T, 3);
+  heap_insert(h, 1, 1.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 2, 3.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 3, 2.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 4, 4.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 5, 0.0);
+  int a;
+  heap_top(h, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 has "highest" priority (0.0, MIN_T)
+  heap_pop(h);
+  heap_top(h, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); //1 -> 1.0
+  heap_pop(h);
+  heap_top(h, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 -> 2.0
+  heap_pop(h);
+  heap_top(h, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 2); //2 -> 3.0
+  heap_pop(h);
+  heap_top(h, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 4); //4 -> 4.0
+  heap_pop(h);
+  lu_assert(heap_empty(h));
+  h->hType = MAX_T; //HACK... (why not?)
+  heap_insert(h, 1, 1.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 2, 3.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 3, 2.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 4, 4.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 5, 7.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 6, 5.0);
+  heap_insert(h, 7, 6.0);
+  heap_remove(h, 4);
+  heap_remove(h, 2);
+  heap_modify(h, 3, 4.0);
+  heap_modify(h, 7, 3.0);
+  heap_top(h, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 has highest priority (7.0, MAX_T)
+  heap_pop(h);
+  heap_top(h, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 6); //6 -> 5.0
+  heap_pop(h);
+  heap_top(h, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 -> 4.0
+  heap_pop(h);
+  heap_top(h, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 7); //7 -> 3.0
+  heap_pop(h);
+  heap_top(h, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); //1 -> 1.0
+  heap_pop(h);
+  lu_assert(heap_empty(h));
+  heap_destroy(h);
 void t_heap_push_pop_evolved()
-	int n = 10;
-	Heap* h = heap_new(StructTest1, MAX_T, 2);
-	StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		st1[i].a = i;
-		st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		heap_insert(h, *(st1 + i), i); //item i has value i
-	}
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		StructTest1 st1Cell;
-		heap_top(h, st1Cell);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, i);
-		heap_pop(h);
-	}
-	safe_free(st1);
-	heap_destroy(h);
-	h = heap_new(StructTest2*, MAX_T, 4);
-	StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
-		st2[i].b->a = i;
-		st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		// item i has value i+1 if i is even, i-1 if i is odd
-		// that is to say, values are 1 0 3 2 5 4 ...
-		heap_insert(h, st2 + i, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
-	}
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		StructTest2* st2Cell;
-		heap_top(h, st2Cell);
-		// NOTE: i |--> i%2==0 ? i+1 : i-1 is an involution
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
-		heap_pop(h);
-		safe_free(st2Cell->b);
-	}
-	safe_free(st2);
-	heap_destroy(h);
+  int n = 10;
+  Heap* h = heap_new(StructTest1, MAX_T, 2);
+  StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    st1[i].a = i;
+    st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    heap_insert(h, *(st1 + i), i); //item i has value i
+  }
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    StructTest1 st1Cell;
+    heap_top(h, st1Cell);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, i);
+    heap_pop(h);
+  }
+  safe_free(st1);
+  heap_destroy(h);
+  h = heap_new(StructTest2*, MAX_T, 4);
+  StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
+    st2[i].b->a = i;
+    st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    // item i has value i+1 if i is even, i-1 if i is odd
+    // that is to say, values are 1 0 3 2 5 4 ...
+    heap_insert(h, st2 + i, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
+  }
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    StructTest2* st2Cell;
+    heap_top(h, st2Cell);
+    // NOTE: i |--> i%2==0 ? i+1 : i-1 is an involution
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
+    heap_pop(h);
+    safe_free(st2Cell->b);
+  }
+  safe_free(st2);
+  heap_destroy(h);
 void t_heap_copy()
-	int n = 10;
-	Heap* h = heap_new(int, MIN_T, 2);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		heap_insert(h, rand() % 42, (double) rand() / RAND_MAX);
-	Heap* hc = heap_copy(h);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), heap_size(hc));
-	int a, b;
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		heap_top(h, a);
-		heap_top(hc, b);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
-		heap_pop(h);
-		heap_pop(hc);
-	}
-	heap_destroy(h);
-	heap_destroy(hc);
+  int n = 10;
+  Heap* h = heap_new(int, MIN_T, 2);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    heap_insert(h, rand() % 42, (double) rand() / RAND_MAX);
+  Heap* hc = heap_copy(h);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(heap_size(h), heap_size(hc));
+  int a, b;
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    heap_top(h, a);
+    heap_top(hc, b);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
+    heap_pop(h);
+    heap_pop(hc);
+  }
+  heap_destroy(h);
+  heap_destroy(hc);
diff --git a/test/t.List.c b/test/t.List.c
index 83db68f..9f26cf5 100644
--- a/test/t.List.c
+++ b/test/t.List.c
@@ -5,156 +5,156 @@
 void t_list_clear()
-	List* L = list_new(int);
+  List* L = list_new(int);
-	list_insert_front(L, 0);
-	list_insert_back(L, 0);
-	list_insert_after(L, L->head, 0);
+  list_insert_front(L, 0);
+  list_insert_back(L, 0);
+  list_insert_after(L, L->head, 0);
-	list_clear(L);
-	lu_assert(list_empty(L));
+  list_clear(L);
+  lu_assert(list_empty(L));
-	list_destroy(L);
+  list_destroy(L);
 void t_list_size()
-	List* L = list_new(double);
-	list_insert_front(L, 0.0);
-	list_insert_back(L, 0.0);
-	list_insert_front(L, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 3);
-	list_insert_back(L, 0.0);
-	list_insert_before(L, L->tail, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 5);
-	list_insert_after(L, L->head->next, 0.0);
-	list_insert_before(L, L->tail->prev, 0.0);
-	list_insert_after(L, L->head, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 8);
-	list_set(L, L->head->next, 42);
-	list_remove_front(L);
-	int a;
-	list_get(L->head, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 42);
-	list_remove(L, L->head->next);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 6);
-	list_set(L, L->tail, 32);
-	list_remove(L, L->tail->prev);
-	list_get(L->tail, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 32);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 5);
-	list_destroy(L);
+  List* L = list_new(double);
+  list_insert_front(L, 0.0);
+  list_insert_back(L, 0.0);
+  list_insert_front(L, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 3);
+  list_insert_back(L, 0.0);
+  list_insert_before(L, L->tail, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 5);
+  list_insert_after(L, L->head->next, 0.0);
+  list_insert_before(L, L->tail->prev, 0.0);
+  list_insert_after(L, L->head, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 8);
+  list_set(L, L->head->next, 42);
+  list_remove_front(L);
+  int a;
+  list_get(L->head, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 42);
+  list_remove(L, L->head->next);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 6);
+  list_set(L, L->tail, 32);
+  list_remove(L, L->tail->prev);
+  list_get(L->tail, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 32);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(list_size(L), 5);
+  list_destroy(L);
 void t_list_push_pop_basic()
-	int n = 10;
-	List* L = list_new(double);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) list_insert_back(L, (double) i);
-	// iterate and check values
-	ListIterator* li = list_get_iterator(L);
-	double ckValue = 0.0;
-	while (listI_has_data(li))
-	{
-		double d;
-		listI_get(li, d);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
-		ckValue += 1.0;
-		listI_move_next(li);
-	}
-	// same, from end to beginning
-	ckValue = n - 1;
-	listI_reset_tail(li);
-	while (listI_has_data(li))
-	{
-		double d;
-		listI_get(li, d);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
-		ckValue -= 1.0;
-		listI_move_prev(li);
-	}
-	list_destroy(L);
-	listI_destroy(li);
+  int n = 10;
+  List* L = list_new(double);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) list_insert_back(L, (double) i);
+  // iterate and check values
+  ListIterator* li = list_get_iterator(L);
+  double ckValue = 0.0;
+  while (listI_has_data(li))
+  {
+    double d;
+    listI_get(li, d);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
+    ckValue += 1.0;
+    listI_move_next(li);
+  }
+  // same, from end to beginning
+  ckValue = n - 1;
+  listI_reset_tail(li);
+  while (listI_has_data(li))
+  {
+    double d;
+    listI_get(li, d);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
+    ckValue -= 1.0;
+    listI_move_prev(li);
+  }
+  list_destroy(L);
+  listI_destroy(li);
 void t_list_push_pop_evolved()
-	int n = 10;
-	List* L = list_new(StructTest1);
-	StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		st1[i].a = rand() % 42;
-		st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		list_insert_back(L, *(st1 + i));
-	}
-	ListCell* lc = L->head;
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		//another way to access elements
-		StructTest1 st1Cell;
-		list_get(lc, st1Cell);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, st1[i].a);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st1Cell.b, st1[i].b);
-		lc = lc->next;
-	}
-	safe_free(st1);
-	list_destroy(L);
-	L = list_new(StructTest2*);
-	StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
-		st2[i].b->a = rand() % 42;
-		st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		list_insert_back(L, st2 + i);
-	}
-	lc = L->head;
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		StructTest2* st2Cell;
-		list_get(lc, st2Cell);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->a, st2[i].a);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, st2[i].b->a);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->b->b, st2[i].b->b);
-		safe_free(st2Cell->b);
-		lc = lc->next;
-	}
-	safe_free(st2);
-	list_destroy(L);
+  int n = 10;
+  List* L = list_new(StructTest1);
+  StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    st1[i].a = rand() % 42;
+    st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    list_insert_back(L, *(st1 + i));
+  }
+  ListCell* lc = L->head;
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    //another way to access elements
+    StructTest1 st1Cell;
+    list_get(lc, st1Cell);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, st1[i].a);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st1Cell.b, st1[i].b);
+    lc = lc->next;
+  }
+  safe_free(st1);
+  list_destroy(L);
+  L = list_new(StructTest2*);
+  StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
+    st2[i].b->a = rand() % 42;
+    st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    list_insert_back(L, st2 + i);
+  }
+  lc = L->head;
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    StructTest2* st2Cell;
+    list_get(lc, st2Cell);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->a, st2[i].a);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, st2[i].b->a);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->b->b, st2[i].b->b);
+    safe_free(st2Cell->b);
+    lc = lc->next;
+  }
+  safe_free(st2);
+  list_destroy(L);
 void t_list_copy()
-	int n = 10;
-	List* L = list_new(int);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		list_insert_front(L, rand() % 42);
-	List* Lc = list_copy(L);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(L->size, Lc->size);
-	ListCell* lCell = L->head;
-	ListCell* lcCell = Lc->head;
-	int a, b;
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		list_get(lCell, a);
-		list_get(lcCell, b);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
-		lCell = lCell->next;
-		lcCell = lcCell->next;
-	}
-	list_destroy(L);
-	list_destroy(Lc);
+  int n = 10;
+  List* L = list_new(int);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    list_insert_front(L, rand() % 42);
+  List* Lc = list_copy(L);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(L->size, Lc->size);
+  ListCell* lCell = L->head;
+  ListCell* lcCell = Lc->head;
+  int a, b;
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    list_get(lCell, a);
+    list_get(lcCell, b);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
+    lCell = lCell->next;
+    lcCell = lcCell->next;
+  }
+  list_destroy(L);
+  list_destroy(Lc);
diff --git a/test/t.PriorityQueue.c b/test/t.PriorityQueue.c
index 8cabc1e..f408f89 100644
--- a/test/t.PriorityQueue.c
+++ b/test/t.PriorityQueue.c
@@ -5,168 +5,168 @@
 void t_priorityqueue_clear()
-	PriorityQueue* pq = priorityqueue_new(int, MIN_T, 2);
+  PriorityQueue* pq = priorityqueue_new(int, MIN_T, 2);
-	// NOTE: items with same priorities are supported;
-	// since it is unused in this test, we arbitrarily choose 0.0
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0, 0.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0, 0.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0, 0.0);
+  // NOTE: items with same priorities are supported;
+  // since it is unused in this test, we arbitrarily choose 0.0
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0, 0.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0, 0.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0, 0.0);
-	priorityqueue_clear(pq);
-	lu_assert(priorityqueue_empty(pq));
+  priorityqueue_clear(pq);
+  lu_assert(priorityqueue_empty(pq));
-	priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
+  priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
 void t_priorityqueue_size()
-	PriorityQueue* pq = priorityqueue_new(double, MAX_T, 3);
+  PriorityQueue* pq = priorityqueue_new(double, MAX_T, 3);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(priorityqueue_size(pq), 3);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(priorityqueue_size(pq), 3);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(priorityqueue_size(pq), 5);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(priorityqueue_size(pq), 5);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(priorityqueue_size(pq), 8);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 0.0, 0.0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(priorityqueue_size(pq), 8);
-	priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
+  priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
 void t_priorityqueue_push_pop_basic()
-	PriorityQueue* pq = priorityqueue_new(int, MIN_T, 3);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 1, 1.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 2, 3.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 3, 2.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 4, 4.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 5, 0.0);
-	int a;
-	priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 has "highest" priority (0.0, MIN_T)
-	priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); //1 -> 1.0
-	priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 -> 2.0
-	priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 2); //2 -> 3.0
-	priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 4); //4 -> 4.0
-	priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	lu_assert(priorityqueue_empty(pq));
-	pq->heap->hType = MAX_T; //HACK... (why not?)
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 1, 1.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 2, 3.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 3, 2.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 4, 4.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 5, 0.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 6, 0.0);
-	priorityqueue_insert(pq, 7, 6.0);
-	priorityqueue_remove(pq, 6);
-	priorityqueue_remove(pq, 7);
-	priorityqueue_set(pq, 3, 5.0);
-	priorityqueue_set(pq, 5, 2.0);
-	priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 has highest priority (5.0, MAX_T)
-	priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 4); //4 -> 4.0
-	priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 2); //2 -> 3.0
-	priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 -> 2.0
-	priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); // 1 -> 1.0
-	priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	lu_assert(priorityqueue_empty(pq));
-	priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
+  PriorityQueue* pq = priorityqueue_new(int, MIN_T, 3);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 1, 1.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 2, 3.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 3, 2.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 4, 4.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 5, 0.0);
+  int a;
+  priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 has "highest" priority (0.0, MIN_T)
+  priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); //1 -> 1.0
+  priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 -> 2.0
+  priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 2); //2 -> 3.0
+  priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 4); //4 -> 4.0
+  priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  lu_assert(priorityqueue_empty(pq));
+  pq->heap->hType = MAX_T; //HACK... (why not?)
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 1, 1.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 2, 3.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 3, 2.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 4, 4.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 5, 0.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 6, 0.0);
+  priorityqueue_insert(pq, 7, 6.0);
+  priorityqueue_remove(pq, 6);
+  priorityqueue_remove(pq, 7);
+  priorityqueue_set(pq, 3, 5.0);
+  priorityqueue_set(pq, 5, 2.0);
+  priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 3); //3 has highest priority (5.0, MAX_T)
+  priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 4); //4 -> 4.0
+  priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 2); //2 -> 3.0
+  priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 5); //5 -> 2.0
+  priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(a, 1); // 1 -> 1.0
+  priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  lu_assert(priorityqueue_empty(pq));
+  priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
 void t_priorityqueue_push_pop_evolved()
-	int n = 10;
-	PriorityQueue* pq = priorityqueue_new(StructTest1, MAX_T, 2);
-	StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		st1[i].a = i;
-		st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		priorityqueue_insert(pq, *(st1 + i), i); //item i has priority i
-	}
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		StructTest1 st1Cell;
-		priorityqueue_peek(pq, st1Cell);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, i);
-		priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-	}
-	safe_free(st1);
-	priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
-	pq = priorityqueue_new(StructTest2*, MAX_T, 4);
-	StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
-		st2[i].b->a = i;
-		st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		// item i has priority i+1 if i is even, i-1 if i is odd
-		// that is to say, priorities are 1 0 3 2 5 4 ...
-		priorityqueue_insert(pq, st2 + i, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
-	}
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		StructTest2* st2Cell;
-		priorityqueue_peek(pq, st2Cell);
-		// NOTE: i |--> i%2==0 ? i+1 : i-1 is an involution
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
-		priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-		safe_free(st2Cell->b);
-	}
-	safe_free(st2);
-	priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
+  int n = 10;
+  PriorityQueue* pq = priorityqueue_new(StructTest1, MAX_T, 2);
+  StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    st1[i].a = i;
+    st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    priorityqueue_insert(pq, *(st1 + i), i); //item i has priority i
+  }
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    StructTest1 st1Cell;
+    priorityqueue_peek(pq, st1Cell);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, i);
+    priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+  }
+  safe_free(st1);
+  priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
+  pq = priorityqueue_new(StructTest2*, MAX_T, 4);
+  StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
+    st2[i].b->a = i;
+    st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    // item i has priority i+1 if i is even, i-1 if i is odd
+    // that is to say, priorities are 1 0 3 2 5 4 ...
+    priorityqueue_insert(pq, st2 + i, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
+  }
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    StructTest2* st2Cell;
+    priorityqueue_peek(pq, st2Cell);
+    // NOTE: i |--> i%2==0 ? i+1 : i-1 is an involution
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, i % 2 == 0 ? i + 1 : i - 1);
+    priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+    safe_free(st2Cell->b);
+  }
+  safe_free(st2);
+  priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
 void t_priorityqueue_copy()
-	int n = 10;
-	PriorityQueue* pq = priorityqueue_new(int, MIN_T, 3);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		priorityqueue_insert(pq, rand() % 42, (double) rand() / RAND_MAX);
-	PriorityQueue* pqc = priorityqueue_copy(pq);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(priorityqueue_size(pq), priorityqueue_size(pqc));
-	int a, b;
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
-		priorityqueue_peek(pqc, b);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
-		priorityqueue_pop(pq);
-		priorityqueue_pop(pqc);
-	}
-	priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
-	priorityqueue_destroy(pqc);
+  int n = 10;
+  PriorityQueue* pq = priorityqueue_new(int, MIN_T, 3);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    priorityqueue_insert(pq, rand() % 42, (double) rand() / RAND_MAX);
+  PriorityQueue* pqc = priorityqueue_copy(pq);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(priorityqueue_size(pq), priorityqueue_size(pqc));
+  int a, b;
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    priorityqueue_peek(pq, a);
+    priorityqueue_peek(pqc, b);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
+    priorityqueue_pop(pq);
+    priorityqueue_pop(pqc);
+  }
+  priorityqueue_destroy(pq);
+  priorityqueue_destroy(pqc);
diff --git a/test/t.Queue.c b/test/t.Queue.c
index 9dd1986..3c94329 100644
--- a/test/t.Queue.c
+++ b/test/t.Queue.c
@@ -5,127 +5,127 @@
 void t_queue_clear()
-	Queue* q = queue_new(int);
+  Queue* q = queue_new(int);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
-	queue_clear(q);
-	lu_assert(queue_empty(q));
+  queue_clear(q);
+  lu_assert(queue_empty(q));
-	queue_destroy(q);
+  queue_destroy(q);
 void t_queue_size()
-	Queue* q = queue_new(int);
+  Queue* q = queue_new(int);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(queue_size(q), 3);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(queue_size(q), 3);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(queue_size(q), 5);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(queue_size(q), 5);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
-	queue_push(q, 0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(queue_size(q), 8);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
+  queue_push(q, 0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(queue_size(q), 8);
-	queue_destroy(q);
+  queue_destroy(q);
 void t_queue_push_pop_basic()
-	int n = 10;
-	Queue* q = queue_new(double);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		queue_push(q, (double) i);
-	// iterate and check values
-	double ckValue = 0.0;
-	while (!queue_empty(q))
-	{
-		double d;
-		queue_peek(q, d);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
-		ckValue += 1.0;
-		queue_pop(q);
-	}
-	lu_assert(queue_empty(q));
-	queue_destroy(q);
+  int n = 10;
+  Queue* q = queue_new(double);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    queue_push(q, (double) i);
+  // iterate and check values
+  double ckValue = 0.0;
+  while (!queue_empty(q))
+  {
+    double d;
+    queue_peek(q, d);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
+    ckValue += 1.0;
+    queue_pop(q);
+  }
+  lu_assert(queue_empty(q));
+  queue_destroy(q);
 void t_queue_push_pop_evolved()
-	int n = 10;
-	Queue* q = queue_new(StructTest1);
-	StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		st1[i].a = rand() % 42;
-		st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		queue_push(q, *(st1 + i));
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		StructTest1 st1Cell;
-		queue_peek(q, st1Cell);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, st1[i].a);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st1Cell.b, st1[i].b);
-		queue_pop(q);
-	}
-	safe_free(st1);
-	queue_destroy(q);
-	q = queue_new(StructTest2*);
-	StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
-		st2[i].b->a = rand() % 42;
-		st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		queue_push(q, st2 + i);
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		StructTest2* st2Cell;
-		queue_peek(q, st2Cell);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->a, st2[i].a);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, st2[i].b->a);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->b->b, st2[i].b->b);
-		queue_pop(q);
-		safe_free(st2Cell->b);
-	}
-	safe_free(st2);
-	queue_destroy(q);
+  int n = 10;
+  Queue* q = queue_new(StructTest1);
+  StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    st1[i].a = rand() % 42;
+    st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    queue_push(q, *(st1 + i));
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    StructTest1 st1Cell;
+    queue_peek(q, st1Cell);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, st1[i].a);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st1Cell.b, st1[i].b);
+    queue_pop(q);
+  }
+  safe_free(st1);
+  queue_destroy(q);
+  q = queue_new(StructTest2*);
+  StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) safe_malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) safe_malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
+    st2[i].b->a = rand() % 42;
+    st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    queue_push(q, st2 + i);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    StructTest2* st2Cell;
+    queue_peek(q, st2Cell);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->a, st2[i].a);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, st2[i].b->a);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->b->b, st2[i].b->b);
+    queue_pop(q);
+    safe_free(st2Cell->b);
+  }
+  safe_free(st2);
+  queue_destroy(q);
 void t_queue_copy()
-	int n = 10;
-	Queue* q = queue_new(int);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		queue_push(q, rand() % 42);
-	Queue* qc = queue_copy(q);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(queue_size(q), queue_size(qc));
-	int a, b;
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		queue_peek(q, a);
-		queue_peek(qc, b);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
-		queue_pop(q);
-		queue_pop(qc);
-	}
-	queue_destroy(q);
-	queue_destroy(qc);
+  int n = 10;
+  Queue* q = queue_new(int);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    queue_push(q, rand() % 42);
+  Queue* qc = queue_copy(q);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(queue_size(q), queue_size(qc));
+  int a, b;
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    queue_peek(q, a);
+    queue_peek(qc, b);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
+    queue_pop(q);
+    queue_pop(qc);
+  }
+  queue_destroy(q);
+  queue_destroy(qc);
diff --git a/test/t.Stack.c b/test/t.Stack.c
index 3cbaef6..409cafb 100644
--- a/test/t.Stack.c
+++ b/test/t.Stack.c
@@ -5,128 +5,128 @@
 void t_stack_clear()
-	Stack* s = stack_new(int);
+  Stack* s = stack_new(int);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
-	stack_clear(s);
-	lu_assert(stack_empty(s));
+  stack_clear(s);
+  lu_assert(stack_empty(s));
-	stack_destroy(s);
+  stack_destroy(s);
 void t_stack_size()
-	Stack* s = stack_new(int);
+  Stack* s = stack_new(int);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(stack_size(s), 3);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(stack_size(s), 3);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(stack_size(s), 5);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(stack_size(s), 5);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
-	stack_push(s, 0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(stack_size(s), 8);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
+  stack_push(s, 0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(stack_size(s), 8);
-	stack_destroy(s);
+  stack_destroy(s);
 void t_stack_push_pop_basic()
-	int n = 10;
-	Stack* s = stack_new(double);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		stack_push(s, (double) i);
-	// iterate and check values
-	double ckValue = n - 1;
-	while (!stack_empty(s))
-	{
-		double d;
-		stack_top(s, d);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
-		ckValue -= 1.0;
-		stack_pop(s);
-	}
-	lu_assert(stack_empty(s));
-	stack_destroy(s);
+  int n = 10;
+  Stack* s = stack_new(double);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    stack_push(s, (double) i);
+  // iterate and check values
+  double ckValue = n - 1;
+  while (!stack_empty(s))
+  {
+    double d;
+    stack_top(s, d);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
+    ckValue -= 1.0;
+    stack_pop(s);
+  }
+  lu_assert(stack_empty(s));
+  stack_destroy(s);
 void t_stack_push_pop_evolved()
-	Stack* s = stack_new(StructTest1);
-	int n = 10;
-	StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		st1[i].a = rand() % 42;
-		st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		stack_push(s, *(st1 + i));
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		StructTest1 st1Cell;
-		stack_top(s, st1Cell);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, st1[i].a);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st1Cell.b, st1[i].b);
-		stack_pop(s);
-	}
-	safe_free(st1);
-	stack_destroy(s);
-	s = stack_new(StructTest2*);
-	StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
-	for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
-		st2[i].b->a = rand() % 42;
-		st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
-		stack_push(s, st2 + i);
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		StructTest2* st2Cell;
-		stack_top(s, st2Cell);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->a, st2[i].a);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, st2[i].b->a);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->b->b, st2[i].b->b);
-		stack_pop(s);
-		safe_free(st2Cell->b);
-	}
-	safe_free(st2);
-	stack_destroy(s);
+  Stack* s = stack_new(StructTest1);
+  int n = 10;
+  StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    st1[i].a = rand() % 42;
+    st1[i].b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    stack_push(s, *(st1 + i));
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    StructTest1 st1Cell;
+    stack_top(s, st1Cell);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, st1[i].a);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st1Cell.b, st1[i].b);
+    stack_pop(s);
+  }
+  safe_free(st1);
+  stack_destroy(s);
+  s = stack_new(StructTest2*);
+  StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
+  for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    st2[i].a = (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
+    st2[i].b->a = rand() % 42;
+    st2[i].b->b = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    stack_push(s, st2 + i);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    StructTest2* st2Cell;
+    stack_top(s, st2Cell);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->a, st2[i].a);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, st2[i].b->a);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->b->b, st2[i].b->b);
+    stack_pop(s);
+    safe_free(st2Cell->b);
+  }
+  safe_free(st2);
+  stack_destroy(s);
 void t_stack_copy()
-	int n = 10;
-	Stack* s = stack_new(int);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		stack_push(s, rand() % 42);
-	Stack* sc = stack_copy(s);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(stack_size(s), stack_size(sc));
-	int a, b;
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		stack_top(s, a);
-		stack_top(sc, b);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
-		stack_pop(s);
-		stack_pop(sc);
-	}
-	stack_destroy(s);
-	stack_destroy(sc);
+  int n = 10;
+  Stack* s = stack_new(int);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    stack_push(s, rand() % 42);
+  Stack* sc = stack_copy(s);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(stack_size(s), stack_size(sc));
+  int a, b;
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    stack_top(s, a);
+    stack_top(sc, b);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
+    stack_pop(s);
+    stack_pop(sc);
+  }
+  stack_destroy(s);
+  stack_destroy(sc);
diff --git a/test/t.Tree.c b/test/t.Tree.c
index 3bbf00a..8cb7157 100644
--- a/test/t.Tree.c
+++ b/test/t.Tree.c
@@ -5,136 +5,136 @@
 void t_tree_clear()
-	Tree* t = tree_new(int);
-	tree_set_root(t, 0);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 3);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 3);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 4);
-	tree_clear(t);
-	lu_assert(tree_empty(t));
-	tree_destroy(t);
+  Tree* t = tree_new(int);
+  tree_set_root(t, 0);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 3);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 3);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 4);
+  tree_clear(t);
+  lu_assert(tree_empty(t));
+  tree_destroy(t);
 void t_tree_size()
-	Tree* t = tree_new(int);
+  Tree* t = tree_new(int);
-	tree_set_root(t, 0);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 3);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 4);
+  tree_set_root(t, 0);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 3);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 4);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 2);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 6);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 2);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 6);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 3);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 4);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 10);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 3);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 4);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 10);
-	tree_destroy(t);
+  tree_destroy(t);
 void t_tree_add_remove()
-	Tree* t = tree_new(int);
-	tree_set_root(t, 0);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 3);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 3);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 4);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->lastChild, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->lastChild, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->lastChild, 3);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 13);
-	tree_remove(t, t->root->lastChild);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 9);
-	tree_rm_childs(t, t->root->firstChild);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 7);
-	tree_destroy(t);
+  Tree* t = tree_new(int);
+  tree_set_root(t, 0);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 3);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 3);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 4);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->lastChild, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->lastChild, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->lastChild, 3);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 13);
+  tree_remove(t, t->root->lastChild);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 9);
+  tree_rm_childs(t, t->root->firstChild);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(tree_size(t), 7);
+  tree_destroy(t);
 void t_tree_iterate()
-	Tree* t = tree_new(int);
-	tree_set_root(t, 0);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 3);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 4);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 5);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 6);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 7);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 8);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 9);
-	TreeIterator* ti = tree_get_iterator(t, IN_BREADTH);
-	int a;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
-	{
-		lu_assert(treeI_has_data(ti));
-		treeI_get(ti, a);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(a, i);
-		treeI_move_next(ti);
-	}
-	treeI_destroy(ti);
-	tree_destroy(t);
+  Tree* t = tree_new(int);
+  tree_set_root(t, 0);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 3);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 4);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 5);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 6);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 7);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 8);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 9);
+  TreeIterator* ti = tree_get_iterator(t, IN_BREADTH);
+  int a;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+  {
+    lu_assert(treeI_has_data(ti));
+    treeI_get(ti, a);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(a, i);
+    treeI_move_next(ti);
+  }
+  treeI_destroy(ti);
+  tree_destroy(t);
 void t_tree_copy()
-	Tree* t = tree_new(int);
-	tree_set_root(t, 0);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root, 3);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 1);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 2);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 3);
-	tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 4);
-	Tree* tc = tree_copy(t);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(t->size, tc->size);
-	TreeIterator* ti = tree_get_iterator(t, IN_DEPTH);
-	TreeIterator* tci = tree_get_iterator(tc, IN_DEPTH);
-	int a, b;
-	while (treeI_has_data(ti))
-	{
-		treeI_get(ti, a);
-		treeI_get(tci, b);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
-		treeI_move_next(ti);
-		treeI_move_next(tci);
-	}
-	treeI_destroy(ti);
-	treeI_destroy(tci);
-	tree_destroy(t);
-	tree_destroy(tc);
+  Tree* t = tree_new(int);
+  tree_set_root(t, 0);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root, 3);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 1);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 2);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 3);
+  tree_add_child(t, t->root->firstChild->next, 4);
+  Tree* tc = tree_copy(t);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(t->size, tc->size);
+  TreeIterator* ti = tree_get_iterator(t, IN_DEPTH);
+  TreeIterator* tci = tree_get_iterator(tc, IN_DEPTH);
+  int a, b;
+  while (treeI_has_data(ti))
+  {
+    treeI_get(ti, a);
+    treeI_get(tci, b);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
+    treeI_move_next(ti);
+    treeI_move_next(tci);
+  }
+  treeI_destroy(ti);
+  treeI_destroy(tci);
+  tree_destroy(t);
+  tree_destroy(tc);
diff --git a/test/t.Vector.c b/test/t.Vector.c
index 7fde1e9..1ccf779 100644
--- a/test/t.Vector.c
+++ b/test/t.Vector.c
@@ -5,144 +5,144 @@
 void t_vector_clear()
-	Vector* v = vector_new(int);
-	lu_assert(vector_empty(v));
+  Vector* v = vector_new(int);
+  lu_assert(vector_empty(v));
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_destroy(v);
-	v = vector_new(int);
+  vector_destroy(v);
+  v = vector_new(int);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_clear(v);
-	lu_assert(vector_empty(v));
+  vector_clear(v);
+  lu_assert(vector_empty(v));
-	vector_destroy(v);
+  vector_destroy(v);
 void t_vector_size()
-	Vector* v = vector_new(int);
-	lu_assert(vector_empty(v));
+  Vector* v = vector_new(int);
+  lu_assert(vector_empty(v));
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(vector_size(v), 3);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(vector_size(v), 3);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(vector_size(v), 5);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(vector_size(v), 5);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	vector_push(v, 0);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(vector_size(v), 8);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  vector_push(v, 0);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(vector_size(v), 8);
-	vector_destroy(v);
+  vector_destroy(v);
 void t_vector_push_pop_basic()
-	int n = 10;
-	Vector* v = vector_new(double);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) vector_push(v, (double) i);
-	// iterate and check values
-	VectorIterator* vi = vector_get_iterator(v);
-	double ckValue = 0.0;
-	while (vectorI_has_data(vi))
-	{
-		double d;
-		vectorI_get(vi, d);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
-		ckValue += 1.0;
-		vectorI_move_next(vi);
-	}
-	// same, from end to beginning
-	ckValue = n - 1;
-	vectorI_reset_end(vi);
-	while (vectorI_has_data(vi))
-	{
-		double d;
-		vectorI_get(vi, d);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
-		ckValue -= 1.0;
-		vectorI_move_prev(vi);
-	}
-	vector_destroy(v);
-	vectorI_destroy(vi);
+  int n = 10;
+  Vector* v = vector_new(double);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) vector_push(v, (double) i);
+  // iterate and check values
+  VectorIterator* vi = vector_get_iterator(v);
+  double ckValue = 0.0;
+  while (vectorI_has_data(vi))
+  {
+    double d;
+    vectorI_get(vi, d);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
+    ckValue += 1.0;
+    vectorI_move_next(vi);
+  }
+  // same, from end to beginning
+  ckValue = n - 1;
+  vectorI_reset_end(vi);
+  while (vectorI_has_data(vi))
+  {
+    double d;
+    vectorI_get(vi, d);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(d, ckValue);
+    ckValue -= 1.0;
+    vectorI_move_prev(vi);
+  }
+  vector_destroy(v);
+  vectorI_destroy(vi);
 void t_vector_push_pop_evolved()
-	int n = 10;
-	Vector* v = vector_new(StructTest1);
-	StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		st1[i].a = random() % 42;
-		st1[i].b = (double) random() / RAND_MAX;
-		vector_push(v, *(st1 + i));
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		//another way to access elements
-		StructTest1 st1Cell;
-		vector_get(v, i, st1Cell);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, st1[i].a);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st1Cell.b, st1[i].b);
-	}
-	safe_free(st1);
-	vector_destroy(v);
-	v = vector_new(StructTest2*);
-	StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		st2[i].a = (float) random() / RAND_MAX;
-		st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
-		st2[i].b->a = random() % 42;
-		st2[i].b->b = (double) random() / RAND_MAX;
-		vector_push(v, st2 + i);
-	}
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		StructTest2* st2Cell;
-		vector_get(v, i, st2Cell);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->a, st2[i].a);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, st2[i].b->a);
-		lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->b->b, st2[i].b->b);
-		safe_free(st2Cell->b);
-	}
-	safe_free(st2);
-	vector_destroy(v);
+  int n = 10;
+  Vector* v = vector_new(StructTest1);
+  StructTest1* st1 = (StructTest1*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest1));
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    st1[i].a = random() % 42;
+    st1[i].b = (double) random() / RAND_MAX;
+    vector_push(v, *(st1 + i));
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    //another way to access elements
+    StructTest1 st1Cell;
+    vector_get(v, i, st1Cell);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st1Cell.a, st1[i].a);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st1Cell.b, st1[i].b);
+  }
+  safe_free(st1);
+  vector_destroy(v);
+  v = vector_new(StructTest2*);
+  StructTest2* st2 = (StructTest2*) malloc(n * sizeof (StructTest2));
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    st2[i].a = (float) random() / RAND_MAX;
+    st2[i].b = (StructTest1*) malloc(sizeof (StructTest1));
+    st2[i].b->a = random() % 42;
+    st2[i].b->b = (double) random() / RAND_MAX;
+    vector_push(v, st2 + i);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    StructTest2* st2Cell;
+    vector_get(v, i, st2Cell);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->a, st2[i].a);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(st2Cell->b->a, st2[i].b->a);
+    lu_assert_dbl_eq(st2Cell->b->b, st2[i].b->b);
+    safe_free(st2Cell->b);
+  }
+  safe_free(st2);
+  vector_destroy(v);
 void t_vector_copy()
-	int n = 10;
-	Vector* v = vector_new(int);
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		vector_push(v, random() % 42);
-	Vector* vc = vector_copy(v);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(v->size, vc->size);
-	int a, b;
-	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{
-		vector_get(v, i, a);
-		vector_get(vc, i, b);
-		lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
-	}
-	vector_destroy(v);
-	vector_destroy(vc);
+  int n = 10;
+  Vector* v = vector_new(int);
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    vector_push(v, random() % 42);
+  Vector* vc = vector_copy(v);
+  lu_assert_int_eq(v->size, vc->size);
+  int a, b;
+  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    vector_get(v, i, a);
+    vector_get(vc, i, b);
+    lu_assert_int_eq(a, b);
+  }
+  vector_destroy(v);
+  vector_destroy(vc);