+predi <- function(ij)
# Lecture des données: pm = dataframe 2 colonnes, date-time puis PM10 horaire
pm = read.table("DATA/mesures_horaires_hloc_pm10_a_filer.csv",sep=",",dec=".",header=T)
j=1 # numéro de semaine
-ij=6 # numéro du jour (0 = lundi)
+#ij=6 # numéro du jour (0 = lundi)
Err24 = NULL
ErrPrev = NULL
large = 1
bornes = mean(dataj[25:48]) + c(-large,large)
indcond = varexp[,"PMjour"]>=bornes[1] & varexp[,"PMjour"]<=bornes[2]
+ if (sum(indcond) < 10)
+ {
+ large = 2
+ bornes = mean(dataj[25:48]) + c(-large,large)
+ indcond = varexp[,"PMjour"]>=bornes[1] & varexp[,"PMjour"]<=bornes[2]
+ }
+ while (sum(indcond) < 10)
+ {
+ large = large + 3
+ bornes = mean(dataj[25:48]) + c(-large,large)
+ indcond = varexp[,"PMjour"]>=bornes[1] & varexp[,"PMjour"]<=bornes[2]
+ }
data = data[indcond,] #pollution du 2eme jour == pollution du jour courant +/- 1
varexp = varexp[indcond,]
} else {
erreurPrev = mean(abs(dataj[(H+1):48] - JourMoy[(H+1):48]))
+ list(serie=dataj, prev=JourMoy, err=erreurPrev, line=(nl+ij), neighbs=ind, dates=data[ind,1])
# erreur24 = mean(abs(dataj[25:48] - JourMoy[25:48]))
# #png(NomFile)
# matplot(t(data[ind, 1:48]), type = "l", lwd=1.4, lty=1, col=1:length(ind),
## xx = dev.off()
if (!opera)
tdays = setdiff(tdays, today) #always exclude current day
- # Shortcut if window is known
- if (hasArg("window"))
+ # Shortcut if window is known or local==TRUE && simtype==none
+ if (hasArg("window") || (local && simtype=="none"))
return ( private$.predictShapeAux(data, tdays, today, predict_from, horizon,
local, list(...)$window, simtype, opera, TRUE) )
if (local)
- # TODO: 60 == magic number
- tdays = getSimilarDaysIndices(today, data, limit=60, same_season=TRUE,
+ # limit=Inf to not censor any day (TODO: finite limit? 60?)
+ tdays = getSimilarDaysIndices(today, data, limit=Inf, same_season=TRUE,
days_in=tdays_cut, operational=opera)
# if (length(tdays) <= 1)
# return (NA)
return ( data$getSerie(tdays[1])[predict_from:horizon] )
+ max_neighbs = 12 #TODO: 12 = arbitrary number
+ if (length(tdays) > max_neighbs)
+ {
+ distances2 <- .computeDistsEndo(data, today, tdays, predict_from)
+ ordering <- order(distances2)
+ tdays <- tdays[ ordering[1:max_neighbs] ]
+ }
tdays = tdays_cut #no conditioning
window_endo = ifelse(simtype=="mix", window[1], window)
# Distances from last observed day to selected days in the past
+ # TODO: redundant computation if local==TRUE
distances2 <- .computeDistsEndo(data, today, tdays, predict_from)
- if (local)
- {
- max_neighbs = 12 #TODO: 12 = arbitrary number
- if (length(distances2) > max_neighbs)
- {
- ordering <- order(distances2)
- tdays <- tdays[ ordering[1:max_neighbs] ]
- distances2 <- distances2[ ordering[1:max_neighbs] ]
- }
- }
simils_endo <- .computeSimils(distances2, window_endo)
j = index + 1
while (length(days) < min( limit, ifelse(is.null(days_in),Inf,length(days_in)) ))
+ if (i < 1 && j > data$getSize())
+ break
if (i >= 1)
dt = as.POSIXlt(data$getTime(i)[1])
.isSameSeason = function(month, month_ref)
+ if (month_ref == 3) #TODO: same as Bruno (but weird)
+ return (month %in% c(2,3,4,9,10))
if (month_ref %in% c(11,12,1,2)) #~= mid-polluted
return (month %in% c(11,12,1,2))
if (month_ref %in% c(3,4,9,10)) #~= high-polluted