| 1 | p.boxed |
| 2 | | Your pieces remain in an undefined state until they are moved. |
| 3 | |
| 4 | p |
| 5 | | Bario is a chess variant invented by Panos Louridas in 1998. |
| 6 | a(href="https://www.bario-chess-checkers-chessphotography-spaceart.de/") |
| 7 | | His website |
| 8 | | contains many examples and explanations. |
| 9 | | See also the discussion |
| 10 | a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/index/listcomments.php?order=DESC&itemid=Bario") |
| 11 | | on chessvariants.com |
| 12 | | . |
| 13 | |
| 14 | figure |
| 15 | img.img-center(src="/variants/Bario/chessboard2.jpg" style="width:75%") |
| 16 | figcaption.text-center. |
| 17 | [With author's permission] |
| 18 | Undefined pieces on first ranks. |
| 19 | |
| 20 | p. |
| 21 | Queens, rooks, bishops and knights begin the game in a reserve below |
| 22 | the board, because their location isn't determined yet. |
| 23 | At each turn, you can either move something already defined on the board, or |
| 24 | ol |
| 25 | li move a piece from your reserve to any question mark, and then |
| 26 | li move the now defined piece on the board. |
| 27 | |
| 28 | p An undefined piece gives check if some specialization giving check exists. |
| 29 | |
| 30 | figure.diagram-container |
| 31 | .diagram |
| 32 | | fen:uuuuu1uk/p2p1qp1/1p6/7p/7P/5N2/PP1P1PP1/UUUKU1UU: |
| 33 | figcaption The white king cannot move, a rook might be on c8 or e8 |
| 34 | |
| 35 | h4 Details, special cases |
| 36 | |
| 37 | p. |
| 38 | At the first move, you must select a square for the king anywhere on |
| 39 | the first rank — preferably in a corner. This deviates from the |
| 40 | original intention of the author, but this way you will not need to castle |
| 41 | later in the game. Click on a square to place the king. |
| 42 | |
| 43 | p. |
| 44 | If after your move all your pieces are defined (and weren't before), then |
| 45 | all pieces on board revert to undefined state, unless: |
| 46 | ul |
| 47 | li. |
| 48 | all your pieces (board + reserve) are now of the same type, |
| 49 | in which case none is put back in reserve, or |
| 50 | li. |
| 51 | all opponent's pieces are of the same type, in which case |
| 52 | they also remain defined. |
| 53 | |
| 54 | figure.diagram-container |
| 55 | .diagram.diag12 |
| 56 | | fen:uuu1kuuu/2p5/2n5/1p1ppppp/p4PPP/3N3Q/PPPPP1BB/1RRUK3: |
| 57 | .diagram.diag22 |
| 58 | | fen:uuu1kuuu/2p5/2u5/1p1ppppp/p4PPP/3UU2U/PPPPP1UU/1UU1K3: |
| 59 | figcaption. |
| 60 | Before and after knight definition on d1 (moving to e3) |
| 61 | |
| 62 | p. |
| 63 | If one of your undefined pieces is captured, you first have to choose which |
| 64 | one was captured from the reserve: place it at the capture location. |