2 | Every captured piece can be re-used by the capturer, landing it anywhere instead of moving a piece.
7 li Chessboard: standard.
9 li Non-capturing moves: standard.
10 li Special moves: standard + rebirth.
11 li Captures: standard.
12 li End of game: standard.
17 | Orthodox rules apply, with only one change:
18 | every time you capture a piece, your "reserve" of waiting pieces is augmented
19 | with this figure. At every move, you may choose to land one of your reserve
20 | pieces anywhere on the board (except last rank for pawns),
21 | instead of playing a regular move.
24 Note: when a promoted pawn is captured, capturing it put a pawn in the reserve,
25 not the promoted piece. This is to allow to gain material on last rank without
26 fear of giving a queen to the opponent.
28 p.warn This detail is not implemented yet (will be very soon).
33 | This variant is very popular, a possible starting point is
34 a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/other.dir/crazyhouse.html") lichess.org