[Titan] Fix moves notation
[vchess.git] / server / models / Problem.js
1 const db = require("../utils/database");
3 /*
4 * Structure:
5 * id: integer
6 * added: datetime
7 * uid: user id (int)
8 * vid: variant id (int)
9 * fen: varchar (optional)
10 * instruction: text
11 * solution: text
12 */
14 const ProblemModel = {
16 checkProblem: function(p) {
17 return (
18 p.id.toString().match(/^[0-9]+$/) &&
19 p.vid.toString().match(/^[0-9]+$/) &&
20 p.fen.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9, /-]*$/)
21 );
22 },
24 create: function(p, cb) {
25 db.serialize(function() {
26 const query =
27 "INSERT INTO Problems " +
28 "(added, uid, vid, fen, instruction, solution) " +
29 "VALUES " +
30 "(" + Date.now() + "," + p.uid + "," + p.vid + ",'" + p.fen + "',?,?)";
31 db.run(query, [p.instruction,p.solution], function(err) {
32 cb(err, { id: this.lastID });
33 });
34 });
35 },
37 getNext: function(uid, onlyMine, cursor, cb) {
38 let condition = "";
39 if (onlyMine) condition = "AND uid = " + uid + " ";
40 else if (!!uid) condition = "AND uid <> " + uid + " ";
41 db.serialize(function() {
42 const query =
43 "SELECT * " +
44 "FROM Problems " +
45 "WHERE added < " + cursor + " " +
46 condition +
47 "ORDER BY added DESC " +
48 "LIMIT 20"; //TODO: 20 is arbitrary
49 db.all(query, (err, problems) => {
50 cb(err, problems);
51 });
52 });
53 },
55 getOne: function(id, cb) {
56 db.serialize(function() {
57 const query =
58 "SELECT * " +
59 "FROM Problems " +
60 "WHERE id = " + id;
61 db.get(query, (err, problem) => {
62 cb(err, problem);
63 });
64 });
65 },
67 safeUpdate: function(prob, uid, devs) {
68 db.serialize(function() {
69 let whereClause = "WHERE id = " + prob.id;
70 if (!devs.includes(uid)) whereClause += " AND uid = " + uid;
71 const query =
72 "UPDATE Problems " +
73 "SET " +
74 "vid = " + prob.vid + "," +
75 "fen = '" + prob.fen + "'," +
76 "instruction = ?," +
77 "solution = ? " +
78 whereClause;
79 db.run(query, [prob.instruction, prob.solution]);
80 });
81 },
83 safeRemove: function(id, uid, devs) {
84 db.serialize(function() {
85 let whereClause = "WHERE id = " + id;
86 if (!devs.includes(uid)) whereClause += " AND uid = " + uid;
87 const query =
88 "DELETE FROM Problems " +
89 whereClause;
90 db.run(query);
91 });
92 }
94 };
96 module.exports = ProblemModel;