Update TODO + cosmetics
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / variants / en.pug
1 p.text-center
2 a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/what.html") What is a chess variant?
3 |     
4 a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/why.html") Why play chess variants?
6 p
7 a(href="/#/variants/Chess960") Chess960
8 |  variant allows to play under standard rules, with a random
9 | (or not) symmetric (or not) initial position.
11 h3 Simplified games to learn chess
13 p Variants with very few different pieces, and a simplified goal.
14 -
15 var varlist = [
16 "Bishopawns",
17 "Discoduel",
18 "Knightpawns",
19 "Pawns",
20 "Pawnsking",
21 "Queenpawns",
22 "Rookpawns"
23 ]
24 ul
25 for v in varlist
26 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
28 h3 Forced captures
30 p.
31 In a given position, there are generally less possible moves than in the
32 orthodox games since you must capture.
33 -
34 var varlist = [
35 "Arena",
36 "Capture",
37 "Losers",
38 "Monochrome",
39 "Suicide"
40 ]
41 ul
42 for v in varlist
43 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
45 h3 Transformations
47 p Pieces generally transform when capturing.
48 -
49 var varlist = [
50 "Absorption",
51 "Cannibal"
52 ]
53 ul
54 for v in varlist
55 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
57 h3 Modified boundaries
59 p Boards which communicating sides.
60 -
61 var varlist = [
62 "Circular",
63 "Cylinder"
64 ]
65 ul
66 for v in varlist
67 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
69 h3 Different pawn movements
71 p Everything is as in the orthodox game, but pawns move unusually.
72 -
73 var varlist = [
74 "Berolina",
75 "Diamond",
76 "Vchess"
77 ]
78 ul
79 for v in varlist
80 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
82 h3 Different armies
84 p Standard pieces versus a team of different pieces.
85 -
86 var varlist = [
87 "Colorbound",
88 "Horde",
89 "Orda"
90 ]
91 ul
92 for v in varlist
93 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
95 h3 Inspired by ball games
97 p Variants involving a ball, abstract or not, which must cross the board.
98 -
99 var varlist = [
100 "Ball",
101 "Football",
102 "Rugby"
103 ]
104 ul
105 for v in varlist
106 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
108 h3 New pieces
110 p.
111 A large variety of fairy pieces can be defined.
112 Some very powerful like the Amazon, some rather weak like the Grasshopper.
113 -
114 var varlist = [
115 "Eightpieces",
116 "Fullcavalry",
117 "Grand",
118 "Grasshopper",
119 "Omega",
120 "Ordamirror",
121 "Perfect",
122 "Schess",
123 "Shako",
124 "Tencubed",
125 "Wildebeest"
126 ]
127 ul
128 for v in varlist
129 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
131 h3 Several royal pieces
133 p In these games you must take care of two or more "kings".
134 -
135 var varlist = [
136 "Coregal",
137 "Twokings",
138 "Antiking1",
139 "Antiking2"
140 ]
141 ul
142 for v in varlist
143 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
145 h3 Unorthodox captures
147 p Non-standard captures, but using known mechanisms.
148 -
149 var varlist = [
150 "Enpassant",
151 "Rifle",
152 "Zen"
153 ]
154 ul
155 for v in varlist
156 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
158 p.
159 Captures are generally achieved without replacement. That is to say,
160 you don't replace the enemy piece on its square to capture it.
161 -
162 var varlist = [
163 "Allmate1",
164 "Allmate2",
165 "Baroque",
166 "Dynamo",
167 "Fugue",
168 "Interweave",
169 "Rococo",
170 "Maxima"
171 ]
172 ul
173 for v in varlist
174 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
176 h3 Pieces changing side
178 p Pieces' owners (color) may change during the game
179 -
180 var varlist = [
181 "Benedict",
182 "Checkered1",
183 "Checkered2",
184 "Pacifist1",
185 "Pacifist2"
186 ]
187 ul
188 for v in varlist
189 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
191 h3 Incomplete information
193 p.
194 Some speculation is required in these variants,
195 where some game informations are hidden.
196 -
197 var varlist = [
198 "Apocalypse",
199 "Dark",
200 "Hidden",
201 "Hiddenqueen",
202 "Synchrone"
203 ]
204 ul
205 for v in varlist
206 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
208 h3 Random factors
210 p.
211 These games include random effects,
212 which can be funny, frustrating or both :)
213 -
214 var varlist = [
215 "Chakart",
216 "Dice"
217 ]
218 ul
219 for v in varlist
220 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
222 h3 Inpired by knight movement
224 p.
225 Variants based on the knight move,
226 which augment or transform pieces' abilities.
227 -
228 var varlist = [
229 "Balaklava",
230 "Knightmate",
231 "Knightrelay1",
232 "Knightrelay2"
233 ]
234 ul
235 for v in varlist
236 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
238 h3 Unusual initial setup
240 p Pawns and / or pieces are switched, which result in a very different game.
241 -
242 var varlist = [
243 "Upsidedown",
244 "Pawnmassacre"
245 ]
246 ul
247 for v in varlist
248 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
250 h3 "Easy" variants: simple rules
252 p.
253 Only minor changes are made to the orthodox rules,
254 resulting in a very similar game.
255 -
256 var varlist = [
257 "Coronation",
258 "Pocketknight"
259 ]
260 ul
261 for v in varlist
262 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
264 p ...Or leading to a very different strategy:
265 -
266 var varlist = [
267 "Antimatter",
268 "Atomic1",
269 "Atomic2",
270 "Checkless"
271 ]
272 ul
273 for v in varlist
274 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
276 //h3 Initially empty board
277 //
278 //Parachute
279 //"Crown chess" (place all units at move 1)
281 h3 Repositioning
283 p Pieces can be drop on the board, either immediately or later in the game.
284 -
285 var varlist = [
286 "Clorange",
287 "Crazyhouse",
288 "Madhouse",
289 "Rampage",
290 "Recycle",
291 "Teleport"
292 ]
293 ul
294 for v in varlist
295 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
297 h3 Immobilization
299 p Pieces can be paralyzed under certain circumstances.
300 -
301 var varlist = [
302 "Koopa",
303 "Madrasi"
304 ]
305 ul
306 for v in varlist
307 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
309 h3 Regional and historical variants
311 p (Partial) Game evolution in time and space.
312 -
313 var varlist = [
314 "Makruk",
315 "Minishogi",
316 "Shatranj",
317 "Shogi",
318 "Sittuyin"
319 ]
320 //Chinese chess (TODO)
321 ul
322 for v in varlist
323 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
325 h3 Kings race
327 p The goal is to cross the board with your king.
328 -
329 var varlist = [
330 "Racingkings",
331 "Royalrace"
332 ]
333 ul
334 for v in varlist
335 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
337 h3 Several moves in one turn
339 p In these variants, you can play two or more moves per turn.
340 -
341 var varlist = [
342 "Doublemove1",
343 "Doublemove2",
344 "Monster",
345 "Progressive1",
346 "Progressive2"
347 ]
348 ul
349 for v in varlist
350 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
352 h3 Exchanging pieces positions
354 p Some or all pieces can be swapped.
355 -
356 var varlist = [
357 "Suction",
358 "Swap",
359 "Switching"
360 ]
361 ul
362 for v in varlist
363 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
365 h3 Different objective
367 p Orthodox rules, but the goal is not checkmate (or not only).
368 -
369 var varlist = [
370 "Extinction",
371 "Threechecks",
372 "Kinglet",
373 "Koth"
374 ]
375 ul
376 for v in varlist
377 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]
379 h3 Miscelleanous
381 p.
382 These variants are not classified yet, generally because they are the only
383 one of their kind on this website.
384 -
385 var varlist = [
386 "Alice",
387 "Ambiguous",
388 "Bicolour",
389 "Castle",
390 "Doublearmy",
391 "Evolution",
392 "Forward",
393 "Freecapture",
394 "Gridolina",
395 "Hamilton",
396 "Magnetic",
397 "Parachute",
398 "Takenmake",
399 "Titan",
400 "Wormhole"
401 ]
402 ul
403 for v in varlist
404 li #[a(href="/#/variants/"+v) #{v}]