Some fixes
[vchess.git] / client / src / rules / Upsidedown / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Pawns start on the 7th rank. Move a knight to promote them.
4 h3 Divergences
6 p No castle, no en-passant capture.
8 p.
9 ...Only the initial position changes, but this makes a huge difference.
10 In particular, castling would be rather pointless so it's disabled here.
11 En-passant captures are impossible because all pawns already reached 7th rank.
13 h3 About the initial position
15 p.
16 Since truly random start can allow a mate in 3 with a knight,
17 the kings have at least one knight neighbor in the initial position.
18 This allows to move free out of potential check from the very beginning.
20 p.
21 A less constraining condition would be to require the two knights to stand on
22 two squares of different colors, but it's not enough as proved by the
23 following diagram.
24 White can mate in 3: 1.Nc6 followed by Nb4 threatening both a2 and d3.
26 figure.diagram-container
27 .diagram
28 | fen:RBN1BRRQ/PPPPPPP/8/4n3/8/8/Nppppppp/brkbqr1n:
29 figcaption After 1.Nc6 Nf3 2.Nb4 Ne5 (covers d3 but not a2) 3.Nxa2#
31 h3 Source
33 p
34 | See for example the
35 a(href="") Upside down chess
36 |  page on