const L = this.sentryPush.length;
if (!this.sentryPush[L-1]) return "-";
let res = "";
- this.sentryPush[L-1].forEach(coords =>
- res += V.CoordsToSquare(coords) + ",");
- return res.slice(0, -1);
+ const spL = this.sentryPush[L-1].length;
+ // Condensate path: just need initial and final squares:
+ return [0, spL - 1]
+ .map(i => V.CoordsToSquare(this.sentryPush[L-1][i]))
+ .join(",");
setOtherVariables(fen) {
const parsedFen = V.ParseFen(fen);
if (parsedFen.sentrypush == "-") this.sentryPush = [null];
else {
- this.sentryPush = [
- parsedFen.sentrypush.split(",").map(sq => {
- return V.SquareToCoords(sq);
- })
- ];
+ // Expand init + dest squares into a full path:
+ const [init, dest] =
+ parsedFen.sentrypush.split(",").map(sq => V.SquareToCoords(sq));
+ let newPath = [init];
+ const delta = ['x', 'y'].map(i => Math.abs(dest[i] - init[i]));
+ // Check that it's not a knight movement:
+ if (delta[0] == 0 || delta[1] == 0 || delta[0] == delta[1]) {
+ const step = ['x', 'y'].map((i, idx) => {
+ return (dest[i] - init[i]) / delta[idx] || 0
+ });
+ let x = init.x + step[0],
+ y = init.y + step[1];
+ while (x != dest.x || y != dest.y) {
+ newPath.push({ x: x, y: y });
+ x += step[0];
+ y += step[1];
+ }
+ }
+ newPath.push(dest);
+ this.sentryPush = [newPath];