button(@click="abortGame") {{ st.tr["Game is too boring"] }}
BaseGame(:game="game" :vr="vr" ref="basegame"
@newmove="processMove" @gameover="gameOver")
- // TODO: show players names + clocks state
+ // TODO: also show players names
div Time: {{ virtualClocks[0] }} - {{ virtualClocks[1] }}
.button-group(v-if="game.mode!='analyze' && game.score=='*'")
button(@click="offerDraw") Draw
// TODO: movelist dans basegame et chat ici
-// se limiter à 2 joueurs pour l'instant au moins tout en restant général
// ==> après, implémenter/vérifier les passages de challenges + parties en cours
// observer,
// + problèmes, habiller et publier. (+ corr...)
-// refactor players.forEach(...) into sendTo(opponent, ...)
+ // TODO: how to know who is observing ? Send message to everyone with game ID ?
+ // and then just listen to (dis)connect events
+ // server always send "connect on " + URL ; then add to observers if game...
+// router when access a game page tell to server I joined + game ID (no need rid)
+// and ask server for current joined (= observers)
+// when send to chat (or a move), reach only this group (send gid along)
+// -> doivent être enregistrés comme observers au niveau du serveur...
+ // non: poll users + events startObserving / stopObserving
+ // (à faire au niveau du routeur ?)
rid: ""
game: { }, //passed to BaseGame
+ oppConnected: false,
+ corrMsg: "", //to send offline messages in corr games
virtualClocks: [0, 0], //initialized with true game.clocks
vr: null, //"variant rules" object initialized from FEN
- drawOfferSent: false, //did I just ask for draw? (TODO: use for button style)
+ drawOffer: "", //TODO: use for button style
people: [ ], //potential observers (TODO)
"game.clocks": function(newState) {
this.virtualClocks = newState.map(s => ppt(s));
const currentTurn = this.vr.turn;
- const colorIdx = ["w","b","g","r"].indexOf(currentTurn);
+ const colorIdx = ["w","b"].indexOf(currentTurn);
let countdown = newState[colorIdx] -
(Date.now() - this.game.initime[colorIdx])/1000;
const myTurn = (currentTurn == this.game.mycolor);
this.game.mycolor=="w" ? "0-1" : "1-0", "Time");
- this.game.players.forEach(p => {
- if (p.sid != this.st.user.sid)
- {
- this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
- code: "timeover",
- target: p.sid,
- }));
- }
- });
+ this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
+ code: "timeover",
+ target: this.game.oppid,
+ }));
this.gameRef.rid = this.$route.query["rid"];
- // TODO: how to know who is observing ? Send message to everyone with game ID ?
- // and then just listen to (dis)connect events
- // server always send "connect on " + URL ; then add to observers if game...
- // detect multiple tabs connected (when connect ask server if my SID is already in use)
-// router when access a game page tell to server I joined + game ID (no need rid)
-// and ask server for current joined (= observers)
-// when send to chat (or a move), reach only this group (send gid along)
- // --> doivent être enregistrés comme observers au niveau du serveur...
- // non: poll users + events startObserving / stopObserving
- // (à faire au niveau du routeur ?)
- // TODO: also handle "draw accepted" (use opponents array?)
- // --> must give this info also when sending lastState...
- // and, if all players agree then OK draw (end game ...etc)
const socketMessageListener = msg => {
const data = JSON.parse(msg.data);
- let L = undefined;
switch (data.code)
case "newmove":
"receive", this.game.vname!="Dark" ? "animate" : null);
case "pong": //received if we sent a ping (game still alive on our side)
- if (this.gameRef.id != data.gameId)
- break; //games IDs don't match: the game is definitely over...
+ {
this.oppConnected = true;
// Send our "last state" informations to opponent(s)
- L = this.vr.moves.length;
- Object.keys(this.opponents).forEach(oid => {
- this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
- code: "lastate",
- oppid: oid,
- gameId: this.gameRef.id,
- lastMove: (L>0?this.vr.moves[L-1]:undefined),
- movesCount: L,
- }));
- });
+ const L = this.game.moves.length;
+ this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
+ code: "lastate",
+ target: this.game.oppid,
+ gameId: this.gameRef.id,
+ lastMove: (L>0 ? this.game.moves[L-1] : undefined),
+ score: this.game.score,
+ movesCount: L,
+ drawOffer: this.drawOffer,
+ clocks: this.game.clocks,
+ }));
- // TODO: refactor this, because at 3 or 4 players we may have missed 2 or 3 moves
- // TODO: need to send along clock state (my current time) with my last move
+ }
case "lastate": //got opponent infos about last move
- L = this.vr.moves.length;
+ {
+ const L = this.game.moves.length;
if (this.gameRef.id != data.gameId)
break; //games IDs don't match: nothing we can do...
// OK, opponent still in game (which might be over)
- if (this.score != "*")
+ if (data.movesCount > L)
- // We finished the game (any result possible)
- this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
- code: "lastate",
- oppid: data.oppid,
- gameId: this.gameRef.id,
- score: this.score,
- }));
+ // Just got last move from him
+ this.$refs["basegame"].play(data.lastMove, "receive");
+ if (data.score != "*" && this.game.score == "*")
+ {
+ // Opponent resigned or aborted game, or accepted draw offer
+ // (this is not a stalemate or checkmate)
+ this.$refs["basegame"].endGame(data.score, "Opponent action");
+ }
+ this.game.clocks = data.clocks;
+ this.drawOffer = data.drawOffer;
- else if (!!data.score) //opponent finished the game
- this.endGame(data.score);
else if (data.movesCount < L)
// We must tell last move to opponent
code: "lastate",
- oppid: this.opponent.id,
+ target: this.game.oppid,
gameId: this.gameRef.id,
- lastMove: this.vr.moves[L-1],
+ lastMove: (L>0 ? this.game.moves[L-1] : undefined),
+ score: this.game.score,
movesCount: L,
+ drawOffer: this.drawOffer,
+ clocks: this.game.clocks,
- else if (data.movesCount > L) //just got last move from him
- this.play(data.lastMove, "animate"); //TODO: wrong call (3 args)
+ }
case "resign":
this.game.mycolor=="w" ? "1-0" : "0-1", "Resign");
// TODO: also use (dis)connect info to count online players?
case "gameconnect":
case "gamedisconnect":
- if (this.mode=="human")
+ const online = (data.code == "gameconnect");
+ // If this is an opponent ?
+ if (this.game.oppid == data.id)
+ this.oppConnected = true;
+ else
- const online = (data.code == "connect");
- // If this is an opponent ?
- if (!!this.opponents[data.id])
- this.opponents[data.id].online = online;
+ // Or an observer ?
+ if (!online)
+ delete this.people[data.id];
- {
- // Or an observer ?
- if (!online)
- delete this.people[data.id];
- else
- this.people[data.id] = data.name;
- }
+ this.people[data.id] = data.name;
this.st.conn.onmessage = socketMessageListener;
this.st.conn.onclose = socketCloseListener;
- // dans variant.js (plutôt room.js) conn gère aussi les challenges
- // et les chats dans chat.js. Puis en webRTC, repenser tout ça.
methods: {
offerDraw: function() {
- if (!confirm("Offer draw?"))
- return;
+ if (this.drawOffer == "received")
+ {
+ if (!confirm("Offer draw?"))
+ return;
+ this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"draw", target:this.game.oppid}));
+ else if (this.drawOffer == "sent")
+ this.drawOffer = "";
+ else
+ {
+ if (!confirm("Offer draw?"))
+ return;
// Stay in "draw offer sent" state until next move is played
this.drawOfferSent = true;
if (this.subMode == "corr")
if (!!o.online)
try {
- this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code: "draw", oppid: o.id}));
const message = event.target.innerText;
// Next line will trigger a "gameover" event, bubbling up till here
this.$refs["basegame"].endGame("?", "Abort: " + message);
- this.game.players.forEach(p => {
- if (!!p.sid && p.sid != this.st.user.sid)
- {
- this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
- code: "abort",
- msg: message,
- target: p.sid,
- }));
- }
- });
+ this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
+ code: "abort",
+ msg: message,
+ target: this.game.oppid,
+ }));
resign: function(e) {
if (!confirm("Resign the game?"))
- this.game.players.forEach(p => {
- if (!!p.sid && p.sid != this.st.user.sid)
- {
- this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
- code: "resign",
- target: p.sid,
- }));
- }
- });
+ this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
+ code: "resign",
+ target: this.game.oppid,
+ }));
// Next line will trigger a "gameover" event, bubbling up till here
this.game.mycolor=="w" ? "0-1" : "1-0", "Resign");
const vModule = await import("@/variants/" + game.vname + ".js");
window.V = vModule.VariantRules;
this.vr = new V(game.fen);
+ const myIdx = game.players.findIndex(p => p.sid == this.st.user.sid);
this.game = Object.assign({},
// NOTE: assign mycolor here, since BaseGame could also bs VS computer
- {mycolor: [undefined,"w","b"][1 + game.players.findIndex(
- p => p.sid == this.st.user.sid)]},
+ {
+ mycolor: [undefined,"w","b"][myIdx+1],
+ // opponent sid not strictly required, but easier
+ oppid: (myIdx < 0 ? undefined : game.players[1-myIdx].sid),
+ }
+ if (!!this.game.oppid)
+ {
+ // Send ping to server (answer pong if players[s] are connected)
+ this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"ping",
+ target:this.game.oppid, gameId:this.gameRef.id}));
+ }
if (!!game)
return afterRetrival(game);
// and when receiving answer just call loadGame(received_game)
// + remote peer should have registered us as an observer
// (send moves updates + resign/abort/draw actions)
- return;
-// // Poll all players except me (if I'm playing) to know online status.
-// // --> Send ping to server (answer pong if players[s] are connected)
-// if (this.gameInfo.players.some(p => p.sid == this.st.user.sid))
-// {
-// this.game.players.forEach(p => {
-// if (p.sid != this.st.user.sid)
-// this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"ping", oppid:p.sid}));
-// });
-// }
- // TODO: refactor this old "oppConnected" logic
-// oppConnected: function(uid) {
-// return this.opponents.some(o => o.id == uid && o.online);
-// },
// Post-process a move (which was just played)
processMove: function(move) {
if (!this.game.mycolor)
return; //I'm just an observer
// Update storage (corr or live)
- const colorIdx = ["w","b","g","r"].indexOf(move.color);
+ const colorIdx = ["w","b"].indexOf(move.color);
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/38750895
const allowed_fields = ["appear", "vanish", "start", "end"];
const filtered_move = Object.keys(move)
const elapsed = Date.now() - this.game.initime[colorIdx];
// elapsed time is measured in milliseconds
addTime = this.game.increment - elapsed/1000;
- this.game.players.forEach(p => {
- if (p.sid != this.st.user.sid)
- {
- this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
- code: "newmove",
- target: p.sid,
- move: Object.assign({}, filtered_move, {addTime: addTime}),
- }));
- }
- });
+ this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({
+ code: "newmove",
+ target: this.game.oppid,
+ move: Object.assign({}, filtered_move, {addTime: addTime}),
+ }));
addTime = move.addTime; //supposed transmitted
- const nextIdx = ["w","b","g","r"].indexOf(this.vr.turn);
+ const nextIdx = ["w","b"].indexOf(this.vr.turn);
colorIdx: colorIdx,
label(for="selectVariant") {{ st.tr["Variant"] }}
option(v-for="v in st.variants" :value="v.id") {{ v.name }}
- fieldset
- label(for="selectNbPlayers") {{ st.tr["Number of players"] }}
- select#selectNbPlayers(v-model="newchallenge.nbPlayers")
- option(v-show="possibleNbplayers(2)" value="2" selected) 2
- option(v-show="possibleNbplayers(3)" value="3") 3
- option(v-show="possibleNbplayers(4)" value="4") 4
label(for="timeControl") {{ st.tr["Time control"] }}
input#timeControl(type="text" v-model="newchallenge.timeControl"
placeholder="3m+2s, 1h+30s, 7d+1d ...")
fieldset(v-if="st.user.id > 0")
label(for="selectPlayers") {{ st.tr["Play with? (optional)"] }}
- #selectPlayers
- input(type="text" v-model="newchallenge.to[0]")
- input(v-show="newchallenge.nbPlayers>=3" type="text"
- v-model="newchallenge.to[1]")
- input(v-show="newchallenge.nbPlayers==4" type="text"
- v-model="newchallenge.to[2]")
+ input#selectPlayers(type="text" v-model="newchallenge.to")
fieldset(v-if="st.user.id > 0")
label(for="inputFen") {{ st.tr["FEN (optional)"] }}
input#inputFen(type="text" v-model="newchallenge.fen")
import { store } from "@/store";
-import { NbPlayers } from "@/data/nbPlayers";
import { checkChallenge } from "@/data/challengeCheck";
import { ArrayFun } from "@/utils/array";
import { ajax } from "@/utils/ajax";
gdisplay: "live",
games: [],
challenges: [],
- players: [], //online players (rename into "people" ?)
+ people: [], //(all) online players
newchallenge: {
fen: "",
vid: 0,
- nbPlayers: 0,
- to: ["", "", ""], //name(s) of challenged player(s)
+ to: "", //name of challenged player (if any)
timeControl: "", //"2m+2s" ...etc
// Show e.g. "@nonymous (5)", and do nothing on click on anonymous
let anonymous = {id:0, name:"@nonymous", count:0};
let playerList = [];
- this.players.forEach(p => {
+ this.people.forEach(p => {
if (p.id > 0)
created: function() {
// Always add myself to players' list
- this.players.push(this.st.user);
+ this.people.push(this.st.user);
if (this.st.user.id > 0)
// Ask server for current corr games (all but mines)
// Heuristic: should work for most cases... (TODO)
return (o.timeControl.indexOf('d') === -1 ? "live" : "corr");
- possibleNbplayers: function(nbp) {
- if (this.newchallenge.vid == 0)
- return false;
- const idxInVariants =
- this.st.variants.findIndex(v => v.id == this.newchallenge.vid);
- return NbPlayers[this.st.variants[idxInVariants].name].includes(nbp);
- },
showGame: function(g) {
// NOTE: we are an observer, since only games I don't play are shown here
// ==> Moves sent by connected remote player(s) if live game
+// TODO: this doesn't work: choose a SID at random
let url = "/" + g.id;
if (g.type == "live")
return this.st.variants[vIdx].name;
getSid: function(pname) {
- const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(pl => pl.name == pname);
- return (pIdx === -1 ? null : this.players[pIdx].sid);
+ const pIdx = this.people.findIndex(pl => pl.name == pname);
+ return (pIdx === -1 ? null : this.people[pIdx].sid);
getPname: function(sid) {
- const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(pl => pl.sid == sid);
- return (pIdx === -1 ? null : this.players[pIdx].name);
+ const pIdx = this.people.findIndex(pl => pl.sid == sid);
+ return (pIdx === -1 ? null : this.people[pIdx].name);
sendSomethingTo: function(to, code, obj, warnDisconnected) {
const doSend = (code, obj, sid) => {
// Open challenge: send to all connected players (except us)
- this.players.forEach(p => {
+ this.people.forEach(p => {
if (p.sid != this.st.user.sid) //only sid is always set
doSend(code, obj, p.sid);
case "pollclients":
data.sockIds.forEach(sid => {
- this.players.push({sid:sid, id:0, name:""});
+ this.people.push({sid:sid, id:0, name:""});
// Ask identity, challenges and game(s)
this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"askidentity", target:sid}));
this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"askchallenge", target:sid}));
case "identity":
- const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(p => p.sid == data.user.sid);
- this.players[pIdx].id = data.user.id;
- this.players[pIdx].name = data.user.name;
+ const pIdx = this.people.findIndex(p => p.sid == data.user.sid);
+ this.people[pIdx].id = data.user.id;
+ this.people[pIdx].name = data.user.name;
case "challenge":
// Receive challenge from some player (+sid)
let newChall = data.chall;
newChall.type = this.classifyObject(data.chall);
- const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(p => p.sid == data.from);
- newChall.from = this.players[pIdx]; //may be anonymous
+ const pIdx = this.people.findIndex(p => p.sid == data.from);
+ newChall.from = this.people[pIdx]; //may be anonymous
newChall.added = Date.now();
newChall.vname = this.getVname(newChall.vid);
-// * - receive "accept/withdraw/cancel challenge": apply action to challenges list
+// * - receive "accept/cancel challenge": apply action to challenges list
// NOTE: challenge "socket" actions accept+withdraw only for live challenges
case "acceptchallenge":
// Someone accept an open (or targeted) challenge
const cIdx = this.challenges.findIndex(c => c.id == data.cid);
let c = this.challenges[cIdx];
- if (!c.seats)
- c.seats = [...Array(c.to.length)];
- const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(p => p.sid == data.from);
- // Put this player in the first empty seat we find:
- let sIdx = 0;
- for (; sIdx<c.seats.length; sIdx++)
- {
- if (!c.seats[sIdx])
- {
- c.seats[sIdx] = this.players[pIdx];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (sIdx == c.seats.length - 1)
- {
- // All seats are taken: game can start
- this.launchGame(c);
- }
- break;
- }
- case "withdrawchallenge":
- {
- const cIdx = this.challenges.findIndex(c => c.id == data.cid);
- let seats = this.challenges[cIdx].seats;
- const sIdx = seats.findIndex(s => s.sid == data.sid);
- seats[sIdx] = undefined;
+ const pIdx = this.people.findIndex(p => p.sid == data.from);
+ c.seat = this.people[pIdx];
+ this.launchGame(c);
case "refusechallenge":
case "connect":
- this.players.push({name:"", id:0, sid:data.sid});
+ this.people.push({name:"", id:0, sid:data.sid});
this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"askidentity", target:data.sid}));
this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"askchallenge", target:data.sid}));
this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"askgame", target:data.sid}));
case "disconnect":
- ArrayFun.remove(this.players, p => p.sid == data.sid);
+ ArrayFun.remove(this.people, p => p.sid == data.sid);
// Also remove all challenges sent by this player:
ArrayFun.remove(this.challenges, c => c.from.sid == data.sid);
// And all live games where he plays and no other opponent is online
ArrayFun.remove(this.games, g =>
g.type == "live" && (g.players.every(p => p.sid == data.sid
- || !this.players.some(pl => pl.sid == p.sid))), "all");
+ || !this.people.some(pl => pl.sid == p.sid))), "all");
if (!!error)
return alert(error);
const ctype = this.classifyObject(this.newchallenge);
- const cto = this.newchallenge.to.slice(0, this.newchallenge.nbPlayers - 1);
// NOTE: "from" information is not required here
let chall =
fen: this.newchallenge.fen,
- to: cto,
+ to: this.newchallenge.to,
timeControl: this.newchallenge.timeControl,
vid: this.newchallenge.vid,
// * - accept challenge (corr or live) --> send info to challenge creator
// * - cancel challenge (click on sent challenge) --> send info to all concerned players
-// * - withdraw from challenge (if >= 3 players and previously accepted)
// * --> send info to challenge creator
// * - refuse challenge: send "refuse" to challenge sender, and "delete" to others
// * - prepare and start new game (if challenge is full after acceptation)
console.log("click challenge");
- if (!!c.accepted)
- {
- this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code: "withdrawchallenge",
- cid: c.id, target: c.from.sid}));
- if (c.type == "corr")
- {
- ajax(
- "/challenges",
- "PUT",
- {action:"withdraw", id: this.challenges[cIdx].id}
- );
- }
- c.accepted = false;
- }
else if (c.from.sid == this.st.user.sid
|| (this.st.user.id > 0 && c.from.id == this.st.user.id))
- {action: "accept", id: this.challenges[cIdx].id}
+ {id: this.challenges[cIdx].id}
if (!c.accepted)
const vname = this.getVname(c.vid);
const vModule = await import("@/variants/" + vname + ".js");
window.V = vModule.VariantRules;
- let players = [c.from];
- Array.prototype.push.apply(players, c.seats);
+ let players = [c.from, c.seat];
// These game informations will be sent to other players
const gameInfo =
vid: c.vid,
timeControl: c.timeControl,
- c.seats.forEach(s => {
- // NOTE: cid required to remove challenge
- this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"newgame",
- gameInfo:gameInfo, cid:c.id, target:s.sid}));
- });
+ // NOTE: cid required to remove challenge
+ this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"newgame",
+ gameInfo:gameInfo, cid:c.id, target:c.seat.sid}));
// Delete corresponding challenge:
ArrayFun.remove(this.challenges, ch => ch.id == c.id);
this.newGame(gameInfo); //also!