// TODO: also option to takeback a move ?
- // NOTE: for live games only (all on server for corr)
update: function(gameId, obj) //move, fen, clocks, score, initime, ...
- dbOperation((db) => {
- let objectStore = db.transaction("games", "readwrite").objectStore("games");
- objectStore.get(gameId).onsuccess = function(event) {
- const game = event.target.result;
- Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => {
- if (k == "move")
- game.moves.push(obj[k]);
- else
- game[k] = obj[k];
- });
- objectStore.put(game); //save updated data
- }
- });
+ if (Number.isInteger(gameId) || !isNaN(parseInt(gameId)))
+ {
+ // corr: only move, fen and score
+ ajax(
+ "/games",
+ "PUT",
+ {
+ gid: gameId,
+ newObj:
+ {
+ // TODO: I think stringify isn't requuired here (see ajax() )
+ move: JSON.stringify(obj.move), //may be undefined...
+ fen: obj.fen,
+ score: obj.score,
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // live
+ dbOperation((db) => {
+ let objectStore = db.transaction("games", "readwrite").objectStore("games");
+ objectStore.get(gameId).onsuccess = function(event) {
+ const game = event.target.result;
+ Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => {
+ if (k == "move")
+ game.moves.push(obj[k]);
+ else
+ game[k] = obj[k];
+ });
+ objectStore.put(game); //save updated data
+ }
+ });
+ }
// Retrieve all local games (running, completed, imported...)
- p New game started: #[a(href="/game/" + {{ newGameId }})]
+ p(v-html="infoMessage")
div(role="dialog" aria-labelledby="titleFenedit")
games: [],
challenges: [],
people: [], //(all) online players
- newGameId: 0,
+ infoMessage: "",
newchallenge: {
fen: "",
vid: 0,
- if (this.st.user.id > 0)
- {
- // Ask server for current corr games (all but mines)
- ajax(
- "/games",
- "GET",
- {uid: this.st.user.id, excluded: true},
- response => {
- this.games = this.games.concat(response.games.map(g => {
- const type = this.classifyObject(g);
- const vname = this.getVname(g.vid);
- return Object.assign({}, g, {type: type, vname: vname});
- }));
- }
- );
- // Also ask for corr challenges (open + sent to me)
- ajax(
- "/challenges",
- "GET",
- {uid: this.st.user.id},
- response => {
- // Gather all senders names, and then retrieve full identity:
- // (TODO [perf]: some might be online...)
- const uids = response.challenges.map(c => { return c.uid });
- ajax("/users",
- "GET",
- { ids: uids.join(",") },
- response2 => {
- let names = {};
- response2.users.forEach(u => {names[u.id] = u.name});
- this.challenges = this.challenges.concat(
- response.challenges.map(c => {
- // (just players names in fact)
- const from = {name: names[c.uid], id: c.uid};
- const type = this.classifyObject(c);
- const vname = this.getVname(c.vid);
- return Object.assign({}, c, {type: type, vname: vname, from: from});
- })
- )
- }
- );
- }
- );
- }
+ // Ask server for current corr games (all but mines)
+ ajax(
+ "/games",
+ "GET",
+ {uid: this.st.user.id, excluded: true},
+ response => {
+ this.games = this.games.concat(response.games.map(g => {
+ const type = this.classifyObject(g);
+ const vname = this.getVname(g.vid);
+ return Object.assign({}, g, {type: type, vname: vname});
+ }));
+ }
+ );
+ // Also ask for corr challenges (open + sent to me)
+ ajax(
+ "/challenges",
+ "GET",
+ {uid: this.st.user.id},
+ response => {
+ // Gather all senders names, and then retrieve full identity:
+ // (TODO [perf]: some might be online...)
+ const uids = response.challenges.map(c => { return c.uid });
+ ajax("/users",
+ "GET",
+ { ids: uids.join(",") },
+ response2 => {
+ let names = {};
+ response2.users.forEach(u => {names[u.id] = u.name});
+ this.challenges = this.challenges.concat(
+ response.challenges.map(c => {
+ // (just players names in fact)
+ const from = {name: names[c.uid], id: c.uid};
+ const type = this.classifyObject(c);
+ const vname = this.getVname(c.vid);
+ return Object.assign({}, c, {type: type, vname: vname, from: from});
+ })
+ )
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ );
// 0.1] Ask server for room composition:
const funcPollClients = () => {
- this.newGameId = data.gameInfo.gameId;
+ this.infoMessage = "New game started: " +
+ "<a href='/game/" + data.gameInfo.gameId + "'>" +
+ "/game/" + data.gameInfo.gameId + "</a>";
let modalBox = document.getElementById("modalInfo");
modalBox.checked = true;
- setTimeout(() => { modalBox.checked = false; }, 2500);
+ setTimeout(() => { modalBox.checked = false; }, 3000);
clickChallenge: function(c) {
- // In all cases, the challenge is consumed:
- ArrayFun.remove(this.challenges, ch => ch.id == c.id);
- // NOTE: deletechallenge event might be redundant (but it's easier this way)
- this.sendSomethingTo((!!c.to ? c.from : null), "deletechallenge", {cid:c.id});
const myChallenge = (c.from.sid == this.st.user.sid //live
|| (this.st.user.id > 0 && c.from.id == this.st.user.id)); //corr
if (!myChallenge)
+ if (c.type == "corr" && this.st.user.id <= 0)
+ return alert("Please log in to accept corr challenges");
c.accepted = true;
if (!!c.to) //c.to == this.st.user.name (connected)
+ // In (almost) all cases, the challenge is consumed:
+ ArrayFun.remove(this.challenges, ch => ch.id == c.id);
+ // NOTE: deletechallenge event might be redundant (but it's easier this way)
+ this.sendSomethingTo((!!c.to ? c.from : null), "deletechallenge", {cid:c.id});
// NOTE: when launching game, the challenge is already deleted
launchGame: async function(c) {
-// TODO: new move
-router.put("/games", access.logged, access.ajax, (req,res) => {
- let gid = ObjectId(req.body.gid);
- let result = req.body.result;
- // NOTE: only game-level life update is "gameover"
- GameModel.gameOver(gid, result, ObjectId(req.userId), (err,game) => {
- access.checkRequest(res, err, game, "Cannot find game", () => {
- res.json({});
- });
- });
+// New move + fen update + score, potentially
// TODO: if newmove fail, takeback in GUI
-// TODO: check move structure
-// TODO: move should contain an optional "message" field ("corr chat" !)
-router.post("/moves", access.logged, access.ajax, (req,res) => {
- let gid = ObjectId(req.body.gid);
- let fen = req.body.fen;
- let vname = req.body.vname; //defined only if !!offlineOpp
- // NOTE: storing the moves encoded lead to double stringify --> error at parsing
- let move = JSON.parse(req.body.move);
- GameModel.addMove(gid, move, fen, req._user._id, (err,game) => {
- access.checkRequest(res, err, game, "Cannot find game", () => {
- if (!!req.body.offlineOpp)
- UserModel.tryNotify(ObjectId(req.body.offlineOpp), gid, vname, "New move");
- res.json({});
- });
+router.put("/games", access.logged, access.ajax, (req,res) => {
+ const gid = req.body.gid;
+ const obj = req.body.newObj;
+ GameModel.update(gid, obj, (err) => {
+ if (!!err)
+ return res.json(err);
+ if (!!req.body.offlineOpp) //TODO: refresh this...
+ UserModel.tryNotify(req.body.offlineOpp, "New move in game " + gid);
+ res.json({});