Experimental improved behavior of login/logout/multitabs
[vchess.git] / client / src / components / Chat.vue
1 <template lang="pug">
2 div
3 input#inputChat(type="text" :placeholder="st.tr['Type here']"
4 @keyup.enter="sendChat")
5 button#sendChatBtn(@click="sendChat") {{ st.tr["Send"] }}
6 p(v-for="chat in chats" :class="classObject(chat)"
7 v-html="chat.name + ': ' + chat.msg")
8 p(v-for="chat in pastChats" :class="classObject(chat)"
9 v-html="chat.name + ': ' + chat.msg")
10 </template>
12 <script>
13 import { store } from "@/store";
15 export default {
16 name: "my-chat",
17 // Prop 'pastChats' for corr games where chats are on server
18 props: ["players","pastChats","newChat"],
19 data: function() {
20 return {
21 st: store.state,
22 chats: [], //chat messages after human game
23 };
24 },
25 watch: {
26 newChat: function(chat) {
27 if (chat.msg != "")
28 this.chats.unshift({msg:chat.msg, name:chat.name || "@nonymous"});
29 },
30 },
31 methods: {
32 classObject: function(chat) {
33 return {
34 "my-chatmsg": chat.name == this.st.user.name,
35 "opp-chatmsg": !!this.players && this.players.some(
36 p => p.name == chat.name && p.name != this.st.user.name)
37 };
38 },
39 sendChat: function() {
40 let chatInput = document.getElementById("inputChat");
41 const chatTxt = chatInput.value.trim();
42 if (chatTxt == "")
43 return; //nothing to send
44 chatInput.value = "";
45 const chat = {msg:chatTxt, name: this.st.user.name || "@nonymous"};
46 this.$emit("mychat", chat);
47 this.chats.unshift(chat);
48 },
49 },
50 };
51 </script>
53 <style lang="sass" scoped>
54 .my-chatmsg
55 color: grey
56 .opp-chatmsg
57 color: black
58 </style>