Draft of a problems section + news system
[vchess.git] / client / src / views / Problems.vue
... / ...
1<template lang="pug">
3 input#modalNewprob.modal(type="checkbox" @change="infoMsg=''")
4 div#newprobDiv(role="dialog" data-checkbox="modalNewprob")
5 .card(@keyup.enter="sendProblem()")
6 label#closeNewprob.modal-close(for="modalNewprob")
7 fieldset
8 label(for="selectVariant") {{ st.tr["Variant"] }}
9 select#selectVariant(
10 v-model="curproblem.vid"
11 @change="changeVariant(curproblem)"
12 )
13 option(
14 v-for="v in [emptyVar].concat(st.variants)"
15 :value="v.id"
16 :selected="curproblem.vid==v.id"
17 )
18 | {{ v.name }}
19 fieldset
20 label(for="inputFen") FEN
21 input#inputFen(
22 type="text"
23 v-model="curproblem.fen"
24 @input="trySetDiagram(curproblem)"
25 )
26 div(v-html="curproblem.diag")
27 fieldset
28 textarea#instructions(
29 :placeholder="st.tr['Instructions']"
30 v-model="curproblem.instruction"
31 )
32 p(v-html="parseHtml(curproblem.instruction)")
33 fieldset
34 textarea#solution(
35 :placeholder="st.tr['Solution']"
36 v-model="curproblem.solution"
37 )
38 p(v-html="parseHtml(curproblem.solution)")
39 button(@click="sendProblem()") {{ st.tr["Send"] }}
40 #dialog.text-center {{ st.tr[infoMsg] }}
41 .row
42 .col-sm-12
43 button#newProblem(onClick="doClick('modalNewprob')")
44 | {{ st.tr["New problem"] }}
45 .row(v-if="showOne")
46 .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
47 #actions
48 button(@click="showOne=false") {{ st.tr["Back to list"] }}
49 button(
50 v-if="st.user.id == curproblem.uid"
51 @click="editProblem(curproblem)"
52 )
53 | {{ st.tr["Edit"] }}
54 button(
55 v-if="st.user.id == curproblem.uid"
56 @click="deleteProblem(curproblem)"
57 )
58 | {{ st.tr["Delete"] }}
59 h4 {{ curproblem.vname }}
60 p(v-html="parseHtml(curproblem.instruction)")
61 h4(@click="curproblem.showSolution=!curproblem.showSolution")
62 | {{ st.tr["Show solution"] }}
63 p(
64 v-show="curproblem.showSolution"
65 v-html="parseHtml(curproblem.solution)"
66 )
67 .row(v-else)
68 .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
69 label(for="checkboxMine") {{ st.tr["My problems"] }}
70 input#checkboxMine(
71 type="checkbox"
72 v-model="onlyMines"
73 )
74 label(for="selectVariant") {{ st.tr["Variant"] }}
75 select#selectVariant(v-model="selectedVar")
76 option(
77 v-for="v in [emptyVar].concat(st.variants)"
78 :value="v.id"
79 )
80 | {{ v.name }}
81 div(
82 v-for="p in problems"
83 v-show="displayProblem(p)"
84 @click="showProblem(p)"
85 )
86 h4 {{ p.vname }}
87 p {{ p.fen }}
88 p(v-html="p.instruction")
89 BaseGame(v-if="showOne" :game="game" :vr="vr")
93// TODO: si showProblem(p), changer URL (ajouter problem ID)
94// Et si au lancement l'URL comprend un pid, alors showOne=true et curproblem=...
96import { store } from "@/store";
97import { ajax } from "@/utils/ajax";
98import { checkProblem } from "@/data/problemCheck";
99import { getDiagram } from "@/utils/printDiagram";
100import BaseGame from "@/components/BaseGame.vue";
101export default {
102 name: "my-problems",
103 components: {
104 BaseGame,
105 },
106 data: function() {
107 return {
108 st: store.state,
109 emptyVar: {
110 vid: 0,
111 vname: "",
112 },
113 // Problem currently showed, or edited:
114 curproblem: {
115 id: 0, //used in case of edit
116 vid: 0,
117 fen: "",
118 diag: "",
119 instruction: "",
120 solution: "",
121 showSolution: false,
122 },
123 loadedVar: 0, //corresponding to loaded V
124 selectedVar: 0, //to filter problems based on variant
125 problems: [],
126 onlyMines: false,
127 showOne: false,
128 infoMsg: "",
129 vr: null, //"variant rules" object initialized from FEN
130 game: {
131 players:[{name:"Problem"},{name:"Problem"}],
132 mode: "analyze",
133 },
134 };
135 },
136 created: function() {
137 ajax("/problems", "GET", (res) => {
138 this.problems = res.problems;
139 if (this.st.variants.length > 0)
140 this.problems.forEach(p => this.setVname(p))
141 });
142 },
143 watch: {
144 // st.variants changes only once, at loading from [] to [...]
145 "st.variants": function(variantArray) {
146 // Set problems vname (either all are set or none)
147 if (this.problems.length > 0 && this.problems[0].vname == "")
148 this.problems.forEach(p => this.setVname(p));
149 },
150 },
151 methods: {
152 setVname: function(prob) {
153 prob.vname = this.st.variants.find(v => v.id == prob.vid).name;
154 },
155 copyProblem: function(p1, p2) {
156 for (let key in p1)
157 p2[key] = p1[key];
158 },
159 resetCurProb: function() {
160 this.curproblem.id = 0;
161 this.curproblem.uid = 0;
162 this.curproblem.vid = "";
163 this.curproblem.vname = "";
164 this.curproblem.fen = "";
165 this.curproblem.diag = "";
166 this.curproblem.instruction = "";
167 this.curproblem.solution = "";
168 this.curproblem.showSolution = false;
169 },
170 parseHtml: function(txt) {
171 return !txt.match(/<[/a-zA-Z]+>/)
172 ? txt.replace(/\n/g, "<br/>") //no HTML tag
173 : txt;
174 },
175 changeVariant: function(prob) {
176 this.setVname(prob);
177 this.loadVariant(
178 prob.vid,
179 () => {
180 // Set FEN if possible (might not be correct yet)
181 if (V.IsGoodFen(prob.fen))
182 this.setDiagram(prob);
183 }
184 );
185 },
186 loadVariant: async function(vid, cb) {
187 // Condition: vid is a valid variant ID
188 this.loadedVar = 0;
189 const variant = this.st.variants.find(v => v.id == vid);
190 const vModule = await import("@/variants/" + variant.name + ".js");
191 window.V = vModule.VariantRules;
192 this.loadedVar = vid;
193 cb();
194 },
195 trySetDiagram: function(prob) {
196 // Problem edit: FEN could be wrong or incomplete,
197 // variant could not be ready, or not defined
198 if (prob.vid > 0 && this.loadedVar == prob.vid && V.IsGoodFen(prob.fen))
199 this.setDiagram(prob);
200 },
201 setDiagram: function(prob) {
202 // Condition: prob.fen is correct and global V is ready
203 const parsedFen = V.ParseFen(prob.fen);
204 const args = {
205 position: parsedFen.position,
206 orientation: parsedFen.turn,
207 };
208 prob.diag = getDiagram(args);
209 },
210 displayProblem: function(p) {
211 return ((this.selectedVar == 0 || p.vid == this.selectedVar) &&
212 ((this.onlyMines && p.uid == this.st.user.id)
213 || (!this.onlyMines && p.uid != this.st.user.id)));
214 },
215 showProblem: function(p) {
216 this.loadVariant(
217 p.vid,
218 () => {
219 // The FEN is already checked at this stage:
220 this.vr = new V(p.fen);
221 this.game.vname = p.vname;
222 this.game.mycolor = this.vr.turn; //diagram orientation
223 this.game.fen = p.fen;
224 this.$set(this.game, "fenStart", p.fen);
225 this.copyProblem(p, this.curproblem);
226 this.showOne = true;
227 }
228 );
229 },
230 sendProblem: function() {
231 const error = checkProblem(this.curproblem);
232 if (!!error)
233 return alert(error);
234 const edit = this.curproblem.id > 0;
235 this.infoMsg = "Processing... Please wait";
236 ajax(
237 "/problems",
238 edit ? "PUT" : "POST",
239 {prob: this.curproblem},
240 (ret) => {
241 if (edit)
242 {
243 let editedP = this.problems.find(p => p.id == this.curproblem.id);
244 this.copyProblem(this.curproblem, editedP);
245 }
246 else //new problem
247 {
248 let newProblem = Object.assign({}, this.curproblem);
249 newProblem.id = ret.id;
250 this.problems = this.problems.concat(newProblem);
251 }
252 this.resetCurProb();
253 this.infoMsg = "";
254 }
255 );
256 },
257 editProblem: function(prob) {
258 if (!prob.diag)
259 this.setDiagram(prob); //possible because V is loaded at this stage
260 this.copyProblem(prob, this.curproblem);
261 doClick('modalNewprob');
262 },
263 deleteProblem: function(prob) {
264 if (confirm(this.st.tr["Are you sure?"]))
265 ajax("/problems", "DELETE", {pid:prob.id});
266 },
267 },
271<style lang="sass" scoped>
273 display: block
274 margin: 10px auto 5px auto