Finished translations
[vchess.git] / views / modal-lang.pug
1 input#modalLang.modal(type="checkbox")
2 div(role="dialog")
3 #language.card
4 label.modal-close(for="modalLang")
5 .section
6 fieldset
7 -
8 var langName = {
9 "fr": "French",
10 "en": "English",
11 }
12 label(for="langSelect") Preferred language?
13 select#langSelect(onChange="setLanguage(event)")
14 each langCode in languages
15 option(value=langCode selected=(lang==langCode))
16 =langName[langCode]
17 .section
18 Contribute
19 p
20 | Browse the
21 a(href="")
22 | github repository
23 | : welcome/en.pug and all files rules/*/en.pug
24 | should be translated. When it's done, send me the files:
25 a(href="[] translation")
26 |
27 | . Thanks!