2 | All captures result in an "explosion" through which all surrounding
3 | pieces other than pawns are removed from the board.
8 li Chessboard: standard.
10 li Non-capturing moves: standard.
11 li Special moves: standard.
12 li Captures: explosions; see below.
13 li End of game: king explodes, or standard; see below.
18 When a piece captures an opponent figure on some square S, all pieces sitting
19 on a square reachable by a king move from S are removed.
20 The pawns, however, remain: they have to be taken directly to disappear.
22 figure.diagram-container
24 | fen:r3kbnr/pp3ppp/3p4/4p3/8/8/PPPPPPPP/R1BQKBNR:
25 figcaption After the moves 1.Nc3 d6?? 2.Nd5 e5 3.Nxc7
29 p There are two ways to win, by decreasing strength order:
31 li Explode opponent king
32 li Checkmate opponent king
34 p Explosions have priority: a checkmate followed by a king explosion loses.
37 Note: suicide is forbidden. Thus a king can touch the opponent king -
38 and become immune to checks.
43 Many resources can be found on the web ("Google it"; this variation is played on
44 lichess and FICS, among others).
45 This game was played first in 1995 at the German Internet Chess Server (GICS)
46 according to Wikipedia.