Add orange board theme
[vchess.git] / client / src / utils / gameStorage.js
1 // Game object: {
2 // // Static informations:
3 // id: string
4 // vname: string,
5 // fenStart: string,
6 // players: array of sid+id+name,
7 // cadence: string,
8 // increment: integer (seconds),
9 // type: string ("live" or "corr")
10 // // Game (dynamic) state:
11 // fen: string,
12 // moves: array of Move objects,
13 // clocks: array of integers,
14 // initime: array of integers (when clock start running),
15 // score: string (several options; '*' == running),
16 // }
18 import { store } from "@/store";
20 function dbOperation(callback) {
21 let db = null;
22 let DBOpenRequest ="vchess", 5);
24 DBOpenRequest.onerror = function(event) {
25 alert([
26 "Database error: stop private browsing, or update your browser"]);
27 callback("error", null);
28 };
30 DBOpenRequest.onsuccess = function() {
31 db = DBOpenRequest.result;
32 callback(null, db);
33 db.close();
34 };
36 DBOpenRequest.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
37 let db =;
38 let upgradeTransaction =;
39 let objectStore = undefined;
40 if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains("games"))
41 objectStore = db.createObjectStore("games", { keyPath: "id" });
42 else
43 objectStore = upgradeTransaction.objectStore("games");
44 if (!objectStore.indexNames.contains("score"))
45 // To sarch games by score (useful for running games)
46 objectStore.createIndex("score", "score", { unique: false });
47 if (!objectStore.indexNames.contains("created"))
48 // To search by date intervals. Two games cannot start at the same time
49 objectStore.createIndex("created", "created", { unique: true });
50 };
51 }
53 export const GameStorage = {
54 // Optional callback to get error status
55 add: function(game, callback) {
56 dbOperation((err, db) => {
57 if (!!err) {
58 callback("error");
59 return;
60 }
61 let transaction = db.transaction("games", "readwrite");
62 transaction.oncomplete = function() {
63 // Everything's fine
64 callback();
65 };
66 transaction.onerror = function(err) {
67 // Duplicate key error (most likely)
68 callback(err);
69 };
70 transaction.objectStore("games").add(game);
71 });
72 },
74 // obj: chat, move, fen, clocks, score[Msg], initime, ...
75 update: function(gameId, obj) {
76 dbOperation((err, db) => {
77 let objectStore = db
78 .transaction("games", "readwrite")
79 .objectStore("games");
80 objectStore.get(gameId).onsuccess = function(event) {
81 // Ignoring error silently: shouldn't happen now. TODO?
82 if (!! {
83 let game =;
84 // Hidden tabs are delayed, to prevent multi-updates:
85 if (obj.moveIdx < game.moves.length) return;
86 Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => {
87 if (k == "move") game.moves.push(obj[k]);
88 else if (k == "chat") game.chats.push(obj[k]);
89 else if (k == "chatRead") game.chatRead =;
90 else if (k == "delchat") game.chats = [];
91 else if (k == "playerName")
92 game.players[obj[k].idx].name = obj[k].name;
93 else game[k] = obj[k];
94 });
95 objectStore.put(game); //save updated data
96 }
97 };
98 });
99 },
101 // Retrieve (all) running local games
102 getRunning: function(callback) {
103 dbOperation((err, db) => {
104 let objectStore = db
105 .transaction("games", "readonly")
106 .objectStore("games");
107 let index = objectStore.index("score");
108 const range = IDBKeyRange.only("*");
109 let games = [];
110 index.openCursor(range).onsuccess = function(event) {
111 let cursor =;
112 if (!cursor) callback(games);
113 else {
114 // If there is still another cursor to go, keep running this code
115 let g = cursor.value;
116 // Do not retrieve moves or clocks (unused in list mode)
117 g.movesCount = g.moves.length;
118 delete g.moves;
119 delete g.clocks;
120 delete g.initime;
121 games.push(g);
122 cursor.continue();
123 }
124 };
125 });
126 },
128 // Retrieve completed local games
129 getNext: function(upperDt, callback) {
130 dbOperation((err, db) => {
131 let objectStore = db
132 .transaction("games", "readonly")
133 .objectStore("games");
134 let index = objectStore.index("created");
135 const range = IDBKeyRange.upperBound(upperDt);
136 let games = [];
137 index.openCursor(range).onsuccess = function(event) {
138 let cursor =;
139 if (!cursor) {
140 // Most recent games first:
141 games = games.sort((g1, g2) => g2.created - g1.created);
142 // TODO: 20 games showed per request is arbitrary
143 callback(games.slice(0, 20));
144 }
145 else {
146 // If there is still another cursor to go, keep running this code
147 let g = cursor.value;
148 if (g.score != "*") {
149 // Do not retrieve moves or clocks (unused in list mode)
150 g.movesCount = g.moves.length;
151 delete g.moves;
152 delete g.clocks;
153 delete g.initime;
154 games.push(g);
155 }
156 cursor.continue();
157 }
158 };
159 });
160 },
162 // Retrieve any game from its identifier.
163 // NOTE: need callback because result is obtained asynchronously
164 get: function(gameId, callback) {
165 dbOperation((err, db) => {
166 let objectStore = db.transaction("games").objectStore("games");
167 objectStore.get(gameId).onsuccess = function(event) {
168 // is null if game not found
169 callback(;
170 };
171 });
172 },
174 // Delete a game in indexedDB
175 remove: function(gameId, callback) {
176 dbOperation((err, db) => {
177 if (!err) {
178 let transaction = db.transaction("games", "readwrite");
179 transaction.oncomplete = function() {
180 callback(); //everything's fine
181 };
182 transaction.objectStore("games").delete(gameId);
183 }
184 });
185 }
186 };