Fix typos
[vchess.git] / client / src / translations / rules / Parachute / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | The board is initially empty.
3 | Add a piece (not giving check) or move one at each turn.
5 p.
6 The king can be added at any moment, but while he hasn't landed
7 no capture can be done. So you could move or land your king "into check"
8 if your opponent didn't land his king yet.
10 p.
11 Giving check with a landed piece is forbidden
12 (assuming both kings are on the board).
14 p.
15 Pawns can be landed on the four first ranks only. A pawn on the first
16 rank can jump two squares, and be captured en passant.
18 figure.diagram-container
19 .diagram.diag12
20 | fen:8/8/3b2r1/3R4/k3Q3/3R4/8/8:
21 .diagram.diag22
22 | fen:8/8/K2b2r1/3R4/k1N1Q3/3R4/5q2/8:
23 figcaption.
24 Left: no white king, so the black king is safe.
25 Right: black to move, there is no way to avoid mate.
27 h3 Source
29 p
30 a(href="")
31 | Unachess II
32 |  on Unachess I gives a too large advantage
33 | to white, in the few games I could play.
35 p Inventors: Jeff Miller and Edward Jackman (1995)