Fix MarseilleRules, remove debug traces
[vchess.git] / views / rules / Alice / en.pug
1 p.boxed
2 | Every move played ends up on another board (the "other side of the mirror").
3 | There are two boards. All pieces start on board 1.
5 h3 Specifications
7 ul
8 li Chessboard: standard.
9 li Material: standard + Alice pieces.
10 li Non-capturing moves: standard.
11 li Special moves: standard.
12 li Captures: standard (if on same board).
13 li End of game: standard.
15 h3 Basics
17 p
18 | Two boards are used in this variant. Pieces from board 2 are represented on
19 | the main board, upside down.
20 | Any move played must be valid on the board it is played on.
21 | In addition, the final square should not be occupied by a piece from the other board
22 | (thus allowing to represent all on one board).
24 p Notation for Alice pieces was chosen as follow:
25 ul
26 li Pawn : S
27 li Rook : U
28 li Knight : O
29 li Bishop : C
30 li Queen : T
31 li King : L
33 figure.diagram-container
34 .diagram
35 | fen:rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/8/8/2p5/5O2/PP1PPPPP/RNBQKB1R:
36 figcaption After the moves 1.Nf3 Pd5 2.Pc4 Sxc4
38 h3 End of the game
40 p
41 | As in the orthodox game, win by checkmating the king. It shouldn't be able to
42 | escape the check, not even by moving to the other board.
44 p.
45 Note: en-passant and castle occur as they do in the standard game.
46 More specifically, en-passant is possible regardless of the worlds pawns are in.
47 This is justified because pawns "go through the mirror" while moving, and can
48 thus be captured either right after or just before they pass the mirror.
49 Castling should be legal according to orthodox rules on the board 1 (it cannot
50 occur on board 2, because it would mean king and rook moved). Moreover, the
51 king cannot be in check on board 2 after castling.
53 h3 More information
55 p
56 | See the Alice chess pages on
57 a(href="")
58 |  and on
59 a(href="")
60 |
61 | .