From: Benjamin Auder <>
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 19:15:34 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Replace Queue List internal usage by a Vector (lighter)

Replace Queue List internal usage by a Vector (lighter)

diff --git a/src/Queue.c b/src/Queue.c
index 5b24a3d..7921f29 100644
--- a/src/Queue.c
+++ b/src/Queue.c
@@ -6,10 +6,8 @@
 void _queue_init(Queue* queue, size_t dataSize)
-	queue->size = 0;
 	queue->dataSize = dataSize;
-	queue->front = NULL;
-	queue->back = NULL;
+	_vector_init(queue->array, dataSize);
 Queue* _queue_new(size_t dataSize)
@@ -21,61 +19,46 @@ Queue* _queue_new(size_t dataSize)
 Queue* queue_copy(Queue* queue)
-	Queue* queueCopy = _queue_new(queue->dataSize);
-	QueueCell* queueCell = queue->front;
-	while (queueCell != NULL)
-	{
-		_queue_push(queueCopy, queueCell->data);
-		queueCell = queueCell->next;
-	}
+	Queue* queueCopy = (Queue*) safe_malloc(sizeof (Queue));
+	queueCopy->dataSize = queue->dataSize;
+	Vector* arrayCopy = vector_copy(queue->array);
+	queueCopy->array = arrayCopy;
 	return queueCopy;
 Bool queue_empty(Queue* queue)
-	return (queue->size == 0);
+	return vector_empty(queue->array);
 UInt queue_size(Queue* queue)
-	return queue->size;
+	return vector_size(queue->array);
 void _queue_push(Queue* queue, void* data)
-	QueueCell* newQueueBack = (QueueCell*) safe_malloc(sizeof (QueueCell));
-	newQueueBack->data = safe_malloc(queue->dataSize);
-	memcpy(newQueueBack->data, data, queue->dataSize);
-	newQueueBack->next = NULL;
-	if (queue->size > 0) 
-		queue->back->next = newQueueBack;
-	queue->back = newQueueBack;
-	if (queue->size == 0) 
-		queue->front = newQueueBack;
-	queue->size++;
+	_vector_push(queue->array, data);
 void* _queue_peek(Queue* queue)
-	return queue->front->data;
+	return vector_get(queue->array, 0);
 void queue_pop(Queue* queue)
-	QueueCell* toTrash = queue->front;
-	queue->front = queue->front->next;
-	if (queue->front == NULL) 
-		queue->back = NULL;
-	safe_free(toTrash->data);
-	safe_free(toTrash);
-	queue->size--;
+	//remove first vector element and shift its internal array
+	safe_free(queue->array->datas[0]);
+	queue->array->datas++;
+	//NOTE: we remove first element, so capacity decrease too
+	queue->array->size--;
+	queue->array->capacity--;
 void queue_clear(Queue* queue)
-	while (queue->size > 0) 
-		queue_pop(queue);
-	_queue_init(queue, queue->dataSize);
+	vector_clear(queue->array);
 void queue_destroy(Queue* queue)
diff --git a/src/Queue.h b/src/Queue.h
index db71579..619ae4a 100644
--- a/src/Queue.h
+++ b/src/Queue.h
@@ -9,24 +9,15 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include "cgds/types.h"
 #include "cgds/safe_alloc.h"
- * @brief Generic internal queue cell.
- */
-typedef struct QueueCell {
-	void* data; ///< Generic data contained in the cell.
-	struct QueueCell* next; ///< Next cell in the internal single-linked list.
-} QueueCell;
+#include "cgds/Vector.h"
  * @brief Queue containing generic data.
  * @param dataSize Size in bytes of a queue element.
 typedef struct Queue {
-	UInt size; ///< Count elements in the queue.
 	size_t dataSize; ///< Size in bytes of a queue element.
-	QueueCell* front; ///< Pointer to the next dequeued element.
-	QueueCell* back; ///< Pointer to the last enqueued element.
+	Vector* array; ///< Internal vector representation
 } Queue;
diff --git a/test/t.Queue.c b/test/t.Queue.c
index 6141dd0..0b368f1 100644
--- a/test/t.Queue.c
+++ b/test/t.Queue.c
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void t_queue_copy() //FTEST
 		queue_push(q, rand() % 42);
 	Queue* qc = queue_copy(q);
-	lu_assert_int_eq(q->size, qc->size);
+	lu_assert_int_eq(queue_size(q), queue_size(qc));
 	int a, b;
 	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)