color: getCookie("color", "lichess"), //lichess, chesscom or chesstempo
// sound level: 0 = no sound, 1 = sound only on newgame, 2 = always
sound: parseInt(getCookie("sound", "2")),
+ // Web worker to play computer moves without freezing interface:
+ compWorker: new Worker('/javascripts/playCompMove.js'),
+ timeStart: undefined, //time when computer starts thinking
watch: {
'class': {
"tooltip": true,
"topindicator": true,
- "indic-right": true,
+ "indic-left": true,
"settings-btn": !smallScreen,
"settings-btn-small": smallScreen,
+ // Computer moves web worker logic:
+ this.compWorker.postMessage(["scripts",variant]);
+ const self = this;
+ this.compWorker.onmessage = function(e) {
+ const compMove =;
+ // (first move) HACK: small delay to avoid selecting elements
+ // before they appear on page:
+ const delay = Math.max(500-(, 0);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (self.mode == "computer") //Warning: mode could have changed!
+, "animate")
+ }, delay);
+ }
methods: {
toggleShowSolution: function() {
else if (mode == "computer")
+ this.compWorker.postMessage(["init",this.vr.getFen()]);
this.mycolor = Math.random() < 0.5 ? 'w' : 'b';
if (this.mycolor == 'b')
- setTimeout(this.playComputerMove, 100); //small delay for drawing board
+ this.playComputerMove();
//else: against a (IRL) friend or problem solving: nothing more to do
playComputerMove: function() {
- const timeStart =;
- // TODO: next call asynchronous (avoid freezing interface while computer "think").
- // This would also allow to remove some artificial setTimeouts
- const compMove = this.vr.getComputerMove();
- // (first move) HACK: avoid selecting elements before they appear on page:
- const delay = Math.max(250-(, 0);
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (this.mode == "computer") //Warning: mode could have changed!
-, "animate")
- }, delay);
+ this.timeStart =;
+ this.compWorker.postMessage(["askmove"]);
// Get the identifier of a HTML table cell from its numeric coordinates o.x,o.y.
getSquareId: function(o) {
this.incheck = this.vr.getCheckSquares(move); //is opponent in check?, "ingame");
+ if (this.mode == "computer")
+ {
+ // Send the move to web worker
+ this.compWorker.postMessage(["newmove",move]);
+ }
if (this.mode == "computer" && this.vr.turn != this.mycolor)
- setTimeout(this.playComputerMove, 250); //small delay for animation
+ this.playComputerMove();
undo: function() {
// Navigate after game is over
new Vue({
el: "#variantPage",
data: {
- display: "", //do not show anything...
+ display: getCookie("display-"+variant,""), //default: do not show anything...
problem: undefined, //current problem in view
methods: {
toggleDisplay: function(elt) {
if (this.display == elt)
+ {
this.display = ""; //hide
+ setCookie("display-"+variant, "");
+ }
+ {
this.display = elt; //show
+ setCookie("display-"+variant, elt);
+ }
showProblem: function(problemTxt) {
this.problem = JSON.parse(problemTxt);
- | fen:2n4k/3r4/5b2/3p4/1m6/3b4/3N4/K7 w d4,d6,d8,a5:
+ | fen:2n4k/3r4/5b2/3p4/1m6/3b4/3N4/K7 d4,d6,d8,a5:
figcaption All marked squares captures are playable from d2.
h4 Withdrawer (queen)
- | fen:7k/8/8/3Qr3/8/8/8/K7 w a5,b5,c5:
+ | fen:7k/8/8/3Qr3/8/8/8/K7 a5,b5,c5:
figcaption 1.Qa5, 1.Qb5 or 1.Qc5 captures the black rook.
h4 Chameleon (bishop)
- | fen:7k/8/8/r3pP2/2n5/8/B7/K7 w a5,c4,e5:
+ | fen:7k/8/8/r3pP2/2n5/8/B7/K7 a5,c4,e5:
figcaption 1.Bd5 captures all marked pieces.
- | fen:7k/8/8/p4r/4K3/8/8/8 w e5:
+ | fen:7k/8/8/p4r/4K3/8/8/8 e5:
figcaption 1.Ke5 is impossible
h3 Credits