// We don't know yet on which page the user will be
clients[sid] = {socket: socket, path: ""};
- socket.on("message", objtxt => {
- let obj = JSON.parse(objtxt);
- switch (obj.code)
- {
- case "enter":
- if (clients[sid].path.length > 0)
- remInArray(pages[clients[sid].path], sid);
- clients[sid].path = obj.path;
- pages[obj.path].push(sid);
- // TODO also: notify "old" sub-room that I left (if it was not index)
- if (obj.path == "/")
- {
- // Send counting info
- let countings = {};
- Object.keys(pages).forEach(
- path => { countings[path] = pages[path].length; });
- socket.send(JSON.stringify({code:"counts",counts:countings}));
- }
- else
- {
- // Send to every client connected on index an update message for counts
- pages["/"].forEach((id) => {
- clients[id].socket.send(
- JSON.stringify({code:"increase",path:obj.path}), noop);
- });
- // TODO: do not notify anything in rules and problems sections (no socket required)
- // --> in fact only /Atomic (main hall) and inside a game: /Atomic/392f3ju
- // Also notify the (sub-)room (including potential opponents):
- Object.keys(clients[page]).forEach( k => {
- clients[page][k].send(JSON.stringify({code:"connect",id:sid}), noop);
- });
- // Finally, receive (sub-)room composition
- // TODO.
- }
-// NOTE: no "leave" counterpart (because it's always to enter somewhere else)
-// case "leave":
+// socket.on("message", objtxt => {
+// let obj = JSON.parse(objtxt);
+// switch (obj.code)
+// {
+// case "enter":
+// if (clients[sid].path.length > 0)
+// remInArray(pages[clients[sid].path], sid);
+// clients[sid].path = obj.path;
+// pages[obj.path].push(sid);
+// // TODO also: notify "old" sub-room that I left (if it was not index)
+// if (obj.path == "/")
+// {
+// // Send counting info
+// let countings = {};
+// Object.keys(pages).forEach(
+// path => { countings[path] = pages[path].length; });
+// socket.send(JSON.stringify({code:"counts",counts:countings}));
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// // Send to every client connected on index an update message for counts
+// pages["/"].forEach((id) => {
+// clients[id].socket.send(
+// JSON.stringify({code:"increase",path:obj.path}), noop);
+// });
+// // TODO: do not notify anything in rules and problems sections (no socket required)
+// // --> in fact only /Atomic (main hall) and inside a game: /Atomic/392f3ju
+// // Also notify the (sub-)room (including potential opponents):
+// Object.keys(clients[page]).forEach( k => {
+// clients[page][k].send(JSON.stringify({code:"connect",id:sid}), noop);
+// });
+// // Finally, receive (sub-)room composition
+// // TODO.
+// }
+//// NOTE: no "leave" counterpart (because it's always to enter somewhere else)
+//// case "leave":
+//// break;
+// // Transmit chats and moves to current room
+// // TODO: WebRTC instead in this case (most demanding?)
+// case "newchat":
+// if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
+// {
+// clients[page][obj.oppid].send(
+// JSON.stringify({code:"newchat",msg:obj.msg}), noop);
+// }
// break;
- // Transmit chats and moves to current room
- // TODO: WebRTC instead in this case (most demanding?)
- case "newchat":
- if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
- {
- clients[page][obj.oppid].send(
- JSON.stringify({code:"newchat",msg:obj.msg}), noop);
- }
- break;
- case "newmove":
- if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
- {
- clients[page][obj.oppid].send(
- JSON.stringify({code:"newmove",move:obj.move}), noop);
- }
- break;
- // TODO: generalize that for several opponents
- case "ping":
- if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
- socket.send(JSON.stringify({code:"pong",gameId:obj.gameId}));
- break;
- case "lastate":
- if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
- {
- const oppId = obj.oppid;
- obj.oppid = sid; //I'm oppid for my opponent
- clients[page][oppId].send(JSON.stringify(obj), noop);
- }
- break;
- // TODO: moreover, here, game info should be sent (through challenge; not stored here)
- case "newgame":
- if (!!games[page])
- {
- // Start a new game
- const oppId = games[page]["id"];
- const fen = games[page]["fen"];
- const gameId = games[page]["gameid"];
- delete games[page];
- const mycolor = (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 'w' : 'b');
- socket.send(JSON.stringify(
- {code:"newgame",fen:fen,oppid:oppId,color:mycolor,gameid:gameId}));
- if (!!clients[page][oppId])
- {
- clients[page][oppId].send(
- JSON.stringify(
- {code:"newgame",fen:fen,oppid:sid,color:mycolor=="w"?"b":"w",gameid:gameId}),
- noop);
- }
- }
- else
- games[page] = {id:sid, fen:obj.fen, gameid:obj.gameid}; //wait for opponent
- break;
- case "cancelnewgame": //if a user cancel his seek
- // TODO: just transmit event
- //delete games[page];
- break;
- // TODO: also other challenge events
- case "resign":
- if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
- clients[page][obj.oppid].send(JSON.stringify({code:"resign"}), noop);
- break;
- // TODO: case "challenge" (get ID) --> send to all, "acceptchallenge" (with ID) --> send to all, "cancelchallenge" --> send to all
- // also, "sendgame" (give current game info, if any) --> to new connections, "sendchallenges" (same for challenges) --> to new connections
- }
- });
- socket.on("close", () => {
- delete clients[sid];
- // TODO: carefully delete pages[.........]
- // + adapt below:
- if (page != "/")
- {
- // Send to every client connected on index an update message for counts
- Object.keys(clients["index"]).forEach( k => {
- clients["index"][k].send(
- JSON.stringify({code:"decrease",vid:page}), noop);
- });
- }
- // Also notify potential opponents:
- // hit all clients which check if sid corresponds
- Object.keys(clients[page]).forEach( k => {
- clients[page][k].send(JSON.stringify({code:"disconnect",id:sid}), noop);
- });
- });
+// case "newmove":
+// if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
+// {
+// clients[page][obj.oppid].send(
+// JSON.stringify({code:"newmove",move:obj.move}), noop);
+// }
+// break;
+// // TODO: generalize that for several opponents
+// case "ping":
+// if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
+// socket.send(JSON.stringify({code:"pong",gameId:obj.gameId}));
+// break;
+// case "lastate":
+// if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
+// {
+// const oppId = obj.oppid;
+// obj.oppid = sid; //I'm oppid for my opponent
+// clients[page][oppId].send(JSON.stringify(obj), noop);
+// }
+// break;
+// // TODO: moreover, here, game info should be sent (through challenge; not stored here)
+// case "newgame":
+// if (!!games[page])
+// {
+// // Start a new game
+// const oppId = games[page]["id"];
+// const fen = games[page]["fen"];
+// const gameId = games[page]["gameid"];
+// delete games[page];
+// const mycolor = (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 'w' : 'b');
+// socket.send(JSON.stringify(
+// {code:"newgame",fen:fen,oppid:oppId,color:mycolor,gameid:gameId}));
+// if (!!clients[page][oppId])
+// {
+// clients[page][oppId].send(
+// JSON.stringify(
+// {code:"newgame",fen:fen,oppid:sid,color:mycolor=="w"?"b":"w",gameid:gameId}),
+// noop);
+// }
+// }
+// else
+// games[page] = {id:sid, fen:obj.fen, gameid:obj.gameid}; //wait for opponent
+// break;
+// case "cancelnewgame": //if a user cancel his seek
+// // TODO: just transmit event
+// //delete games[page];
+// break;
+// // TODO: also other challenge events
+// case "resign":
+// if (!!clients[page][obj.oppid])
+// clients[page][obj.oppid].send(JSON.stringify({code:"resign"}), noop);
+// break;
+// // TODO: case "challenge" (get ID) --> send to all, "acceptchallenge" (with ID) --> send to all, "cancelchallenge" --> send to all
+// // also, "sendgame" (give current game info, if any) --> to new connections, "sendchallenges" (same for challenges) --> to new connections
+// }
+// });
+// socket.on("close", () => {
+// delete clients[sid];
+// // TODO: carefully delete pages[.........]
+// // + adapt below:
+// if (page != "/")
+// {
+// // Send to every client connected on index an update message for counts
+// Object.keys(clients["index"]).forEach( k => {
+// clients["index"][k].send(
+// JSON.stringify({code:"decrease",vid:page}), noop);
+// });
+// }
+// // Also notify potential opponents:
+// // hit all clients which check if sid corresponds
+// Object.keys(clients[page]).forEach( k => {
+// clients[page][k].send(JSON.stringify({code:"disconnect",id:sid}), noop);
+// });
+// });