&& this.selectedPiece.parentNode.id == "sq-"+ci+"-"+cj,
attrs: {
- src: "@/assets/images/pieces/" +
- V.getPpath(this.vr.board[ci][cj]) + ".svg",
+ src: require("@/assets/images/pieces/" +
+ V.getPpath(this.vr.board[ci][cj]) + ".svg"),
'class': {
- "col-sm-12":true,
- "col-md-10":true,
- "col-md-offset-1":true,
- "col-lg-8":true,
- "col-lg-offset-2":true,
+ "col-sm-12": true,
+ "col-md-10": true,
+ "col-md-offset-1": true,
+ "col-lg-8": true,
+ "col-lg-offset-2": true,
// NOTE: click = mousedown + mouseup
on: {
+<style lang="sass">
+// TODO: styles to see pieces!
h3#eogMessage.section {{ endgameMessage }}
- //Chat(:opponents="opponents" :people="people")
- Board(:vr="vr" :last-move="lastMove" :mode="mode" :user-color="mycolor"
- :orientation="orientation" :vname="variant.name" @play-move="play")
+ //Chat(:opponents="opponents" :people="people")
+ Board(:vr="vr" :last-move="lastMove" :mode="mode" :user-color="mycolor"
+ :orientation="orientation" :vname="variant.name" @play-move="play")
+ .button-group
+ button(@click="() => play()") Play
+ button(@click="() => undo()") Undo
+ button(@click="flip") Flip
+ button(@click="gotoBegin") GotoBegin
+ button(@click="gotoEnd") GotoEnd
+ .button-group(v-if="mode=='human'")
+ button(@click="offerDraw") Draw
+ button(@click="abortGame") Abort
+ button(@click="resign") Resign
+ div(v-if="mode=='human' && subMode=='corr'")
+ textarea(v-show="score=='*' && vr.turn==mycolor" v-model="corrMsg")
+ div(v-show="cursor>=0") {{ moves[cursor].message }}
+ .section-content(v-if="showFen && !!vr" id="fen-div")
+ p#fenString.text-center {{ vr.getFen() }}
+ #pgnDiv.section-content
+ a#download(href="#")
- button(@click="() => play()") Play
- button(@click="() => undo()") Undo
- button(@click="flip") Flip
- button(@click="gotoBegin") GotoBegin
- button(@click="gotoEnd") GotoEnd
- .button-group(v-if="mode=='human'")
- button(@click="offerDraw") Draw
- button(@click="abortGame") Abort
- button(@click="resign") Resign
- div(v-if="mode=='human' && subMode=='corr'")
- textarea(v-show="score=='*' && vr.turn==mycolor" v-model="corrMsg")
- div(v-show="cursor>=0") {{ moves[cursor].message }}
- .section-content(v-if="showFen && !!vr" id="fen-div")
- p#fenString.text-center {{ vr.getFen() }}
- #pgnDiv.section-content
- a#download(href="#")
- .button-group
- button#downloadBtn(@click="download") {{ st.tr["Download PGN"] }}
- button Import game
- //MoveList(v-if="showMoves"
- :moves="moves" :cursor="cursor" @goto-move="gotoMove")
+ button#downloadBtn(@click="download") {{ st.tr["Download PGN"] }}
+ button Import game
+ //MoveList(v-if="showMoves"
+ :moves="moves" :cursor="cursor" @goto-move="gotoMove")
return this.$emit("computer-think");
- variant: function(newVar) {
- },
computed: {
showMoves: function() {
<template lang="pug">
- .col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2
+ .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
button(@click="display='rules'") Read the rules
button(v-show="!gameInProgress" @click="watchComputerGame")
return getDiagram(args);
// (AJAX) Request to get rules content (plain text, HTML)
+ // TODO: find a way to have Diagram(er) as a component,
+ // thus allowing images import through require(), handled by Webpack
+ // ==> the rules files should be less static
this.content =
// TODO: why doesn't this work? require("raw-loader!pug-plain-loader!@/rules/"...)
require("raw-loader!@/rules/" + vname + "/" + this.st.lang + ".pug")