button(onClick="doClick('modalNewgame')") New game
- .col-sm-12.col-md-5.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-4.col-lg-offset-2
+ .col-sm-12.col-md-10.col-md-offset-1.col-lg-8.col-lg-offset-2
input#challengeSection(type="radio" checked aria-hidden="true" name="accordion")
label(for="challengeSection" aria-hidden="true") Challenges
:challenges="filterChallenges('live')" @click-challenge="clickChallenge")
:challenges="filterChallenges('corr')" @click-challenge="clickChallenge")
- input#peopleSection(type="radio" checked aria-hidden="true" name="accordion")
+ input#peopleSection(type="radio" aria-hidden="true" name="accordion")
label(for="peopleSection" aria-hidden="true") People
+ .button-group
+ button(@click="pdisplay='players'") Players
+ button(@click="pdisplay='chat'") Chat
h3 Online players
.player(v-for="p in uniquePlayers" @click="tryChallenge(p)"
| {{ p.name + (!!p.count ? " ("+p.count+")" : "") }}
h3 Chat (TODO)
- input#gameSection(type="radio" checked aria-hidden="true" name="accordion")
+ input#gameSection(type="radio" aria-hidden="true" name="accordion")
label(for="gameSection" aria-hidden="true") Games
gdisplay: "live",
games: [],
challenges: [],
- players: [], //online players
+ players: [], //online players (rename into "people" ?)
newchallenge: {
fen: "",
vid: 0,
// 0.2] Receive clients list (just socket IDs)
case "pollclients":
+ {
data.sockIds.forEach(sid => {
this.players.push({sid:sid, id:0, name:""});
// Ask identity, challenges and game(s)
this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"askgame", target:sid}));
+ }
case "askidentity":
+ {
// Request for identification: reply if I'm not anonymous
if (this.st.user.id > 0)
{code:"identity", user:this.st.user, target:data.from}));
+ }
case "askchallenge":
+ {
// Send my current live challenge (if any)
const cIdx = this.challenges
.findIndex(c => c.from.sid == this.st.user.sid && c.type == "live");
timeControl: c.timeControl
- challenge:myChallenge, target:data.from})
+ challenge:myChallenge, target:data.from}));
+ }
case "askgame":
+ {
// TODO: Send my current live game (if any): variant, players, movesCount
+ }
case "identity":
+ {
const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(p => p.sid == data.user.sid);
this.players[pIdx].id = data.user.id;
this.players[pIdx].name = data.user.name;
+ }
case "challenge":
+ {
// Receive challenge from some player (+sid)
let newChall = data.chall;
newChall.type = classifyChallenge(data.chall);
const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(p => p.sid == data.sid);
newChall.from = this.players[pIdx]; //may be anonymous
+ newChall.added = Date.now();
+ }
case "game":
+ {
// Receive game from some player (+sid)
// TODO: receive game summary (update, count moves)
// (just players names, time control, and ID + player ID)
// NOTE: it may be correspondance (if newgame while we are connected)
+ }
// * - receive "new game": if live, store locally + redirect to game
// * If corr: notify "new game has started", give link, but do not redirect
case "newgame":
+ {
// TODO: new game just started: data contain all informations
// (id, players, time control, fenStart ...)
// + cid to remove challenge from list
+ }
// * - receive "accept/withdraw/cancel challenge": apply action to challenges list
case "acceptchallenge":
- // someone accept an open (or targeted) challenge
- // ==> if (open and) full and I don't play, delete from list
- // If I play: just add player. Then, if full send a "newgame"
- // and (if full) in any case, remove challenge from list.
- if (this.challenges.some(c => c.id == data.cid) //.............TODO
- this.newGame(data.challenge, data.user); //user.id et user.name
+ {
+ // Someone accept an open (or targeted) challenge,
+ // of 3 or more players and empty slots remain.
+ const cIdx = this.challenges.findIndex(c => c.id == data.cid);
+ let players = this.challenges[cIdx].to;
+ const pIdx = this.players.fndIndex(p => p.sid == data.from);
+ for (let i=0; i<players.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (!players[i])
+ {
+ players[i] = this.players[pIdx].name;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
case "withdrawchallenge":
+ {
const cIdx = this.challenges.findIndex(c => c.id == data.cid);
let chall = this.challenges[cIdx]
ArrayFun.remove(chall.players, p => p.id == data.uid);
chall.players.push({id:0, name:""});
- case "cancelchallenge":
+ }
+ case "deletechallenge":
+ {
ArrayFun.remove(this.challenges, c => c.id == data.cid);
+ }
// TODO: distinguish hallConnect and gameConnect ?
// Or global variable players
// + game variable: "observers"
case "connect":
// * - receive "player connect": send our current challenge (to him or global)
// * Also send all our games (live - max 1 - and corr) [in web worker ?]
+ {
this.players.push({name:"", id:0, sid:data.sid});
this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"askidentity", target:data.sid}));
+ }
// * - receive "player disconnect": remove from players list
case "disconnect":
+ {
ArrayFun.remove(this.players, p => p.sid == data.sid);
// TODO: also remove all challenges sent by this player,
// and all live games where he plays and no other opponent is online
+ }
showGame: function(game) {
// faut alors supprimer challenge + creer partie + la retourner et l'ajouter ici
// si pas le mien et FEN speciale :: (charger code variante et)
// montrer diagramme + couleur (orienté)
+ //this.newGame(data.challenge, data.user); //user.id et user.name
// user: last person to accept the challenge (TODO: revoir ça)
// newGame: function(chall, user) {
// if (this.settings.sound >= 1)
// new Audio("/sounds/newgame.mp3").play().catch(err => {});
// },
- // Load a variant file (TODO: should probably be global)
- loadVariant: async function(vid, variantArray) {
- const idxInVariants = variantArray.findIndex(v => v.id == vid);
- const vname = variantArray[idxInVariants].name;
- const vModule = await import("@/variants/" + vname + ".js");
- window.V = vModule.VariantRules;
- return vname;
- },
// Send new challenge (corr or live, cf. time control), with button or click on player
newChallenge: async function() {
// TODO: put this "load variant" block elsewhere
- const vname = this.loadVariant(this.newchallenge.vid, this.st.variants);
- // checkChallenge side-effect = , and mainTime + increment in seconds
- // TODO: should not be a side-effect but set here ; for received server challenges we do not have mainTime+increment
+ const vIdx = this.st.variants.findIndex(v => v.id == this.newchallenge.vid);
+ const vname = this.st.variants[vIdx].name;
+ const vModule = await import("@/variants/" + vname + ".js");
+ window.V = vModule.VariantRules;
const error = checkChallenge(this.newchallenge);
if (!!error)
return alert(error);
- if (this.challenges.some(c => c.from.sid == this.st.user.sid && c.liveGame))
+ const ctype = this.classifyChallenge(this.newchallenge);
+ const cto = this.newchallenge.to.slice(0, this.newchallenge.nbPlayers);
+ let chall =
- document.getElementById("modalNewgame").checked = false;
- return alert("You already have a pending live challenge");
- // TODO: better to just replace current challenge
- // --> also for corr challenges
- }
- // Check that the players (if any indicated) are online
- let chall = Object.Assign(
- {},
- this.newchallenge,
- {
- from: this.st.user,
- added: Date.now(),
fen: this.newchallenge.fen || V.GenRandInitFen(),
- variant: {id: this.newchallenge.vid, name: vname},
- nbPlayers: this.newchallenge.nbPlayers,
- to: [
- {id: 0, name: this.newchallenge.to[0], sid: ""},
- {id: 0, name: this.newchallenge.to[1], sid: ""},
- {id: 0, name: this.newchallenge.to[2], sid: ""},
- ],
+ to: cto,
timeControl: this.newchallenge.timeControl,
+ from: this.st.user.sid,
+ vid: this.newchallenge.vid,
- for (let p of chall.to)
- {
- if (p.name != "")
- {
- const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(pl => pl.name == p.name);
- // NOTE: id (server DB) and sid (socket ID).
- // Anonymous players just have a socket ID.
- // NOTE: for correspondance play we don't require players to be online
- // (==> we don't have IDs, and no sid)
- if (liveGame && pIdx === -1)
- return alert(p.name + " is not connected");
- p.id = this.players[pIdx].id;
- p.sid = this.players[pIdx].sid;
- }
- }
- const finishAddChallenge = (cid) => {
- chall.id = cid || "c" + getRandString();
- this.challenges.push(chall);
- // Send challenge to peers
- let challSock =
- {
- code: "newchallenge",
- chall: chall,
- target: "",
+ const sendSomethingTo = (to, code, obj) => {
+ const doSend = (code, obj, sid) => {
+ this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify(Object.assign(
+ {},
+ {code: code},
+ obj,
+ {target: sid}
+ )));
- const sendChallengeTo = (sid) => {
- challSock.target = sid;
- this.st.conn.send(JSON.stringify(challSock));
+ const getSid = (pname) => {
+ const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(pl => pl.name == pname);
+ if (ctype == "live" && pIdx === -1)
+ alert("Warning: " + p.name + " is not connected");
+ return this.players[pIdx].sid;
- if (chall.to[0].id > 0)
+ if (!!to[0])
// Challenge with targeted players
- chall.to.forEach(p => {
- if (p.id > 0)
- sendChallengeTo(p.sid);
- });
+ to.forEach(pname => { doSend(code, obj, getSid(pname)); });
// Open challenge: send to all connected players (except us)
this.players.forEach(p => {
if (p.sid != this.st.user.sid) //only sid is always set
- sendChallengeTo(p.sid);
+ doSend(code, obj, p.sid);
+ };
+ const finishAddChallenge = (cid) => {
+ chall.id = cid || "c" + getRandString();
+ // Send challenge to peers
+ sendSomethingTo(cto, "challenge", chall);
+ chall.added = Date.now();
+ this.challenges.push(chall);
document.getElementById("modalNewgame").checked = false;
- if (this.newchallenge.liveGame)
+ const cIdx = this.challenges.findIndex(
+ c => c.from.sid == this.st.user.sid && c.type == ctype);
+ if (cIdx >= 0)
- // Live challenges have cid = 0
+ // Delete current challenge (will be replaced now)
+ sendSomethingTo(this.challenges[cIdx].to,
+ "deletechallenge", {cid:this.challenges[cIdx].id});
+ if (ctype == "corr")
+ {
+ ajax(
+ "/challenges",
+ {id: this.challenges[cIdx].id}
+ );
+ }
+ this.challenges.splice(cIdx, 1);
+ }
+ if (ctype == "live")
+ {
+ // Live challenges have a random ID
- const chall = {
- uid: req.body["from"],
- vid: req.body["vid"],
- fen: req.body["fen"],
- timeControl: req.body["timeControl"],
- nbPlayers: req.body["nbPlayers"],
- to: req.body["to"], //array of IDs
- };
// Correspondance game: send challenge to server
- "/challenges/" + this.newchallenge.vid,
+ "/challenges",
- response => {
- chall.id = response.cid;
- finishAddChallenge();
- }
+ response => { finishAddChallenge(response.cid); }
variants.findIndex(v => v.id == this.newchallenge.vid);
return NbPlayers[variants[idxInVariants].name].includes(nbp);
+ newGame: function(cid) {
+ // TODO: don't forget to send "deletechallenge" message to all concerned players
+ // + setup colors and send game infos to players (message "newgame")
+ },