"Occupy the enemy palace": "Occupy the enemy palace",
"Pawns move diagonally": "Pawns move diagonally",
"Play at the same time": "Play at the same time",
+ "Play opponent's pieces": "Play opponent's pieces",
"Powerful pieces": "Powerful pieces",
"Prolongated captures": "Prolongated captures",
"Push and pull": "Push and pull",
"Occupy the enemy palace": "Ocupar el palacio enemigo",
"Pawns move diagonally": "Peones se mueven en diagonal",
"Play at the same time": "Jugar al mismo tiempo",
+ "Play opponent's pieces": "Jugar piezas opuestas",
"Powerful pieces": "Piezas poderosas",
"Prolongated captures": "Capturas extendidas",
"Push and pull": "Empujar y tirar",
"Occupy the enemy palace": "Occuper le palais ennemi",
"Pawns move diagonally": "Les pions vont en diagonale",
"Play at the same time": "Jouer en même temps",
+ "Play opponent's pieces": "Jouez les pièces adverses",
"Powerful pieces": "Pièces puissantes",
"Prolongated captures": "Captures prolongées",
"Push and pull": "Pousser et tirer",
('Alice', 'Both sides of the mirror'),
('Allmate1', 'Mate any piece (v1)'),
('Allmate2', 'Mate any piece (v2)'),
+ ('Ambiguous', 'Play opponent''s pieces'),
('Antiking1', 'Keep antiking in check (v1)'),
('Antiking2', 'Keep antiking in check (v2)'),
('Antimatter', 'Dangerous collisions'),