#' \code{getTime()} below. Each cell .data[[i]] is itself a list containing five slots,
#' as described in the 'field' section.
-#' @usage Data$new()
+#' @usage # Data$new()
#' @field .data[[i]] List of
#' \itemize{
#' averaged to provide a smooth prediction. This forecast will most of the time be wrong,
#' but will also look plausible enough.
-#' @usage AverageForecaster$new(pjump)
+#' @usage # AverageForecaster$new(pjump)
#' @docType class
#' @format R6 class, inherits Forecaster
#' obtain the final prediction.
#' }
-#' @usage NeighborsForecaster$new(pjump)
+#' @usage # NeighborsForecaster$new(pjump)
#' @docType class
#' @format R6 class, inherits Forecaster
#' If the last similar day has missing values, the next one is searched, and so on until
#' one full serie is found (if no one is found, NA is returned).
-#' @usage PersistenceForecaster$new(pjump)
+#' @usage # PersistenceForecaster$new(pjump)
#' @docType class
#' @format R6 class, inherits Forecaster
#' Flat prediction: always forecast a serie of zeros.
#' This serie is then adjusted using the ".pjump" function (see \code{Forecaster} class).
-#' @usage ZeroForecaster$new(pjump)
+#' @usage # ZeroForecaster$new(pjump)
#' @docType class
#' @format R6 class, inherits Forecaster
#' Each cell .pred[[i]] is itself a list containing three slots, as described in the
#' 'field' section.
-#' @usage Forecast$new(dates)
+#' @usage # Forecast$new(dates)
#' @field .pred List with
#' \itemize{
#' serie, and then calls the "jump prediction" function -- see "field" section -- to
#' adjust it based on the last observed values.
-#' @usage Forecaster$new(pjump) #warning: predictShape() is unimplemented
+#' @usage # Forecaster$new(pjump) #warning: predictShape() is unimplemented
#' @field .params List of computed parameters (if applicable).
#' @field .pjump Function: how to predict the jump at day interface? The arguments of
-library(devtools); load_all("..") #because some non-exported functions
+library(devtools); load_all("talweg") #because some non-exported functions