This program takes n time-series in input and is divided in two stages:
- 1) (Heuristic) k-medoids algorithm in parallel to obtain K centers, K << n
+ 1) (Heuristic) k-medoids algorithm in parallel to obtain K centers, K << n
2) Filtering WER(?) to obtain the final k < K group representations.
To compile source code :
- cd build
- cmake ../src
+ (mkdir -p (src|test)/build
+ cd (src|test)/build
+ cmake ..
Usage :
- ppam-mpi cluster ifilename nbSeriesInChunk nbClusters randomize p_for_dissims
+ mpirun -np nbProcess ppam.exe cluster ifilename nbSeriesInChunk nbClusters randomize p_for_dissims
Where :
+ nbProcess = number of simultaneous processes
ifilename = path to serialized dataset (read below)
nbSeriesInChunk = number of time-series to process sequentially
nbClusters = number of clusters
#include "Util/types.h"
#include "Util/rng.h"
-#include <cds/Vector.h>
+#include <cgds/Vector.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#ppam executable (serialize, cluster, classif)
-find_path(CDS_INCLUDE_PATH "cds/cds.h")
-find_library(CDS_LIBRARY cds)
+set(CGDS_INCLUDE_PATH "/usr/local/include/cgds")
+#set(CGDS_LIBRARY "/usr/local/lib/libcgds.so")
+#find_path(CDS_INCLUDE_PATH "cgds/cgds.h")
+#find_library(CGDS_LIBRARY cgds)
#GSL: standard location
find_path(GSL_INCLUDE_PATH "gsl/gsl_linalg.h")
file(GLOB_RECURSE ppam_src "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/*.c")
add_executable(ppam.exe ${ppam_src})
add_library(ppam SHARED ${ppam_src})
-target_link_libraries(ppam.exe m cds ${MPI_LIBRARIES} ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES} ${GSL_LIBRARIES} ${CDS_LIBRARY})
-target_link_libraries(ppam m cds ${MPI_LIBRARIES} ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES} ${GSL_LIBRARIES} ${CDS_LIBRARY})
+target_link_libraries(ppam.exe m cgds ${MPI_LIBRARIES} ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES} ${GSL_LIBRARIES})# ${CGDS_LIBRARY})
+target_link_libraries(ppam m cgds ${MPI_LIBRARIES} ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES} ${GSL_LIBRARIES})# ${CGDS_LIBRARY})
set_target_properties(ppam.exe PROPERTIES
#include <math.h>
#include "Util/types.h"
#include "Util/utils.h"
-#include <cds/Vector.h>
+#include <cgds/Vector.h>
#include <string.h>
// parse a line into two integers (ID, raw power)
//just starting a new time-series: must process the last one (if there is a last one !)
if (lastID > 0)
- {
+ {
if (tsLength == refTsLength && !overflow)
#include "Util/utils.h"
#include <math.h>
-#include <cds/Vector.h>
+#include <cgds/Vector.h>
void free_work(Work_t* work)
#include "TimeSeries/deserialize.h"
#include "Classification/getClass.h"
#include <string.h>
-#include <cds/Vector.h>
+#include <cgds/Vector.h>
#include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
// serialize text file argv[1] into a binary file argv[2]