if (!!this.vr.reserve) elementArray.push(reserveBottom);
const boardElt = document.querySelector(".game");
+ // Square width might be undefine (at first drawing),
+ // but it won't be used in this case.
+ const squareWidth = boardElt.offsetWidth / sizeY;
if (this.choices.length > 0 && !!boardElt) {
// No choices to show at first drawing
- const squareWidth = boardElt.offsetWidth / sizeY;
const offset = [boardElt.offsetTop, boardElt.offsetLeft];
const maxNbeltsPerRow = Math.min(this.choices.length, sizeY);
let topOffset = offset[0] + (sizeY / 2) * squareWidth - squareWidth / 2;
(this.arrows.length > 0 || this.movingArrow.x >= 0)
) {
let svgArrows = [];
+ const arrowWidth = squareWidth / 4;
this.arrows.forEach(a => {
+ const endPoint = this.adjustEndArrow(a.start, a.end, squareWidth);
attrs: {
d: (
"M" + a.start.x + "," + a.start.y + " " +
- "L" + a.end.x + "," + a.end.y
- )
+ "L" + endPoint.x + "," + endPoint.y
+ ),
+ style: "stroke-width:" + arrowWidth + "px"
if (this.movingArrow.x >= 0) {
+ const endPoint =
+ this.adjustEndArrow(this.startArrow, this.movingArrow, squareWidth);
attrs: {
d: (
"M" + this.startArrow.x + "," + this.startArrow.y + " " +
- "L" + this.movingArrow.x + "," + this.movingArrow.y
- )
+ "L" + endPoint.x + "," + endPoint.y
+ ),
+ style: "stroke-width:" + arrowWidth + "px"
attrs: {
id: "arrow",
- markerWidth: "2",
- markerHeight: "2",
- markerUnits: "strokeWidth",
+ markerWidth: (2 * arrowWidth) + "px",
+ markerHeight: (2 * arrowWidth) + "px",
+ markerUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
refX: "0",
- refY: "1",
+ refY: arrowWidth + "px",
orient: "auto"
+ "class": { "arrow-head": true },
attrs: {
- d: "M0,0 L0,2 L2,1 z",
- style: "fill: blue"
+ d: (
+ "M0,0 L0," + (2 * arrowWidth) + " " +
+ "L" + (2 * arrowWidth) + "," + arrowWidth + " z"
+ )
this.arrows = [];
this.circles = {};
+ adjustEndArrow: function(start, end, squareWidth) {
+ // Simple heuristic for now, just remove 1/3 square.
+ // TODO: should depend on the orientation.
+ const delta = [end.x - start.x, end.y - start.y];
+ const dist = Math.sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1]);
+ const fracSqWidth = squareWidth / 3;
+ return {
+ x: end.x - delta[0] * fracSqWidth / dist,
+ y: end.y - delta[1] * fracSqWidth / dist
+ };
+ },
mousedown: function(e) {
if (!([1, 3].includes(e.which))) return;
opacity: 0.65
stroke: #5f0e78
- stroke-width: 10px
fill: none
marker-end: url(#arrow)
+ fill: #5f0e78
background-color: rgba(204, 51, 0, 0.7) !important