// {name: 'Spartan', desc: 'Spartan versus Persians'},
// {name: 'Squatter', desc: 'Squat last rank'},
// {name: 'Stealthbomb', desc: 'Beware the bomb'},
-// {name: 'Suction', desc: 'Attract opposite king'},
+ {name: 'Suction', desc: 'Attract opposite king'},
// {name: 'Swap', desc: 'Dangerous captures'},
// {name: 'Switching', desc: "Exchange pieces' positions"},
// {name: 'Synchrone', desc: 'Play at the same time'},
--- /dev/null
+import ChessRules from "/base_rules.js";
+import GiveawayRules from "/variants/Giveaway/class.js";
+import PiPo from "/utils/PiPo.js";
+import Move from "/utils/Move.js";
+export default class SuctionRules extends ChessRules {
+ static get Options() {
+ return {
+ select: C.Options.select,
+ styles: [
+ "balance",
+ "capture",
+ "cylinder",
+ "dark",
+ "doublemove",
+ "madrasi",
+ "progressive",
+ "teleport"
+ ]
+ };
+ }
+ get pawnPromotions() {
+ return ['p']; //no promotions
+ }
+ get hasFlags() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ setOtherVariables(fenParsed) {
+ super.setOtherVariables(fenParsed);
+ this.cmove = null;
+ const cmove_str = fenParsed.cmove;
+ if (cmove_str != "-") {
+ this.cmove = {
+ start: C.SquareToCoords(cmove_str.substr(0, 2)),
+ end: C.SquareToCoords(cmove_str.substr(2))
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ genRandInitFen(seed) {
+ const gr = new GiveawayRules(
+ {mode: "suicide", options: this.options, genFenOnly: true});
+ // Add empty cmove:
+ return (
+ gr.genRandInitFen(seed).slice(0, -17) + '{"enpassant":"-","cmove":"-"}');
+ }
+ getFen() {
+ const cmoveFen = !this.cmove
+ ? "-"
+ : C.CoordsToSquare(this.cmove.start) + C.CoordsToSquare(this.cmove.end);
+ return super.getFen().slice(0, -1) + ',"' + cmoveFen + '"}';
+ }
+ getBasicMove([sx, sy], [ex, ey]) {
+ let move = super.getBasicMove([sx, sy], [ex, ey]);
+ if (move.vanish.length == 2) {
+ move.appear.push(
+ new PiPo({
+ x: sx,
+ y: sy,
+ c: move.vanish[1].c,
+ p: move.vanish[1].p
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return move;
+ }
+ canIplay(x, y) {
+ return this.getPiece(x, y) != 'k' && super.canIplay(x, y);
+ }
+ // Does m2 un-do m1 ? (to disallow undoing captures)
+ oppositeMoves(m1, m2) {
+ return (
+ !!m1 &&
+ m2.vanish.length == 2 &&
+ m1.start.x == m2.start.x &&
+ m1.end.x == m2.end.x &&
+ m1.start.y == m2.start.y &&
+ m1.end.y == m2.end.y
+ );
+ }
+ filterValid(moves) {
+ return moves.filter(m => !this.oppositeMoves(this.cmove, m));
+ }
+ postPlay(move) {
+ super.postPlay(move);
+ this.cmove =
+ (move.vanish.length == 2 ? {start: move.start, end: move.end} : null);
+ }
+ atLeastOneMove() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ getCurrentScore() {
+ const color = this.turn;
+ const kingPos = super.searchKingPos(color);
+ if (color == "w" && kingPos[0] == 0) return "0-1";
+ if (color == "b" && kingPos[0] == this.size.x - 1) return "1-0";
+ // King is not on the opposite edge: game not over
+ return "*";
+ }