-# Enhancements:
-On Game page "mconnect" events =>
- send lastate to them (because they have the game infos) or just "your turn" - if their turn
- remember them to send next "newmove" (or just "it's your turn") later - if not their turn
- (=> listen for "mdisconnect" as well, and gameover, and newgame)
-From MyGames page: send "mconnect" to all online players (me included: potential multi-tabs)
- When quit, send mdisconnect (relayed by server if no other MyGames tab).
-Rematch button (change colors, re-apply randomness params (which should be saved somehow somewhere))
- --> need a bit more duplicated logic: in Game page, listen for newgame, and add a "launchGame" function
-Will need a 'rematch' field in Game on server
-Put reserve pieces above and below the board. Center them.
-Show count of remaining units as a red digit printed on the piece
-(can it reach 10? theoretically yes... but then maybe we can just show "0" ?)
-Grey "disabled" style for reserve pieces if none available.
# New variants
8-pieces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ8K02Da7Ps&list=PLRyjH8DPuzTBiym6lA0r84P8N0HnTtZyN&index=6&t=0s
https://www.chessvariants.com/rules/8-piece-chess "Eightpieces"
// Create board element (+ reserves if needed by variant)
+ let elementArray = [];
const gameDiv = h(
- let elementArray = [gameDiv];
- const playingColor = this.userColor || "w"; //default for an observer
- if (this.vr.reserve) {
+ if (!!this.vr.reserve) {
+ const playingColor = this.userColor || "w"; //default for an observer
const shiftIdx = playingColor == "w" ? 0 : 1;
let myReservePiecesArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < V.RESERVE_PIECES.length; i++) {
+ const qty = this.vr.reserve[playingColor][V.RESERVE_PIECES[i]];
class: { board: true, ["board" + sizeY]: true },
- attrs: { id: getSquareId({ x: sizeX + shiftIdx, y: i }) }
+ attrs: { id: getSquareId({ x: sizeX + shiftIdx, y: i }) },
+ style: { opacity: qty > 0 ? 1 : 0.35 }
h("img", {
- h("sup", { class: { "reserve-count": true } }, [
- this.vr.reserve[playingColor][V.RESERVE_PIECES[i]]
- ])
+ h("sup", { class: { "reserve-count": true } }, [ qty ])
let oppReservePiecesArray = [];
const oppCol = V.GetOppCol(playingColor);
for (let i = 0; i < V.RESERVE_PIECES.length; i++) {
+ const qty = this.vr.reserve[oppCol][V.RESERVE_PIECES[i]];
class: { board: true, ["board" + sizeY]: true },
- attrs: { id: getSquareId({ x: sizeX + (1 - shiftIdx), y: i }) }
+ attrs: { id: getSquareId({ x: sizeX + (1 - shiftIdx), y: i }) },
+ style: { opacity: qty > 0 ? 1 : 0.35 }
h("img", {
- h("sup", { class: { "reserve-count": true } }, [
- this.vr.reserve[oppCol][V.RESERVE_PIECES[i]]
- ])
+ h("sup", { class: { "reserve-count": true } }, [ qty ])
- let reserves = h(
- "div",
- {
- class: {
- game: true,
- "reserve-div": true
- }
- },
- [
- h(
- "div",
- {
- class: {
- row: true,
- "reserve-row-1": true
- }
- },
- myReservePiecesArray
- ),
- h("div", { class: { row: true } }, oppReservePiecesArray)
- ]
+ const myReserveTop = (
+ (playingColor == 'w' && orientation == 'b') ||
+ (playingColor == 'b' && orientation == 'w')
- elementArray.push(reserves);
+ // Center reserves, assuming same number of pieces for each side:
+ const nbReservePieces = myReservePiecesArray.length;
+ const marginLeft = ((100 - nbReservePieces * (100 / sizeY)) / 2) + "%";
+ const reserveTop =
+ h(
+ "div",
+ {
+ class: {
+ game: true,
+ "reserve-div": true
+ },
+ style: {
+ "margin-left": marginLeft
+ }
+ },
+ [
+ h(
+ "div",
+ {
+ class: {
+ row: true,
+ "reserve-row": true
+ }
+ },
+ myReserveTop ? myReservePiecesArray : oppReservePiecesArray
+ )
+ ]
+ );
+ var reserveBottom =
+ h(
+ "div",
+ {
+ class: {
+ game: true,
+ "reserve-div": true
+ },
+ style: {
+ "margin-left": marginLeft
+ }
+ },
+ [
+ h(
+ "div",
+ {
+ class: {
+ row: true,
+ "reserve-row": true
+ }
+ },
+ myReserveTop ? oppReservePiecesArray : myReservePiecesArray
+ )
+ ]
+ );
+ elementArray.push(reserveTop);
+ elementArray.push(gameDiv);
+ if (!!this.vr.reserve) elementArray.push(reserveBottom);
const boardElt = document.querySelector(".game");
if (this.choices.length > 0 && !!boardElt) {
//no choices to show at first drawing
padding-left: 40%
margin-bottom: 15px
// NOTE: no variants with reserve of size != 8