for (let row of rows) {
let sumElts = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
- if (['K','k'].includes(row[i]))
- kings[row[i]] = true;
+ if (['K','k'].includes(row[i])) kings[row[i]] = true;
if (V.PIECES.includes(row[i].toLowerCase())) sumElts++;
else {
const num = parseInt(row[i]);
if (sumElts != V.size.y) return false;
// Both kings should be on board:
- if (Object.keys(kings).length != 2)
- return false;
+ if (Object.keys(kings).length != 2) return false;
return true;
// Extract (relevant) flags from fen
setFlags(fenflags) {
// white a-castle, h-castle, black a-castle, h-castle
- this.castleFlags = { w: [true, true], b: [true, true] };
+ this.castleFlags = { w: [-1, -1], b: [-1, -1] };
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this.castleFlags[i < 2 ? "w" : "b"][i % 2] =
- updateCastleFlags(move) {
+ updateCastleFlags(move, piece) {
const c = V.GetOppCol(this.turn);
const firstRank = (c == "w" ? V.size.x - 1 : 0);
// Update castling flags if rooks are moved
const oppCol = V.GetOppCol(c);
const oppFirstRank = V.size.x - 1 - firstRank;
- if (
+ if (piece == V.KING && move.appear.length > 0)
+ this.castleFlags[c] = [V.size.y, V.size.y];
+ else if (
move.start.x == firstRank && //our rook moves?
) {
if (piece == V.KING && move.appear.length > 0) {
this.kingPos[c][0] = move.appear[0].x;
this.kingPos[c][1] = move.appear[0].y;
- if (V.HasCastle) this.castleFlags[c] = [V.size.y, V.size.y];
- if (V.HasCastle) this.updateCastleFlags(move);
+ if (V.HasCastle) this.updateCastleFlags(move, piece);
preUndo() {}
// What is the score ? (Interesting if game is over)
getCurrentScore() {
- if (this.atLeastOneMove())
- return "*";
+ if (this.atLeastOneMove()) return "*";
// Game over
const color = this.turn;
// No valid move: stalemate or checkmate?
- if (!this.isAttacked(this.kingPos[color], V.GetOppCol(color)))
- return "1/2";
+ if (!this.underCheck(color)) return "1/2";
// OK, checkmate
return (color == "w" ? "0-1" : "1-0");
--- /dev/null
+import { ChessRules } from "@/base_rules";
+import { ArrayFun } from "@/utils/array";
+import { randInt, sample } from "@/utils/alea";
+export class CoregalRules extends ChessRules {
+ static IsGoodPosition(position) {
+ if (!super.IsGoodPosition(position)) return false;
+ // Check that at least one queen of each color is there:
+ let queens = {};
+ for (let row of rows) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < row.length; i++)
+ if (['Q','q'].includes(row[i])) queens[row[i]] = true;
+ }
+ if (Object.keys(queens).length != 2) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ static IsGoodFlags(flags) {
+ return !!flags.match(/^[a-z]{8,8}$/);
+ }
+ getCheckSquares(color) {
+ let squares = [];
+ const oppCol = V.GetOppCol(color);
+ if (this.isAttacked(this.kingPos[color], oppCol))
+ squares.push(this.kingPos[color]);
+ for (let i=0; i<V.size.x; i++) {
+ for (let j=0; j<V.size.y; j++) {
+ if (
+ this.getColor(i, j) == color &&
+ this.getPiece(i, j) == V.QUEEN &&
+ this.isAttacked([i, j], oppCol)
+ ) {
+ squares.push([i, j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return squares;
+ }
+ static GenRandInitFen(randomness) {
+ if (randomness == 0)
+ // Castle flags here indicate pieces positions (if can castle)
+ return "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w 0 adehadeh -";
+ let pieces = { w: new Array(8), b: new Array(8) };
+ let flags = "";
+ for (let c of ["w", "b"]) {
+ if (c == 'b' && randomness == 1) {
+ pieces['b'] = pieces['w'];
+ flags += flags;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Get random squares for king and queen between b and g files
+ let randIndex = randInt(6);
+ let kingPos = randIndex + 1;
+ randIndex = randInt(5);
+ if (randIndex >= kingPos) randIndex++;
+ let queenPos = randIndex + 1;
+ // Get random squares for rooks to the left and right of the queen
+ // and king: not all squares of the same colors (for bishops).
+ const minQR = Math.min(kingPos, queenPos);
+ const maxQR = Math.max(kingPos, queenPos);
+ let rook1Pos = randInt(minQR);
+ let rook2Pos = 7 - randInt(7 - maxQR);
+ // Now, if we are unlucky all these 4 pieces may be on the same color.
+ const rem2 = [kingPos, queenPos, rook1Pos, rook2Pos].map(pos => pos % 2);
+ if (rem2.every(r => r == 0) || rem2.every(r => r == 1)) {
+ // Shift a random of these pieces to the left or right
+ switch (randInt(4)) {
+ case 0:
+ if (rook1Pos == 0) rook1Pos++;
+ else rook1Pos--;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (Math.random() < 0.5) kingPos++;
+ else kingPos--;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (Math.random() < 0.5) queenPos++;
+ else queenPos--;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (rook2Pos == 7) rook2Pos--;
+ else rook2Pos++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ let bishop1Options = { 0: true, 2: true, 4: true, 6: true };
+ let bishop2Options = { 1: true, 3: true, 5: true, 7: true };
+ [kingPos, queenPos, rook1Pos, rook2Pos].forEach(pos => {
+ if (!!bishop1Options[pos]) delete bishop1Options[pos];
+ else if (!!bishop2Options[pos]) delete bishop2Options[pos];
+ });
+ const bishop1Pos = parseInt(sample(Object.keys(bishop1Options), 1)[0]);
+ const bishop2Pos = parseInt(sample(Object.keys(bishop2Options), 1)[0]);
+ // Knights' positions are now determined
+ const forbidden = [
+ kingPos, queenPos, rook1Pos, rook2Pos, bishop1Pos, bishop2Pos
+ ];
+ const [knight1Pos, knight2Pos] =
+ ArrayFun.range(8).filter(pos => !forbidden.includes(pos));
+ pieces[c][rook1Pos] = "r";
+ pieces[c][knight1Pos] = "n";
+ pieces[c][bishop1Pos] = "b";
+ pieces[c][queenPos] = "q";
+ pieces[c][kingPos] = "k";
+ pieces[c][bishop2Pos] = "b";
+ pieces[c][knight2Pos] = "n";
+ pieces[c][rook2Pos] = "r";
+ flags += V.CoordToColumn(rook1Pos) + V.CoordToColumn(queenPos) +
+ V.CoordToColumn(kingPos) + V.CoordToColumn(rook2Pos);
+ }
+ // Add turn + flags + enpassant
+ return (
+ pieces["b"].join("") +
+ "/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/" +
+ pieces["w"].join("").toUpperCase() +
+ " w 0 " + flags + " -"
+ );
+ }
+ setFlags(fenflags) {
+ // white a-castle, h-castle, black a-castle, h-castle
+ this.castleFlags = { w: [...Array(4)], b: [...Array(4)] };
+ for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ this.castleFlags[i < 4 ? "w" : "b"][i % 4] =
+ V.ColumnToCoord(fenflags.charAt(i));
+ }
+ }
+ getPotentialQueenMoves(sq) {
+ return super.getPotentialQueenMoves(sq).concat(this.getCastleMoves(sq));
+ }
+ getCastleMoves([x, y], castleInCheck) {
+ return [];
+// const c = this.getColor(x, y);
+// if (x != (c == "w" ? V.size.x - 1 : 0) || y != this.INIT_COL_KING[c])
+// return []; //x isn't first rank, or king has moved (shortcut)
+// // Castling ?
+// const oppCol = V.GetOppCol(c);
+// let moves = [];
+// let i = 0;
+// // King, then rook:
+// const finalSquares = [
+// [2, 3],
+// [V.size.y - 2, V.size.y - 3]
+// ];
+// castlingCheck: for (
+// let castleSide = 0;
+// castleSide < 2;
+// castleSide++ //large, then small
+// ) {
+// if (this.castleFlags[c][castleSide] >= V.size.y) continue;
+// // If this code is reached, rooks and king are on initial position
+// // NOTE: in some variants this is not a rook, but let's keep variable name
+// const rookPos = this.castleFlags[c][castleSide];
+// const castlingPiece = this.getPiece(x, rookPos);
+// if (this.getColor(x, rookPos) != c)
+// // Rook is here but changed color (see Benedict)
+// continue;
+// // Nothing on the path of the king ? (and no checks)
+// const finDist = finalSquares[castleSide][0] - y;
+// let step = finDist / Math.max(1, Math.abs(finDist));
+// i = y;
+// do {
+// if (
+// (!castleInCheck && this.isAttacked([x, i], oppCol)) ||
+// (this.board[x][i] != V.EMPTY &&
+// // NOTE: next check is enough, because of chessboard constraints
+// (this.getColor(x, i) != c ||
+// ![V.KING, castlingPiece].includes(this.getPiece(x, i))))
+// ) {
+// continue castlingCheck;
+// }
+// i += step;
+// } while (i != finalSquares[castleSide][0]);
+// // Nothing on the path to the rook?
+// step = castleSide == 0 ? -1 : 1;
+// for (i = y + step; i != rookPos; i += step) {
+// if (this.board[x][i] != V.EMPTY) continue castlingCheck;
+// }
+// // Nothing on final squares, except maybe king and castling rook?
+// for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+// if (
+// this.board[x][finalSquares[castleSide][i]] != V.EMPTY &&
+// this.getPiece(x, finalSquares[castleSide][i]) != V.KING &&
+// finalSquares[castleSide][i] != rookPos
+// ) {
+// continue castlingCheck;
+// }
+// }
+// // If this code is reached, castle is valid
+// moves.push(
+// new Move({
+// appear: [
+// new PiPo({ x: x, y: finalSquares[castleSide][0], p: V.KING, c: c }),
+// new PiPo({ x: x, y: finalSquares[castleSide][1], p: castlingPiece, c: c })
+// ],
+// vanish: [
+// new PiPo({ x: x, y: y, p: V.KING, c: c }),
+// new PiPo({ x: x, y: rookPos, p: castlingPiece, c: c })
+// ],
+// end:
+// Math.abs(y - rookPos) <= 2
+// ? { x: x, y: rookPos }
+// : { x: x, y: y + 2 * (castleSide == 0 ? -1 : 1) }
+// })
+// );
+// }
+// return moves;
+ }
+ underCheck(color) {
+ const oppCol = V.GetOppCol(color);
+ if (this.isAttacked(this.kingPos[color], oppCol)) return true;
+ for (let i=0; i<V.size.x; i++) {
+ for (let j=0; j<V.size.y; j++) {
+ if (
+ this.getColor(i, j) == color &&
+ this.getPiece(i, j) == V.QUEEN &&
+ this.isAttacked([i, j], oppCol)
+ ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ updateCastleFlags(move, piece) {
+// const c = V.GetOppCol(this.turn);
+// const firstRank = (c == "w" ? V.size.x - 1 : 0);
+// // Update castling flags if rooks are moved
+// const oppCol = V.GetOppCol(c);
+// const oppFirstRank = V.size.x - 1 - firstRank;
+// if (piece == V.KING && move.appear.length > 0)
+// this.castleFlags[c] = [V.size.y, V.size.y];
+// else if (
+// move.start.x == firstRank && //our rook moves?
+// this.castleFlags[c].includes(move.start.y)
+// ) {
+// const flagIdx = (move.start.y == this.castleFlags[c][0] ? 0 : 1);
+// this.castleFlags[c][flagIdx] = V.size.y;
+// } else if (
+// move.end.x == oppFirstRank && //we took opponent rook?
+// this.castleFlags[oppCol].includes(move.end.y)
+// ) {
+// const flagIdx = (move.end.y == this.castleFlags[oppCol][0] ? 0 : 1);
+// this.castleFlags[oppCol][flagIdx] = V.size.y;
+// }
+ }
+ // NOTE: do not set queen value to 1000 or so, because there may be several.