p.boxed | Two new pieces: camel and wildebeest. Bigger board. | Orthodox rules with a few adaptations. h3 Specifications ul li Chessboard: 11x10. li Material: standard + camel + wildebeest. li Non-capturing moves: standard (+ new pieces). li Special moves: standard (see below). li Captures: standard. li End of game: checkmate or stalemate win. h3 Basics p. Notation for camel is C and wildebeest is W. A camel moves as a knight but with a longer jump: 3 squares in one direction, and 1 left or right after that. The wildebeest combines the moving abilities of a camel and a knight. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:11/11/11/11/11/4C6/11/11/11/11 f2,h4,h6,f8,d8,b6,b4,d2: figcaption Squares reachable by the white camel on e5. h3 Special moves p. Castling is possible as in orthodox 8x8 game. The white king move to c1 or i1 (one square to the left of bottom-right corner) for large (resp. small) castle. Same for black on the other side. p. Promotion occurs when pawns reach last rank. They can only transform into a queen or a wildebeest. h3 End of the game p You can win by checkmating or stalemating the enemy king. p. Note: the castling rule is more restrictive than described in the original rules. The game seems OK like that, but this may change soon enough. h3 Credits p | Wildebeest page on a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/large.dir/wildebeest.html") chessvariants.com | .