p.boxed | Win by losing all your pieces. Capture is mandatory. h3 Specifications ul li Chessboard: standard. li Material: standard. li Non-capturing moves: standard (when allowed). li Special moves: no castle. li Captures: standard. li End of game: stalemate or lose all material. h3 Basics p. The goal is to lose all pieces, or get stalemated like on the following diagram. The king has no royal status: it can be taken as any other piece. Thus, there is no castle rule, no checks. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:6nB/6P1/8/4p3/2p1P3/2P5/8/8: figcaption White cannot move: 1-0. h3 Special moves p. Castling is not possible, but en-passant captures are allowed. Pawns may promote into king (so you can potentially have several kings on the board). h3 End of the game p You can win by losing all material or be stalemated. h3 Credits p | This is a popular variant, played in many places on the web. | A starting point can be the a(href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Losing_Chess") wikipedia page | .