p.boxed | Pawns advance diagonally and capture by moving forward. h3 Specifications ul li Chessboard: standard. li Material: standard. li Non-capturing moves: different pawn moves. li Special moves: standard (different en-passant). li Captures: standard (except pawns). li End of game: standard. h3 Basics p. Only the pawn movements change, but since there are many on the board it's a consequent change. They move diagonally instead of moving forward, and capture by advancing to the next square vertically. The initial 2-squares jump is allowed, as well as en-passant captures: after 1.d2b4 on the diagram, 1...Pxc3 e.p. is possible. p. Note about notation: pawns figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:r3kbnr/pp3ppp/3p4/4p3/8/8/PPPPPPPP/R1BQKBNR: figcaption After the moves 1.Nc3 d6?? 2.Nd5 e5 3.Nxc7 h3 More information p. Possible starting point Wikipedia page ?