.container#variantPage padding: 0 //.container#variantPage > .row > div @media screen and (max-width: 767px) .col-sm-12 padding: 0 @media screen and (max-width: 767px) h4 margin: 0 0 10px 0 p margin-left: 0 margin-right: 0 padding: 0 3px .warn padding: 3px color: red background-color: lightgrey font-weight: bold .playing, button.playing:hover background-color: #ffcc99 .seek, button.seek:hover background-color: #cc99ff // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5445491/height-equal-to-dynamic-width-css-fluid-layout figure.diagram-container > .diagram display: block width: 45% min-width: 300px max-width: 800px margin-left: auto margin-right: auto .connected, .disconnected width: 20px height: 20px margin: 0 auto 15px auto border: 1px solid brown .connected background-color: green .disconnected background-color: red // TODO: div.board, board9, board10, board11, board12 div.board float: left width: 12.5% height: 0 padding-bottom: 12.5% display: inline-block position: relative .game .board cursor: pointer #choices margin-bottom: 10px #choices margin: 0 auto 0 auto position: relative z-index: 300 overflow-y: inherit background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) //transparent #choices img cursor: pointer background-color: #e6ee9c #choices img:hover background-color: skyblue img.choice-piece height: 0 width: 90% padding: 5% height: 90% img.piece, img.mark-square, img.choice-piece max-width: 100% height: auto display: block img.mark-square opacity: 0.6 img.ghost position: absolute opacity: 0.4 top: 0 img.piece width: 100% img.mark-square width: 76% position: absolute top: 12% left: 12% opacity: .7 figure.diagram-container > figcaption display: block clear: both padding-top: 5px .light-square background-color: #f0d9b5 .dark-square background-color: #b58863 .highlight background-color: #00cc66 .incheck background-color: #cc3300 .light-square-diag background-color: #e5e5ca .dark-square-diag background-color: #6f8f57 p.boxed background-color: #FFCC66 padding: 5px .stageDelimiter color: purple // To show (new) pieces, and/or there values... figure.showPieces > img width: 50px figure.showPieces > figcaption color: #6C6C6C figure.diagram-container margin: 15px 0 15px 0 text-align: center width: 100% display: block .section-title padding: 0 .section-title > h4 padding: 5px .section-content padding: 5px ol, ul:not(.browser-default) padding-left: 20px ul:not(.browser-default) margin-top: 5px ul:not(.browser-default) > li list-style-type: disc .rulesTitle font-weight: bold cursor: pointer padding: 3px; background-color: lightgrey