.boxtitle font-weight: bold .variant color: black margin-top: 20px a color: #663300 .help cursor: pointer .card > h3.section.blue color: #0033cc .card > h3.section.red color: #cc3300 .main-title font-style: italic #welcome, #help max-height: 100vh max-width: 90vw .conditional-jump display: block @media screen and (max-width: 710px) .conditional-jump display: inline @media screen and (max-width: 400px) #welcome, #help max-width: 100vw #welcome ul list-style-type: none #welcome ul > li font-family: monospace .read-this color: blue text-decoration: underline cursor: pointer .emphasis font-style: italic color: purple .disable-msg cursor: pointer color: darkred .smallfont font-size: 0.8em table.list-table width: 300px margin: 0 auto border: 0 tbody border: 0 tr border: 0 margin: 0 padding: 0 td padding: 0 text-align: left border: 0