#main-title font-style: italic background: linear-gradient(#e66465, #9198e5) margin-top: 0 margin-left: 0 margin-right: 0 img height: 30px span padding-left: 10px padding-right: 15px // TODO: box-shadow or box-sizeing ? //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9601357/placing-border-inside-of-div-and-not-on-its-edge .variant box-sizing: border-box border: 1px solid brown background-color: lightyellow a color: #663300 .boxtitle font-weight: bold #needHelp cursor: pointer #readThis color: blue text-decoration: underline cursor: pointer #b4welcome max-width: 320px #welcome max-width: 90vw @media screen and (max-width: 767px) max-width: 100vw ul list-style-type: none // TODO: bad practice, use table to align things... table.list-table width: 300px margin: 0 auto border: 0 tbody border: 0 tr border: 0 margin: 0 padding: 0 td padding: 0 text-align: left border: 0 #disableMsg cursor: pointer color: darkred