// main playing hall: chat + online players + current challenges + button "new game" // TODO: my-challenge-list, gérant clicks sur challenges, affichage, réception/émission des infos sur challenges ; de même, my-player-list // TODO: si on est en train de jouer une partie, le notifier aux nouveaux connectés /* TODO: surligner si nouveau défi perso et pas affichage courant (cadences base + incrément, corr == incr >= 1jour ou base >= 7j) --> correspondance: stocker sur serveur lastMove + uid + color + movesCount + gameId + variant + timeleft fin de partie corr: supprimer partie du serveur au bout de 7 jours (arbitraire) main time should be positive (no 0+2 & cie...) */ // TODO: au moins l'échange des coups en P2P ? // TODO: objet game, objet challenge ? et player ? Vue.component('my-room', { props: ["conn","settings"], data: function () { return { gdisplay: "live", user: user, liveGames: [], corrGames: [], players: [], //online players challenges: [], //live challenges people: [], //people who connect to this room (or disconnect) }; }, // Modal new game, and then sub-components template: `

{{ translate("Game state (FEN):") }}

TODO: cadence, adversaire (pre-filled if click on name)

cadence 2m+12s ou 7d+1d (m,s ou d,d) --> main, increment

Note: leave FEN blank for random; FEN only for targeted challenge

Online players

{{ p.name }}
`, created: function() { // TODO: ask server for current corr games (all but mines: names, ID, time control) const socketMessageListener = msg => { const data = JSON.parse(msg.data); switch (data.code) { case "newgame": // TODO: new game just started: data contain all informations // (id, players, time control, fenStart ...) break; // TODO: also receive live games summaries (update) // (just players names, time control, and ID + player ID) case "acceptchallenge": // oppid: opponent socket ID (or DB id if registered) if (true) //TODO: if challenge is full this.newGame(data.challenge, data.user); //user.id et user.name break; case "withdrawchallenge": // TODO break; case "cancelchallenge": // TODO break; // TODO: distinguish these (dis)connect events from their analogs in game.js case "connect": this.players.push({name:data.name, id:data.uid}); break; case "disconnect": const pIdx = this.players.findIndex(p => p.id == data.uid); this.players.splice(pIdx); break; } }; const socketCloseListener = () => { this.conn.addEventListener('message', socketMessageListener); this.conn.addEventListener('close', socketCloseListener); }; this.conn.onmessage = socketMessageListener; this.conn.onclose = socketCloseListener; }, methods: { translate: translate, showGame: function(game) { let hash = "#game?id=" + game.id; if (!!game.uid) hash += "&uid=" + game.uid; location.hash = hash; }, challenge: function(player) { this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"sendchallenge", oppid:p.id, user:{name:user.name,id:user.id}})); }, clickChallenge: function(challenge) { const index = this.challenges.findIndex(c => c.id == challenge.id); const toIdx = challenge.to.findIndex(p => p.id == user.id); const me = {name:user.name,id:user.id}; if (toIdx >= 0) { // It's a multiplayer challenge I accepted: withdraw this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"withdrawchallenge", cid:challenge.id, user:me})); this.challenges.to.splice(toIdx, 1); } else if (challenge.from.id == user.id) //it's my challenge: cancel it { this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"cancelchallenge", cid:challenge.id})); this.challenges.splice(index, 1); } else //accept a challenge { this.conn.send(JSON.stringify({code:"acceptchallenge", cid:challenge.id, user:me})); this.challenges[index].to.push(me); } }, // user: last person to accept the challenge newGame: function(chall, user) { const fen = chall.fen || V.GenRandInitFen(); const game = {}; //TODO: fen, players, time ... //setStorage(game); //TODO game.players.forEach(p => { this.conn.send( JSON.stringify({code:"newgame", oppid:p.id, game:game})); }); if (this.settings.sound >= 1) new Audio("/sounds/newgame.mp3").play().catch(err => {}); }, }, });