p.boxed. 10x10 board with four new pieces. Orthodox rules with a few exceptions. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:2cwamwc2/1rnbqkbnr1/pppppppppp/91/91/91/91/PPPPPPPPPP/1RNBQKBNR1/2CWAMWC2: figcaption Initial deterministic position p There are four new pieces on the first rank: ul li Marshall (M) = rook + knight, li Archbishop (A) = bishop + knight, li Champion (C) = dabbabah + alfil + wazir, li Wizard (W) = camel + ferz. p. Since the pieces mentioned to describe champion and wizard's movements might be unknown, here is how they move: figure.diagram-container .diagram.diag12 | fen:91/91/91/91/91/4C5/91/91/91/91 c7,e7,g7,e6,c5,d5,f5,g5,e4,c3,e3,g3: .diagram.diag22 | fen:91/91/91/91/4W5/91/91/91/91/91 d9,f9,b7,h7,b5,h5,d3,f3,d7,f7,d5,f5: figcaption Left: movements of the champion. Right: movements of the wizard. p. The pawns behave as in orthodox chess, with a possible initial two-squares jump. They promote in queen, marshall or archbishop. There is no castling. h3 Source p a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/contests/10/tencubedchess.html") | Tencubed chess |  on chessvariants.com. p Inventor: David Paulowich (2005)