p.boxed | Win by losing all your pieces. Capture is mandatory. p. The goal is to lose all pieces, or get stalemated like on the following diagram. The king has no royal status: it can be taken as any other piece. Thus, there is no castle rule, no checks. p. Captures are mandatory, but when several capturing moves are possible you can choose. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:6nB/6P1/8/4p3/2p1P3/2P5/8/8: figcaption White cannot move: 1-0. h3 Special moves p. Castling is not possible, but en-passant captures are allowed. Pawns may promote into king (so you can potentially have several kings on the board). h3 More information p | This is a popular variant, played in many places on the web. | A starting point can be the a(href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Losing_Chess") Wikipedia page | . Note: this variant has several names, we choose here the same as a(href="https://www.freechess.org/Help/HelpFiles/suicide_chess.html") | on FICS | .