p.boxed | Bishops and queen are less powerful then in standard chess. | Special promotion rules. p. From left to right: pawn, rook, knight, bishop (elephant), queen (general), king. figure.showPieces.text-center img(src="/images/pieces/Sittuyin/wp.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Sittuyin/wr.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Sittuyin/wn.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Sittuyin/wb.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Sittuyin/wq.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Sittuyin/wk.svg") figcaption "White" pieces, in red. "Black" pieces are green. ul li Elephants replace the orthodox bishops. li General replace the orthodox queen. li The only special pawn move is the promotion, always to a general. li There is no castling option. h3 First move figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:8/8/4pppp/pppp4/4PPPP/PPPP4/8/8: figcaption Initial setup. p. The initial setup contains only the pawns. Indeed, at the first move you can arrange the pieces as you wish behind the pawns line. You must place every one of them, with rooks on the first rank. h3 Pieces movements p. The general moves by one square in any diagonal direction. The elephant moves one square forward, or like a general. All other pieces move as in orthodox chess. h3 Promotion figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 a8,b7,c6,d5,e5,f6,g7,h8: figcaption Squares where promotion is allowed. p. A pawn can promote when, at the beginning of a turn, it is placed on any of the marked squares (from a player point of view). You can either promote on a diagonally adjacent square (if it is empty), or in place: this last option is obtained in the interface by "moving" one square backward. If you only have one pawn remaining, it can promote from any square. Promotion is always in a general, and you can have only one general on the board. The promoted general cannot attack any opponent's piece, nor can he discover a rook attack on the enemy king. h3 Source p a(href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HIPJLJBU2F6R6vxGziU6j8MHoHu_Kmab") | How to play Myanmar Traditional Chess | . This variant is also playable a(href="https://www.pychess.org/variant/sittuyin") on pychess-variants | .