p.boxed | Every captured piece change color and can be dropped back later. | Most pieces can promote on the three last ranks. p | The following description is often borrowed from the a(href="https://www.pychess.org/variant/shogi") Shogi guide |  on pychess-variants, where I found the pieces images. | Shogi is played on a 9 x 9 board. | The side with a black king starts the game. p. Captures are achieved by replacement on the destination square. Any captured unit is added to a reserve of "pocket" pieces. At each turn you can drop one of these pieces instead of moving one. A dropped piece must be able to move, theoretically, considering only its position on the board. Pawns cannot be dropped on a file already containing a pawn of the same color. They also can't be dropped to give checkmate. h3 Pieces movements h4 King, rook, bishop figure.showPieces.text-center img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wk.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/bk.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wr.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wb.svg") figcaption From left to right: black & white kings, rook, bishop. p These pieces look different but move exactly as in orthodox chess. h4 | Gold General img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wg.svg") p. The gold general moves by one square only, either like a rook or diagonally forward. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:9/9/9/3b5/4Gp3/9/9/9/9 d6,e6,f6,d5,f5,e4: figcaption Gold general movements. h4 | Silver General img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/ws.svg") p. The silver general moves by one square only, either like a bishop or orthogonally forward. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:9/9/9/3b5/4S4/5p3/9/9/9 d6,e6,f6,d4,f4: figcaption Silver general movements. h4 | Knight img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wn.svg") p. The knight moves like a restricted orthodox knight: two squares forward, and one to the side as the diagram illustrates. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:9/9/5p3/9/4N4/9/9/9/9 d7,f7: figcaption Knight movements. h4 | Lance img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wl.svg") p The lance moves like a rook but only in one direction: forward. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:9/4p4/9/9/9/4L4/9/9/9 e5,e6,e7,e8: figcaption Lance movements. h4 | Pawn img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wl.svg") p. The pawn moves like in orthodox chess (without two squares initial move), and he also captures in this way. h3 Promotion p. All pieces except the gold general and the king can be promoted, by playing a move arriving on one of the three last ranks. Promotion is optional unless a normal move would result in a blocked piece. Capturing a promoted piece put the non-promoted form in the reserve. figure.showPieces.text-center img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wq.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wo.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wm.svg") img(src="/images/pieces/Shogi/wt.svg") figcaption. Promotions from left to right: pawn ('Q'), knight ('O'), lance ('M'), and silver general ('T'). p. Minor pieces in this game are the pawn, knight, lance and silver general. They all promote to a gold general: only their appearance differ. The rook and the bishop promote respectively into a Dragon King and a Dragon Horse, which allow them to move like a king in addition to their usual movements. figure.diagram-container .diagram.diag12 | fen:9/9/9/9/4D4/9/9/9/9 a5,b5,c5,d5,f5,g5,h5,i5,e1,e2,e3,e4,e6,e7,e8,e9,d4,d6,f6,f4: .diagram.diag22 | fen:9/9/9/9/4H4/9/9/9/9 a9,b8,c7,d6,f4,g3,h2,i1,a1,b2,c3,d4,f6,g7,h8,i9,d5,e6,f5,e4: figcaption Left: promoted rook. Right: promoted bishop. h3 More information p | This game is very popular in Japan, so a lot of resources can be found | online. A good starting point is the a(href="https://www.pychess.org/variant/shogi") Shogi page |  at pychess-variants, where you can also play, and / or the a(href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shogi") Wikipedia page | .