p.boxed | You have two new pieces in a pocket, which can appear after any | first piece movement. p. When a piece is moved for the first time, it is possible to place a new piece at its initial square. You have two pieces that can enter the game like this: ul li The Hawk (H): moving like a bishop + knight. li The Elephant (E): moving like a rook + knight. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/2N5/PPPPPPPP/REBQKBNR: figcaption. Position after 1.Nc3/E. White moved his knight from b1 to c3 and placed the elephant on b1. p. After castling, a new piece can be put at the initial king square (if not occupied), or at the initial rook square - but not both. p. If a move let the king under check, then it is forbidden, even if placing a pocket piece would have covered the check. h3 Source p | Some explanations about the rules and a link to buy a physical S-Chess set | on the a(href="http://www.seirawanchess.com/") Seirawan Chess page | . This variant is playable on a(href="https://www.pychess.org/variant/seirawan") pychess-variants |  with an engine available for analysis. See also the a(href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seirawan_chess") Wikipedia page | . p Inventors: Yasser Seirawan and Bruce Harper (2008)