p.boxed | Capturing your own pieces is possible: captured units | can be landed anywhere instead of moving a piece. p | Orthodox rules apply, with only one change: | at each turn you can choose to eat one of your pieces, augmenting your | "reserve" of waiting pieces with this figure. At every move, you may | choose to land one of your reserve pieces anywhere on the board | (except first and last ranks for pawns), instead of playing a regular move. p. Move notation: an arobase '@' indicate piece landing. For example B@d4 means a bishop rebirth on d4 square, and @f3 is a pawn landing on f3. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:rnbqkb1r/ppppnppp/8/4N3/3p4/8/PPPPPPPP/1RBQKBNR: figcaption After 1.Rxb1 Nxe7 2.N@e5 @d4 p. Note: when a pawn reaches the 8th(1st) rank, it will get removed from the board. It will not be replaced by another piece. It does not promote. h3 Source p a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/difftaking.dir/recyclechess.html") Recycle chess |  on chessvariants.com.