p.boxed | All pieces can promote. Captured units can be dropped later. | 10x10 board. Some new pieces. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:rnbqkmcbnr/pppppppppp/91/91/91/91/91/91/PPPPPPPPPP/RNBQKMCBNR: figcaption Initial deterministic position. p. At the very first move, players may decide to swap positions of adjacent knights and bishops. Either on both sides, or on one only. To bypass this step (or end it after a first swap), move your king to the opponent's king. figure.showPieces.text-center img(src="/images/pieces/Pandemonium/wc.svg" style="width:60px") img(src="/images/pieces/Pandemonium/bm.svg" style="width:60px") figcaption Cardinal = Bishop + Knight, Marshal = Rook + Knight. p. Known pieces move as usual, with one exception: the pawn only promotes to a queen (named "Gilding" in this game). Additionally, all pieces can promote — except queen and king: ul li Rook promotes into Dragon = Rook + King. li Knight promotes into Scepter = Knight + King. li Bishop promotes into Horse = Bishop + King. li Cardinal promotes into Queen (called "Whole" here). li Marshal promotes into Queen (called "Apricot" here). p. All these promotions are optional. They are available after a move ending at or starting from the last rank. p. Each captured piece is first returned to its unpromoted version (if applicable), and then added to a reserve. It can be dropped later in place of a move. h3 Some details p. Pawns can initially advance three squares. On the third rank, they can still advance two squares. A dropped pawn cannot give checkmate. p While castling, the king moves three squares lateraly. p. Threefold repetition is a draw, unless caused by a perpetual check. In this case, the player giving check loses. h3 More information p | See the a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/rules/pandemonium") | chessvariants page | . p Inventor: Daphne Snowmoon (2020).