p.boxed. Pieces movements and captures are complex. You can win by occupying the two squares of the last rank. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:xxx2xxx/1g1qk1g1/1bnmrnb1/dppppppd/8/8/8/DPPPPPPD/1BNMRNB1/1G1QK1G1/xxx2xxx: figcaption Initial deterministic position p | The pawns, queen, rook, inverted rook and knights are respectively called | Pincers, Withdrawer, Coordinator, Immobilizer and Long Leapers. They behave | exactly as in Baroque chess - so I won't describe them here, please read | the a(href="/#/variants/Baroque") Baroque rules | . p. The bishop is a Chameleon, which capture pieces in the way themselves would capture. Its captures are thus the same as in Baroque chess, with a few exceptions: it captures the King and the Mage only when standing on an adjacent square. h3 New pieces, new movements p | The inverted queen is a Mage, moving one square diagonally and then | potentially several squares orthogonally as the figure | shows. It captures by replacement. See a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/piececlopedia.dir/griffon.html") | this page |  for a detailed introduction to this piece. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:xxx2xxx/8/8/8/8/3G4/8/8/8/8/xxx2xxx c7,c8,c9,c10,b7,a7,c5,c4,c3,c2,b5,a5,e5,e4,e3,e2,e1,e7,e8,e9,e10,e11,f7,g7,h7,f5,g5,h5: figcaption Mage movements. p In this game the Mage is the only piece which cannot be immobilized. p. The piece looking like a king without a cross moves and captures like a regular king, but has no royal status. It is called a Guard in this game. p. Finally, the king moves like an orthodox knight with an extra ability: he evolves on a cylindrical board. That means he can potentially move to the columns 'a' or 'b' from the columns 'g' or 'h' (and vice versa). He also capture by replacement. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:xxx2xxx/8/8/8/8/K7/8/8/8/8/xxx2xxx b4,b8,c5,c7,g5,g7,h4,h8: figcaption King movements. h3 End of the game p. A stalemate is a draw, and a checkmate wins. There are two other options to win a game: ul li. Occupy both squares "of the enemy palace" (the two squares of the last rank), or li Capture all opponent' pieces (except the king). p. You can have one piece in your own palace, but it's forbidden to fully occupy it. h3 Source p | The a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/dpieces.dir/maxima/maxima.html") | Maxima variant |  on chessvariants.com. p Inventor: Roberto Lavieri (2003)