p.boxed | Move twice at every turn. p. The only difference with orthodox chess is the double-move rule, but this affects the game a lot. p. At the very first move of the game, white make only one move - as usual. However, after that and for all the game each side must play twice at every turn. There are two exceptions: ul li. If the first move gives check (maybe checkmate), then a second move isn't played. li. If no move is available after the first move, then it's stalemate and again, there is no second move. p. About the PGN game notation: when a side plays two moves in a row, they are separated (in order) by a comma in the PGN. Example: 3.Na5,Bd3 e6,f4 (the two first are white moves, the two others are black moves). figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:r1bqkbnr/pppp1p1p/2n5/4p2p/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNB1KB1R: figcaption After the moves 1.e4 e5,Nc6 2.Qh5,Nf3 g6,gxh5 h3 En-passant capture p. Capturing en-passant is allowed under certain conditions. If the opponent moved a pawn allowing such a capture (once or twice), then (to take it) you must capture en-passant at the first move of your turn. After that, if (and only if) there is another en-passant capture available you can play it on the second move. p. Note: if a pawn 2-squares jump was made and then a piece landed at the en-passant square at the second move, a pawn capture on this square takes only the piece. And, if a pawn advanced twice then en-passant capture on its first movement is impossible (the pawn is now "too far"). h3 More information p | See for example the a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/multimove.dir/marseill.html") | Marseillais Chess |  page on chessvariants.com.