p.boxed | Win by losing all your pieces except the king. Capture is mandatory. p. The goal is to lose all pieces except the king, or get stalemated or checkmated like on the following diagram. All usual chess rules apply, but captures are mandatory. When several captures are possible you can choose: from the diagram position 1.Nf3?? and 1.g4?! allow respectively 1...Qxf3 and 1...Nxg4. figure.diagram-container .diagram | fen:r1b1kb1r/p2ppp1p/2q2np1/8/7P/7R/PP1PPPP1/RNB1KBN1: figcaption 1.g3 forces 1...Qxc1# checkmate h3 More information p | This variant can be played a(href="https://www.freechess.org/Help/HelpFiles/losers.html") on FICS | . We follow their naming choice.