p.boxed. Rook and bishop can fusion to become a queen, if the queen disappeared. p. If a side lacks a queen, then a special fusion move is allowed by "capturing" a rook with a bishop (and conversely). The result of the capture is a queen, hence the variant name. figure.diagram-container .diagram.diag12 | fen:1R6/1pr2k2/p1p1p2p/3p3p/2nP3P/1NP3P1/PPK1P3/2R3B1: .diagram.diag22 | fen:1R6/1pr2k2/p1p1p2p/3p3p/2nP3P/1NP3P1/PPK1P3/6Q1: figcaption Left: before Rxg1=Q. Right: after the move. h3 Source p | This variant is a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/play/erf/CoronatC.html") mentioned here | .