h3 History p. This website was born after Patrick Bernier told me about a variant he invented: l'Échiqueté ('Checkered' here), which involves pieces that both sides can play. Back in 2012, I developed a small website allowing to play this variant by correspondance. A few years later I had a prototype to play in live, then other variants were added. h3 Notes p ELO rating is purposely absent from this website. p. Games start by default with a random asymmetric position. Random symmetric or even deterministic positions are available too, if you prefer more fairness (but also less fun? :-P ). h3 Contribute p a(href="https://github.com/yagu0/vchess") The source code |  is freely available on Github. | It relies on Express, Vue and Webpack. | All contributions are welcome: ul li Translations: see client/src/translations/ folder li. Styling: see <style> parts of .vue files in client/src/{components,views} li The code in general: see section 'Issues' on Github h3 Acknowledgments p. Quite many people helped for this website, testing, giving ideas, motivating me to achieve this project. Thanks to you all! :-) h3 Related links #links a(href="https://www.chessvariants.com/") chessvariants.com a(href="https://greenchess.net/") greenchess.net a(href="http://pychess-variants.herokuapp.com/") pychess-variants.com a(href="https://musketeerchess.net/home/index.html") musketeerchess.net a(href="https://schemingmind.com/") schemingmind.com div a(href="https://echekk.fr/spip.php?page=rubrique&id_rubrique=1") echekk.fr span  (in French) a(href="https://brainking.com/") brainking.com